This is the complete list of members for inviwo::DataWriterType< T >, including all inherited members.
addExtension(FileExtension ext) (defined in inviwo::DataWriter) | inviwo::DataWriter | |
canWrite(const std::type_index &index) const override (defined in inviwo::DataWriterType< T >) | inviwo::DataWriterType< T > | inlineprotectedvirtual |
checkOverwrite(const std::filesystem::path &path, Overwrite overwrite) | inviwo::DataWriter | static |
checkOverwrite(const std::filesystem::path &path) const | inviwo::DataWriter | |
clone() const override=0 (defined in inviwo::DataWriterType< T >) | inviwo::DataWriterType< T > | pure virtual |
DataWriter() (defined in inviwo::DataWriter) | inviwo::DataWriter | |
DataWriter(const DataWriter &rhs) (defined in inviwo::DataWriter) | inviwo::DataWriter | |
DataWriter(DataWriter &&rhs) noexcept=default (defined in inviwo::DataWriter) | inviwo::DataWriter | |
DataWriterType()=default (defined in inviwo::DataWriterType< T >) | inviwo::DataWriterType< T > | |
DataWriterType(const DataWriterType &rhs)=default (defined in inviwo::DataWriterType< T >) | inviwo::DataWriterType< T > | |
DataWriterType(DataWriterType &&rhs) noexcept=default (defined in inviwo::DataWriterType< T >) | inviwo::DataWriterType< T > | |
extensions_ (defined in inviwo::DataWriter) | inviwo::DataWriter | protected |
getExtensions() const (defined in inviwo::DataWriter) | inviwo::DataWriter | |
getOption(std::string_view key) const | inviwo::DataWriter | inlinevirtual |
getOverwrite() const (defined in inviwo::DataWriter) | inviwo::DataWriter | |
open(const std::filesystem::path &path, std::ios_base::openmode mode=std::ios_base::out) const | inviwo::DataWriter | protected |
operator=(const DataWriterType &that)=default (defined in inviwo::DataWriterType< T >) | inviwo::DataWriterType< T > | |
operator=(DataWriterType &&that) noexcept=default (defined in inviwo::DataWriterType< T >) | inviwo::DataWriterType< T > | |
operator=(const DataWriter &that) (defined in inviwo::DataWriter) | inviwo::DataWriter | |
operator=(DataWriter &&that) noexcept=default (defined in inviwo::DataWriter) | inviwo::DataWriter | |
overwrite_ (defined in inviwo::DataWriter) | inviwo::DataWriter | protected |
setOption(std::string_view key, std::any value) | inviwo::DataWriter | inlinevirtual |
setOverwrite(Overwrite val) (defined in inviwo::DataWriter) | inviwo::DataWriter | |
writeData(const T *data, const std::filesystem::path &filePath) const =0 | inviwo::DataWriterType< T > | pure virtual |
writeDataToBuffer(const T *, std::string_view) const (defined in inviwo::DataWriterType< T >) | inviwo::DataWriterType< T > | inlinevirtual |
writesType() const (defined in inviwo::DataWriter) | inviwo::DataWriter | inline |
~DataWriter()=default (defined in inviwo::DataWriter) | inviwo::DataWriter | virtual |
~DataWriterType() override=default (defined in inviwo::DataWriterType< T >) | inviwo::DataWriterType< T > | virtual |