This is the complete list of members for inviwo::LayerRAM, including all inherited members.
clone() const override=0 (defined in inviwo::LayerRAM) | inviwo::LayerRAM | pure virtual |
config() const (defined in inviwo::LayerRepresentation) | inviwo::LayerRepresentation | |
copyRepresentationsTo(LayerRepresentation *) const override | inviwo::LayerRAM | virtual |
dispatch(Callable &&callable, Args &&... args) -> Result | inviwo::LayerRAM | |
dispatch(Callable &&callable, Args &&... args) const -> Result | inviwo::LayerRAM | |
getAsDouble(const size2_t &pos) const =0 (defined in inviwo::LayerRAM) | inviwo::LayerRAM | pure virtual |
getAsDVec2(const size2_t &pos) const =0 (defined in inviwo::LayerRAM) | inviwo::LayerRAM | pure virtual |
getAsDVec3(const size2_t &pos) const =0 (defined in inviwo::LayerRAM) | inviwo::LayerRAM | pure virtual |
getAsDVec4(const size2_t &pos) const =0 (defined in inviwo::LayerRAM) | inviwo::LayerRAM | pure virtual |
getAsNormalizedDouble(const size2_t &pos) const =0 (defined in inviwo::LayerRAM) | inviwo::LayerRAM | pure virtual |
getAsNormalizedDVec2(const size2_t &pos) const =0 (defined in inviwo::LayerRAM) | inviwo::LayerRAM | pure virtual |
getAsNormalizedDVec3(const size2_t &pos) const =0 (defined in inviwo::LayerRAM) | inviwo::LayerRAM | pure virtual |
getAsNormalizedDVec4(const size2_t &pos) const =0 (defined in inviwo::LayerRAM) | inviwo::LayerRAM | pure virtual |
getData()=0 (defined in inviwo::LayerRAM) | inviwo::LayerRAM | pure virtual |
getData() const =0 (defined in inviwo::LayerRAM) | inviwo::LayerRAM | pure virtual |
getDataFormat() const =0 (defined in inviwo::LayerRepresentation) | inviwo::LayerRepresentation | pure virtual |
getDataFormatId() const (defined in inviwo::LayerRepresentation) | inviwo::LayerRepresentation | inline |
getDataFormatString() const (defined in inviwo::LayerRepresentation) | inviwo::LayerRepresentation | inline |
getDimensions() const =0 (defined in inviwo::LayerRepresentation) | inviwo::LayerRepresentation | pure virtual |
getInterpolation() const =0 (defined in inviwo::LayerRepresentation) | inviwo::LayerRepresentation | pure virtual |
getLayerType() const (defined in inviwo::LayerRepresentation) | inviwo::LayerRepresentation | |
getSwizzleMask() const =0 (defined in inviwo::LayerRepresentation) | inviwo::LayerRepresentation | pure virtual |
getTypeIndex() const override final (defined in inviwo::LayerRAM) | inviwo::LayerRAM | virtual |
getWrapping() const =0 (defined in inviwo::LayerRepresentation) | inviwo::LayerRepresentation | pure virtual |
LayerRAM(LayerType type=LayerType::Color) (defined in inviwo::LayerRAM) | inviwo::LayerRAM | protected |
LayerRAM(const LayerRAM &rhs)=default (defined in inviwo::LayerRAM) | inviwo::LayerRAM | protected |
LayerRepresentation(LayerType type=LayerType::Color) (defined in inviwo::LayerRepresentation) | inviwo::LayerRepresentation | protected |
LayerRepresentation(const LayerRepresentation &rhs)=default (defined in inviwo::LayerRepresentation) | inviwo::LayerRepresentation | protected |
layerType_ (defined in inviwo::LayerRepresentation) | inviwo::LayerRepresentation | protected |
operator=(const LayerRAM &that)=default (defined in inviwo::LayerRAM) | inviwo::LayerRAM | protected |
operator=(const LayerRepresentation &that)=default (defined in inviwo::LayerRepresentation) | inviwo::LayerRepresentation | protected |
posToIndex(const size2_t &pos, const size2_t &dim) (defined in inviwo::LayerRAM) | inviwo::LayerRAM | inlinestatic |
setData(void *data, size2_t dimensions)=0 (defined in inviwo::LayerRAM) | inviwo::LayerRAM | pure virtual |
setDimensions(size2_t dimensions)=0 | inviwo::LayerRepresentation | pure virtual |
setFromDouble(const size2_t &pos, double val)=0 (defined in inviwo::LayerRAM) | inviwo::LayerRAM | pure virtual |
setFromDVec2(const size2_t &pos, dvec2 val)=0 (defined in inviwo::LayerRAM) | inviwo::LayerRAM | pure virtual |
setFromDVec3(const size2_t &pos, dvec3 val)=0 (defined in inviwo::LayerRAM) | inviwo::LayerRAM | pure virtual |
setFromDVec4(const size2_t &pos, dvec4 val)=0 (defined in inviwo::LayerRAM) | inviwo::LayerRAM | pure virtual |
setFromNormalizedDouble(const size2_t &pos, double val)=0 (defined in inviwo::LayerRAM) | inviwo::LayerRAM | pure virtual |
setFromNormalizedDVec2(const size2_t &pos, dvec2 val)=0 (defined in inviwo::LayerRAM) | inviwo::LayerRAM | pure virtual |
setFromNormalizedDVec3(const size2_t &pos, dvec3 val)=0 (defined in inviwo::LayerRAM) | inviwo::LayerRAM | pure virtual |
setFromNormalizedDVec4(const size2_t &pos, dvec4 val)=0 (defined in inviwo::LayerRAM) | inviwo::LayerRAM | pure virtual |
setInterpolation(InterpolationType interpolation)=0 | inviwo::LayerRepresentation | pure virtual |
setSwizzleMask(const SwizzleMask &mask)=0 | inviwo::LayerRepresentation | pure virtual |
setWrapping(const Wrapping2D &wrapping)=0 | inviwo::LayerRepresentation | pure virtual |
~LayerRAM()=default (defined in inviwo::LayerRAM) | inviwo::LayerRAM | virtual |
~LayerRepresentation()=default (defined in inviwo::LayerRepresentation) | inviwo::LayerRepresentation | virtual |