Inviwo 0.9.12-pre
Inviwo documentation
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class  inviwo::Processor
 A processor generally performs operation on input data and outputs the new result. More...
class  inviwo::ImageSourceSeries
class  inviwo::ImageStackVolumeSource
class  inviwo::InputSelector< InportType, OutportType >
 processor for selecting one of n connected inputs More...
class  inviwo::MeshColorFromNormals
class  inviwo::MeshConverterProcessor
class  inviwo::MeshCreator
class  inviwo::MeshExport
class  inviwo::MeshPlaneClipping
class  inviwo::MeshSequenceElementSelectorProcessor
class  inviwo::MeshSource
class  inviwo::OrdinalPropertyAnimator
class  inviwo::PixelToBufferProcessor
class  inviwo::PointLightSourceProcessor
class  inviwo::RandomSphereGenerator
class  inviwo::SingleVoxel
class  inviwo::SpotLightSourceProcessor
class  inviwo::SurfaceExtraction
class  inviwo::TrianglesToWireframe
class  inviwo::BasisTransform< T >
class  inviwo::VolumeBoundaryPlanes
class  inviwo::VolumeCurlCPUProcessor
class  inviwo::VolumeExport
class  inviwo::VolumeGradientCPUProcessor
class  inviwo::VolumeLaplacianProcessor
class  inviwo::VolumeSequenceElementSelectorProcessor
class  inviwo::VolumeShifter
class  inviwo::WorldTransformDeprecated< T >
class  inviwo::TransformListProperty
class  inviwo::DrawLines
 Interactive 2D line drawing. More...
class  inviwo::DrawPoints
 Interactive 2D point drawing. More...
class  inviwo::EmbeddedVolumeSlice
class  inviwo::FirstIvwProcessor
class  inviwo::GeometryEntryExitPoints
class  inviwo::ColumnLayout
class  inviwo::RowLayout
class  inviwo::FindEdges
class  inviwo::ImageCompositeProcessorGL
class  inviwo::ImageLayoutGL
class  inviwo::ImageSubsetGL
class  inviwo::ISORaycaster
class  inviwo::LightingRaycaster
class  inviwo::LightVolumeGL
class  inviwo::MeshPicking
 Composite image with geometry where geometry repositioned through picking. More...
class  inviwo::MultichannelRaycaster
class  inviwo::AtlasVolumeRaycaster
class  inviwo::MultiChannelVolumeRaycaster
class  inviwo::SphericalVolumeRaycaster
class  inviwo::StandardVolumeRaycaster
class  inviwo::RedGreenProcessor
class  inviwo::VolumeDiff
class  inviwo::VolumeLowPass
class  inviwo::VolumeMapping
class  inviwo::VolumeRegionShrink
class  inviwo::VolumeRaycaster
class  inviwo::VolumeSliceGL
class  inviwo::BrushingAndLinkingProcessor
class  inviwo::CSVSource
class  inviwo::DataFrameExporter
class  inviwo::DataFrameFilter
class  inviwo::DataFrameFloat32Converter
class  inviwo::DataFrameJoin
class  inviwo::DataFrameMetaData
class  inviwo::ImageToDataFrame
class  inviwo::SyntheticDataFrame
class  inviwo::VolumeSequenceToDataFrame
class  inviwo::VolumeToDataFrame
class  inviwo::DataFrameTable
class  inviwo::TestMatrix
class  inviwo::TextOverlayGL
class  inviwo::hdf5::PathSelection
class  inviwo::hdf5::Source
class  inviwo::hdf5::HDF5ToVolume
class  inviwo::CalcNormalsProcessor
class  inviwo::CanvasWithPropertiesProcessor
class  inviwo::plot::DataFrameColumnToColorVector
class  inviwo::plot::ScatterPlotMatrixProcessor
class  inviwo::plot::ScatterPlotProcessor
class  inviwo::DepthOfField
class  inviwo::CropWidget
class  inviwo::VolumeRegionMapper
class  inviwo::WebBrowserProcessor
 Render webpage into the color and picking layers (OpenGL). More...
class  inviwo::MeshMapping
 Maps the contents of a buffer to colors of a mesh via a transfer function. More...
class  inviwo::StereoCameraSyncer
 A processor linking a left and right camera. More...
class  inviwo::TFSelector
 processor for selecting a transfer function from a number of customizable presets More...
class  inviwo::CubeRenderer
 Renders input geometry with 3D cube glyphs using OpenGL shaders. More...
class  inviwo::ImageGradient
 Computes the gradient of one channel of the input image. More...
class  inviwo::ImageHighPass
 Applies a high pass filter on the input image. More...
class  inviwo::ImageLayer
 extracts the selected layer from the source image and outputs it as color layer. More...
class  inviwo::ImageLowPass
 Applies a low pass filter on the input image using either constant weight or Gaussian weights. More...
class  inviwo::ImageMixer
 Mixes two input images according to the chosen blend mode. More...
class  inviwo::ImageOverlayGL
 Places one or more input images on top of the source image. More...
class  inviwo::ImageResample
 Resamples the input image, which corresponds to upscaling or downscaling to the respective target resolution. More...
class  inviwo::ImageScaling
 Processor for up-scaling or down-scaling an image. Modifies the resize events by scaling them before they are propagated further. More...
class  inviwo::Jacobian2D
 Computes the Jacobian of a two channel image. More...
class  inviwo::PointRenderer
 Renders input geometry with 2D points. More...
class  inviwo::SplitImage
 Processor providing split screen functionality for two images. More...
class  inviwo::VectorMagnitudeProcessor
 takes and ImageInport and renders it into a OpenGL window i.e. a canvas. More...
class  inviwo::VolumeBinary
 computes a binary volume of the input volume using a threshold. More...
class  inviwo::VolumeGradientProcessor
 computes the gradient of a 3D scalar field. More...
class  inviwo::VolumeMerger
 merges up to four single-channel volumes into a single volume More...
class  inviwo::EigenMix
 Creates a linear mix of matrix A and B such that Cij = Aij + w (Bij-Aij) More...
class  inviwo::EigenNormalize
 A processor to normalize an Eigen::MatrixXf A processor to normalize an Eigen::MatrixXf, supports following methods: More...
class  inviwo::LineRasterizer
 Renders input geometry with 2D lines. More...
class  inviwo::TransformRasterization
 Applies an additional transform on a given rasterization object. More...
class  inviwo::plot::AxisRenderProcessor
 Test processor for axis rendering. More...
class  inviwo::plot::PersistenceDiagramPlotProcessor
 plots a persistence diagram of extremum-saddle pairs with vertical lines More...
class  inviwo::Fog
 Fog post process. (Computed using depth-layer and applied to color-layer) More...
class  inviwo::FXAA
 Anti-aliasing post process. More...
class  inviwo::HdrBloom
 Bloom filter with threshold. More...
class  inviwo::ImageBrightnessContrast
 Controls brightness and contrast of an image. More...
class  inviwo::ImageEdgeDarken
 Darken edges in an image. More...
class  inviwo::ImageFilter
 Applies a kernel to the input image. More...
class  inviwo::ImageHueSaturationLuminance
 Controls hue, saturation and luminance of an image. More...
class  inviwo::ImageOpacity
 Controls an image's opacity. More...
class  inviwo::SSAO
 Screen space ambient occlusion post process. (Computed using depth layer) More...
class  inviwo::GLUITestProcessor
 provides a simple user interface based on GLUI More...
class  inviwo::PresentationProcessor
 processor for switching between slide images and another image inport More...

Detailed Description