GML vec and mat types
Overloaded function. |
Overloaded function. |
Overloaded function. |
Overloaded function. |
Overloaded function. |
Overloaded function. |
Overloaded function. |
Overloaded function. |
Overloaded function. |
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Overloaded function. |
Overloaded function. |
Overloaded function. |
Overloaded function. |
Overloaded function. |
Overloaded function. |
Overloaded function. |
Overloaded function. |
Overloaded function. |
Overloaded function. |
Overloaded function. |
Overloaded function. |
Overloaded function. |
Overloaded function. |
Overloaded function. |
Overloaded function. |
Overloaded function. |
Overloaded function. |
Vectors of glm matrices |
Vectors of glm matrices |
Vectors of glm matrices |
Vectors of glm matrices |
Vectors of glm matrices |
Vectors of glm matrices |
Vectors of glm matrices |
Vectors of glm matrices |
Vectors of glm matrices |
Vectors of glm matrices |
Vectors of glm matrices |
Vectors of glm matrices |
Vectors of glm matrices |
Vectors of glm matrices |
Vectors of glm matrices |
Vectors of glm matrices |
Vectors of glm matrices |
Vectors of glm matrices |
Vectors of glm matrices |
Vectors of glm matrices |
Vectors of glm matrices |
Vectors of glm matrices |
Vectors of glm matrices |
Vectors of glm matrices |
Vectors of glm matrices |
Vectors of glm matrices |
Vectors of glm matrices |
Vectors of glm matrices |
Vectors of glm matrices |
Vectors of glm matrices |
Vectors of glm matrices |
Vectors of glm matrices |
Vectors of glm matrices |
Vectors of glm matrices |
Vectors of glm matrices |
Vectors of glm matrices |
- class inviwopy.glm.bvec2
- __buffer__(flags, /)
Return a buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.bvec2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.bvec2) bool
- __getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.bvec2, arg0: int) bool
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.bvec2, arg0: bool, arg1: bool) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.bvec2, arg0: bool) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.bvec2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.bvec2) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.bvec2) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.bvec2, arg0: typing.Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, bool]) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.bvec2, arg0: list) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.bvec2, arg0: glm::vec<3,bool,0>) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.bvec2, arg0: glm::vec<4,bool,0>) -> None
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.bvec2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.bvec2) bool
- __release_buffer__(buffer, /)
Release the buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.bvec2) str
- __setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.bvec2, arg0: int, arg1: bool) bool
- __hash__ = None
- property array
- property g
- property r
- property s
- property t
- property x
- property y
- class inviwopy.glm.bvec3
- __buffer__(flags, /)
Return a buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.bvec3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.bvec3) bool
- __getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.bvec3, arg0: int) bool
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.bvec3, arg0: bool, arg1: bool, arg2: bool) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.bvec3, arg0: bool) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.bvec3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.bvec3) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.bvec3) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.bvec3, arg0: typing.Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, bool]) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.bvec3, arg0: list) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.bvec3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.bvec2, arg1: bool) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.bvec3, arg0: bool, arg1: inviwopy.glm.bvec2) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.bvec3, arg0: glm::vec<4,bool,0>) -> None
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.bvec3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.bvec3) bool
- __release_buffer__(buffer, /)
Release the buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.bvec3) str
- __setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.bvec3, arg0: int, arg1: bool) bool
- __hash__ = None
- property array
- property b
- property g
- property p
- property r
- property s
- property t
- property x
- property y
- property z
- class inviwopy.glm.bvec4
- __buffer__(flags, /)
Return a buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.bvec4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.bvec4) bool
- __getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.bvec4, arg0: int) bool
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.bvec4, arg0: bool, arg1: bool, arg2: bool, arg3: bool) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.bvec4, arg0: bool) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.bvec4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.bvec4) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.bvec4) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.bvec4, arg0: typing.Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, bool]) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.bvec4, arg0: list) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.bvec4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.bvec2, arg1: bool, arg2: bool) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.bvec4, arg0: bool, arg1: inviwopy.glm.bvec2, arg2: bool) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.bvec4, arg0: bool, arg1: bool, arg2: inviwopy.glm.bvec2) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.bvec4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.bvec2, arg1: inviwopy.glm.bvec2) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.bvec4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.bvec3, arg1: bool) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.bvec4, arg0: bool, arg1: inviwopy.glm.bvec3) -> None
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.bvec4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.bvec4) bool
- __release_buffer__(buffer, /)
Release the buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.bvec4) str
- __setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.bvec4, arg0: int, arg1: bool) bool
- __hash__ = None
- property a
- property array
- property b
- property g
- property p
- property q
- property r
- property s
- property t
- property w
- property x
- property y
- property z
- class inviwopy.glm.dmat2
- __add__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat2) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat2
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat2
- __buffer__(flags, /)
Return a buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat2) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec2
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2, arg0: int, arg1: int) -> float
- __iadd__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat2) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat2
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat2
- __imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2, arg0: float) inviwopy.glm.dmat2
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2, arg0: float, arg1: float, arg2: float, arg3: float) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec2, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dvec2) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2, arg0: float) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat2) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2, arg0: typing.Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, numpy.float64]) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2, arg0: list) -> None
- __isub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat2) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat2
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat2
- __itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2, arg0: float) inviwopy.glm.dmat2
- __mul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat2
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec2) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec2
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat2) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat2
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2, arg0: glm::mat<3,2,double,0>) -> glm::mat<3,2,double,0>
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2, arg0: glm::mat<4,2,double,0>) -> glm::mat<4,2,double,0>
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat2) bool
- __release_buffer__(buffer, /)
Release the buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2) str
- __rmul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec2) inviwopy.glm.dvec2
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dvec2) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec2
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: float) -> float
- __sub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat2) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat2
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat2
- __truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2, arg0: float) inviwopy.glm.dmat2
- __hash__ = None
- property array
- class inviwopy.glm.dmat2Vector
Vectors of glm matrices
- __bool__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2Vector) bool
Check whether the list is nonempty
- __contains__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.dmat2) bool
Return true the container contains
- __delitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2Vector, arg0: int) -> None
Delete the list elements at index
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2Vector, arg0: slice) -> None
Delete list elements using a slice object
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat2Vector) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2Vector, s: slice) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat2Vector
Retrieve list elements using a slice object
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2Vector, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat2
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2Vector) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat2Vector) -> None
Copy constructor
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2Vector, arg0: Iterable) -> None
- __iter__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2Vector) Iterator[inviwopy.glm.dmat2]
- __len__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2Vector) int
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat2Vector) bool
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2Vector) str
Return the canonical string representation of this list.
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2Vector, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dmat2) -> None
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2Vector, arg0: slice, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dmat2Vector) -> None
Assign list elements using a slice object
- append(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.dmat2) None
Add an item to the end of the list
- clear(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2Vector) None
Clear the contents
- count(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.dmat2) int
Return the number of times
appears in the list
- extend(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2Vector, L: inviwopy.glm.dmat2Vector) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2Vector, L: Iterable) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
- insert(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2Vector, i: int, x: inviwopy.glm.dmat2) None
Insert an item at a given position.
- pop(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2Vector) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat2
Remove and return the last item
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2Vector, i: int) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat2
Remove and return the item at index
- remove(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.dmat2) None
Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.
- __hash__ = None
- class inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3
- __add__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3
- __buffer__(flags, /)
Return a buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec3
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3, arg0: int, arg1: int) -> float
- __iadd__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3
- __imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3, arg0: float) inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3, arg0: float, arg1: float, arg2: float, arg3: float, arg4: float, arg5: float) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec3, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dvec3) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3, arg0: float) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3, arg0: typing.Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, numpy.float64]) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3, arg0: list) -> None
- __isub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3
- __itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3, arg0: float) inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3
- __mul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec2) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec3
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat2) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3, arg0: glm::mat<3,2,double,0>) -> glm::mat<3,3,double,0>
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3, arg0: glm::mat<4,2,double,0>) -> glm::mat<4,3,double,0>
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3) bool
- __release_buffer__(buffer, /)
Release the buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3) str
- __rmul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec3) inviwopy.glm.dvec2
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dvec3) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec3
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: float) -> float
- __sub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3
- __truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3, arg0: float) inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3
- __hash__ = None
- property array
- class inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3Vector
Vectors of glm matrices
- __bool__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3Vector) bool
Check whether the list is nonempty
- __contains__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3) bool
Return true the container contains
- __delitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3Vector, arg0: int) -> None
Delete the list elements at index
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3Vector, arg0: slice) -> None
Delete list elements using a slice object
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3Vector) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3Vector, s: slice) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3Vector
Retrieve list elements using a slice object
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3Vector, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3Vector) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3Vector) -> None
Copy constructor
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3Vector, arg0: Iterable) -> None
- __iter__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3Vector) Iterator[inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3]
- __len__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3Vector) int
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3Vector) bool
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3Vector) str
Return the canonical string representation of this list.
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3Vector, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3) -> None
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3Vector, arg0: slice, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3Vector) -> None
Assign list elements using a slice object
- append(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3) None
Add an item to the end of the list
- clear(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3Vector) None
Clear the contents
- count(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3) int
Return the number of times
appears in the list
- extend(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3Vector, L: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3Vector) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3Vector, L: Iterable) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
- insert(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3Vector, i: int, x: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3) None
Insert an item at a given position.
- pop(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3Vector) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3
Remove and return the last item
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3Vector, i: int) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3
Remove and return the item at index
- remove(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3) None
Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.
- __hash__ = None
- class inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4
- __add__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4
- __buffer__(flags, /)
Return a buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec4
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4, arg0: int, arg1: int) -> float
- __iadd__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4
- __imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4, arg0: float) inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4, arg0: float, arg1: float, arg2: float, arg3: float, arg4: float, arg5: float, arg6: float, arg7: float) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec4, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dvec4) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4, arg0: float) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4, arg0: typing.Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, numpy.float64]) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4, arg0: list) -> None
- __isub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4
- __itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4, arg0: float) inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4
- __mul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec2) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec4
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat2) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4, arg0: glm::mat<3,2,double,0>) -> glm::mat<3,4,double,0>
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4, arg0: glm::mat<4,2,double,0>) -> glm::mat<4,4,double,0>
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4) bool
- __release_buffer__(buffer, /)
Release the buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4) str
- __rmul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec4) inviwopy.glm.dvec2
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dvec4) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec4
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: float) -> float
- __sub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4
- __truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4, arg0: float) inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4
- __hash__ = None
- property array
- class inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4Vector
Vectors of glm matrices
- __bool__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4Vector) bool
Check whether the list is nonempty
- __contains__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4) bool
Return true the container contains
- __delitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4Vector, arg0: int) -> None
Delete the list elements at index
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4Vector, arg0: slice) -> None
Delete list elements using a slice object
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4Vector) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4Vector, s: slice) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4Vector
Retrieve list elements using a slice object
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4Vector, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4Vector) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4Vector) -> None
Copy constructor
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4Vector, arg0: Iterable) -> None
- __iter__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4Vector) Iterator[inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4]
- __len__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4Vector) int
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4Vector) bool
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4Vector) str
Return the canonical string representation of this list.
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4Vector, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4) -> None
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4Vector, arg0: slice, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4Vector) -> None
Assign list elements using a slice object
- append(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4) None
Add an item to the end of the list
- clear(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4Vector) None
Clear the contents
- count(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4) int
Return the number of times
appears in the list
- extend(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4Vector, L: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4Vector) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4Vector, L: Iterable) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
- insert(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4Vector, i: int, x: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4) None
Insert an item at a given position.
- pop(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4Vector) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4
Remove and return the last item
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4Vector, i: int) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4
Remove and return the item at index
- remove(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4) None
Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.
- __hash__ = None
- class inviwopy.glm.dmat3
- __add__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat3) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat3
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat3
- __buffer__(flags, /)
Return a buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat3) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec3
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3, arg0: int, arg1: int) -> float
- __iadd__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat3) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat3
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat3
- __imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3, arg0: float) inviwopy.glm.dmat3
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3, arg0: float, arg1: float, arg2: float, arg3: float, arg4: float, arg5: float, arg6: float, arg7: float, arg8: float) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec3, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dvec3, arg2: inviwopy.glm.dvec3) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3, arg0: float) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat3) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3, arg0: typing.Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, numpy.float64]) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3, arg0: list) -> None
- __isub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat3) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat3
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat3
- __itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3, arg0: float) inviwopy.glm.dmat3
- __mul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat3
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec3) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec3
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat3) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat3
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3, arg0: glm::mat<4,3,double,0>) -> glm::mat<4,3,double,0>
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat3) bool
- __release_buffer__(buffer, /)
Release the buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3) str
- __rmul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec3) inviwopy.glm.dvec3
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dvec3) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec3
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: float) -> float
- __sub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat3) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat3
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat3
- __truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3, arg0: float) inviwopy.glm.dmat3
- __hash__ = None
- property array
- class inviwopy.glm.dmat3Vector
Vectors of glm matrices
- __bool__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3Vector) bool
Check whether the list is nonempty
- __contains__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.dmat3) bool
Return true the container contains
- __delitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3Vector, arg0: int) -> None
Delete the list elements at index
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3Vector, arg0: slice) -> None
Delete list elements using a slice object
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat3Vector) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3Vector, s: slice) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat3Vector
Retrieve list elements using a slice object
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3Vector, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat3
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3Vector) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat3Vector) -> None
Copy constructor
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3Vector, arg0: Iterable) -> None
- __iter__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3Vector) Iterator[inviwopy.glm.dmat3]
- __len__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3Vector) int
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat3Vector) bool
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3Vector) str
Return the canonical string representation of this list.
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3Vector, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dmat3) -> None
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3Vector, arg0: slice, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dmat3Vector) -> None
Assign list elements using a slice object
- append(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.dmat3) None
Add an item to the end of the list
- clear(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3Vector) None
Clear the contents
- count(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.dmat3) int
Return the number of times
appears in the list
- extend(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3Vector, L: inviwopy.glm.dmat3Vector) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3Vector, L: Iterable) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
- insert(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3Vector, i: int, x: inviwopy.glm.dmat3) None
Insert an item at a given position.
- pop(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3Vector) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat3
Remove and return the last item
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3Vector, i: int) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat3
Remove and return the item at index
- remove(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.dmat3) None
Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.
- __hash__ = None
- class inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2
- __add__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2
- __buffer__(flags, /)
Return a buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec2
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2, arg0: int, arg1: int) -> float
- __iadd__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2
- __imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2, arg0: float) inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2, arg0: float, arg1: float, arg2: float, arg3: float, arg4: float, arg5: float) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec2, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dvec2, arg2: inviwopy.glm.dvec2) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2, arg0: float) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2, arg0: typing.Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, numpy.float64]) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2, arg0: list) -> None
- __isub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2
- __itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2, arg0: float) inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2
- __mul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec3) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec2
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat2
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2, arg0: glm::mat<3,3,double,0>) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2, arg0: glm::mat<4,3,double,0>) -> glm::mat<4,2,double,0>
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2) bool
- __release_buffer__(buffer, /)
Release the buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2) str
- __rmul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec2) inviwopy.glm.dvec3
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dvec2) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec2
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: float) -> float
- __sub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2
- __truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2, arg0: float) inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2
- __hash__ = None
- property array
- class inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2Vector
Vectors of glm matrices
- __bool__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2Vector) bool
Check whether the list is nonempty
- __contains__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2) bool
Return true the container contains
- __delitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2Vector, arg0: int) -> None
Delete the list elements at index
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2Vector, arg0: slice) -> None
Delete list elements using a slice object
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2Vector) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2Vector, s: slice) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2Vector
Retrieve list elements using a slice object
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2Vector, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2Vector) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2Vector) -> None
Copy constructor
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2Vector, arg0: Iterable) -> None
- __iter__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2Vector) Iterator[inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2]
- __len__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2Vector) int
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2Vector) bool
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2Vector) str
Return the canonical string representation of this list.
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2Vector, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2) -> None
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2Vector, arg0: slice, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2Vector) -> None
Assign list elements using a slice object
- append(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2) None
Add an item to the end of the list
- clear(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2Vector) None
Clear the contents
- count(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2) int
Return the number of times
appears in the list
- extend(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2Vector, L: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2Vector) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2Vector, L: Iterable) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
- insert(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2Vector, i: int, x: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2) None
Insert an item at a given position.
- pop(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2Vector) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2
Remove and return the last item
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2Vector, i: int) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2
Remove and return the item at index
- remove(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2) None
Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.
- __hash__ = None
- class inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4
- __add__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4
- __buffer__(flags, /)
Return a buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec4
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4, arg0: int, arg1: int) -> float
- __iadd__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4
- __imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4, arg0: float) inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4, arg0: float, arg1: float, arg2: float, arg3: float, arg4: float, arg5: float, arg6: float, arg7: float, arg8: float, arg9: float, arg10: float, arg11: float) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec4, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dvec4, arg2: inviwopy.glm.dvec4) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4, arg0: float) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4, arg0: typing.Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, numpy.float64]) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4, arg0: list) -> None
- __isub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4
- __itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4, arg0: float) inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4
- __mul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec3) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec4
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat3) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4, arg0: glm::mat<4,3,double,0>) -> glm::mat<4,4,double,0>
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4) bool
- __release_buffer__(buffer, /)
Release the buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4) str
- __rmul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec4) inviwopy.glm.dvec3
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dvec4) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec4
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: float) -> float
- __sub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4
- __truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4, arg0: float) inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4
- __hash__ = None
- property array
- class inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4Vector
Vectors of glm matrices
- __bool__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4Vector) bool
Check whether the list is nonempty
- __contains__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4) bool
Return true the container contains
- __delitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4Vector, arg0: int) -> None
Delete the list elements at index
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4Vector, arg0: slice) -> None
Delete list elements using a slice object
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4Vector) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4Vector, s: slice) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4Vector
Retrieve list elements using a slice object
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4Vector, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4Vector) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4Vector) -> None
Copy constructor
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4Vector, arg0: Iterable) -> None
- __iter__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4Vector) Iterator[inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4]
- __len__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4Vector) int
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4Vector) bool
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4Vector) str
Return the canonical string representation of this list.
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4Vector, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4) -> None
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4Vector, arg0: slice, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4Vector) -> None
Assign list elements using a slice object
- append(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4) None
Add an item to the end of the list
- clear(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4Vector) None
Clear the contents
- count(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4) int
Return the number of times
appears in the list
- extend(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4Vector, L: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4Vector) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4Vector, L: Iterable) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
- insert(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4Vector, i: int, x: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4) None
Insert an item at a given position.
- pop(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4Vector) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4
Remove and return the last item
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4Vector, i: int) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4
Remove and return the item at index
- remove(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4) None
Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.
- __hash__ = None
- class inviwopy.glm.dmat4
- __add__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat4) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat4
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat4
- __buffer__(flags, /)
Return a buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat4) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec4
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4, arg0: int, arg1: int) -> float
- __iadd__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat4) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat4
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat4
- __imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4, arg0: float) inviwopy.glm.dmat4
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4, arg0: float, arg1: float, arg2: float, arg3: float, arg4: float, arg5: float, arg6: float, arg7: float, arg8: float, arg9: float, arg10: float, arg11: float, arg12: float, arg13: float, arg14: float, arg15: float) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec4, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dvec4, arg2: inviwopy.glm.dvec4, arg3: inviwopy.glm.dvec4) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4, arg0: float) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat4) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4, arg0: typing.Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, numpy.float64]) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4, arg0: list) -> None
- __isub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat4) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat4
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat4
- __itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4, arg0: float) inviwopy.glm.dmat4
- __mul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat4
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec4) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec4
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat4) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat4
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat4) bool
- __release_buffer__(buffer, /)
Release the buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4) str
- __rmul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec4) inviwopy.glm.dvec4
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dvec4) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec4
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: float) -> float
- __sub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat4) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat4
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat4
- __truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4, arg0: float) inviwopy.glm.dmat4
- __hash__ = None
- property array
- class inviwopy.glm.dmat4Vector
Vectors of glm matrices
- __bool__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4Vector) bool
Check whether the list is nonempty
- __contains__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.dmat4) bool
Return true the container contains
- __delitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4Vector, arg0: int) -> None
Delete the list elements at index
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4Vector, arg0: slice) -> None
Delete list elements using a slice object
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat4Vector) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4Vector, s: slice) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat4Vector
Retrieve list elements using a slice object
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4Vector, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat4
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4Vector) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat4Vector) -> None
Copy constructor
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4Vector, arg0: Iterable) -> None
- __iter__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4Vector) Iterator[inviwopy.glm.dmat4]
- __len__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4Vector) int
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat4Vector) bool
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4Vector) str
Return the canonical string representation of this list.
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4Vector, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dmat4) -> None
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4Vector, arg0: slice, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dmat4Vector) -> None
Assign list elements using a slice object
- append(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.dmat4) None
Add an item to the end of the list
- clear(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4Vector) None
Clear the contents
- count(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.dmat4) int
Return the number of times
appears in the list
- extend(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4Vector, L: inviwopy.glm.dmat4Vector) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4Vector, L: Iterable) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
- insert(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4Vector, i: int, x: inviwopy.glm.dmat4) None
Insert an item at a given position.
- pop(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4Vector) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat4
Remove and return the last item
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4Vector, i: int) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat4
Remove and return the item at index
- remove(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.dmat4) None
Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.
- __hash__ = None
- class inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2
- __add__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2
- __buffer__(flags, /)
Return a buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec2
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2, arg0: int, arg1: int) -> float
- __iadd__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2
- __imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2, arg0: float) inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2, arg0: float, arg1: float, arg2: float, arg3: float, arg4: float, arg5: float, arg6: float, arg7: float) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec2, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dvec2, arg2: inviwopy.glm.dvec2, arg3: inviwopy.glm.dvec2) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2, arg0: float) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2, arg0: typing.Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, numpy.float64]) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2, arg0: list) -> None
- __isub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2
- __itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2, arg0: float) inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2
- __mul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec4) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec2
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat2
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat3x2
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2, arg0: glm::mat<4,4,double,0>) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2) bool
- __release_buffer__(buffer, /)
Release the buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2) str
- __rmul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec2) inviwopy.glm.dvec4
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dvec2) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec2
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: float) -> float
- __sub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2
- __truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2, arg0: float) inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2
- __hash__ = None
- property array
- class inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2Vector
Vectors of glm matrices
- __bool__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2Vector) bool
Check whether the list is nonempty
- __contains__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2) bool
Return true the container contains
- __delitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2Vector, arg0: int) -> None
Delete the list elements at index
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2Vector, arg0: slice) -> None
Delete list elements using a slice object
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2Vector) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2Vector, s: slice) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2Vector
Retrieve list elements using a slice object
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2Vector, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2Vector) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2Vector) -> None
Copy constructor
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2Vector, arg0: Iterable) -> None
- __iter__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2Vector) Iterator[inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2]
- __len__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2Vector) int
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2Vector) bool
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2Vector) str
Return the canonical string representation of this list.
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2Vector, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2) -> None
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2Vector, arg0: slice, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2Vector) -> None
Assign list elements using a slice object
- append(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2) None
Add an item to the end of the list
- clear(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2Vector) None
Clear the contents
- count(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2) int
Return the number of times
appears in the list
- extend(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2Vector, L: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2Vector) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2Vector, L: Iterable) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
- insert(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2Vector, i: int, x: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2) None
Insert an item at a given position.
- pop(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2Vector) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2
Remove and return the last item
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2Vector, i: int) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2
Remove and return the item at index
- remove(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x2) None
Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.
- __hash__ = None
- class inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3
- __add__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3
- __buffer__(flags, /)
Return a buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec3
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3, arg0: int, arg1: int) -> float
- __iadd__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3
- __imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3, arg0: float) inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3, arg0: float, arg1: float, arg2: float, arg3: float, arg4: float, arg5: float, arg6: float, arg7: float, arg8: float, arg9: float, arg10: float, arg11: float) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec3, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dvec3, arg2: inviwopy.glm.dvec3, arg3: inviwopy.glm.dvec3) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3, arg0: float) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3, arg0: typing.Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, numpy.float64]) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3, arg0: list) -> None
- __isub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3
- __itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3, arg0: float) inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3
- __mul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec4) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec3
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat2x4) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat2x3
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat3x4) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat3
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3, arg0: glm::mat<4,4,double,0>) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3) bool
- __release_buffer__(buffer, /)
Release the buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3) str
- __rmul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec3) inviwopy.glm.dvec4
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dvec3) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec3
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: float) -> float
- __sub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3
- __truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3, arg0: float) inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3
- __hash__ = None
- property array
- class inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3Vector
Vectors of glm matrices
- __bool__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3Vector) bool
Check whether the list is nonempty
- __contains__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3) bool
Return true the container contains
- __delitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3Vector, arg0: int) -> None
Delete the list elements at index
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3Vector, arg0: slice) -> None
Delete list elements using a slice object
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3Vector) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3Vector, s: slice) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3Vector
Retrieve list elements using a slice object
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3Vector, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3Vector) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3Vector) -> None
Copy constructor
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3Vector, arg0: Iterable) -> None
- __iter__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3Vector) Iterator[inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3]
- __len__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3Vector) int
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3Vector) bool
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3Vector) str
Return the canonical string representation of this list.
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3Vector, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3) -> None
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3Vector, arg0: slice, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3Vector) -> None
Assign list elements using a slice object
- append(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3) None
Add an item to the end of the list
- clear(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3Vector) None
Clear the contents
- count(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3) int
Return the number of times
appears in the list
- extend(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3Vector, L: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3Vector) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3Vector, L: Iterable) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
- insert(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3Vector, i: int, x: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3) None
Insert an item at a given position.
- pop(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3Vector) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3
Remove and return the last item
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3Vector, i: int) -> inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3
Remove and return the item at index
- remove(self: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.dmat4x3) None
Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.
- __hash__ = None
- class inviwopy.glm.dvec2
- __add__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec2) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec2
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec2, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec2
- __buffer__(flags, /)
Return a buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec2) bool
- __getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec2, arg0: int) float
- __iadd__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec2) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec2
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec2, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec2
- __imul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec2) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec2
__imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec2, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec2
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec2, arg0: float, arg1: float) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec2, arg0: float) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec2) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec2) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec2, arg0: typing.Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, numpy.float64]) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec2, arg0: list) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec2, arg0: glm::vec<3,double,0>) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec2, arg0: glm::vec<4,double,0>) -> None
- __isub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec2) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec2
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec2, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec2
- __itruediv__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec2) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec2
__itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec2, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec2
- __mul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec2) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec2
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec2, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec2
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec2) bool
- __release_buffer__(buffer, /)
Release the buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec2) str
- __setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec2, arg0: int, arg1: float) float
- __sub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec2) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec2
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec2, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec2
- __truediv__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec2) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec2
__truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec2, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec2
- __hash__ = None
- property array
- property g
- property r
- property s
- property t
- property x
- property y
- class inviwopy.glm.dvec3
- __add__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec3) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec3
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec3, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec3
- __buffer__(flags, /)
Return a buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec3) bool
- __getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec3, arg0: int) float
- __iadd__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec3) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec3
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec3, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec3
- __imul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec3) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec3
__imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec3, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec3
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec3, arg0: float, arg1: float, arg2: float) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec3, arg0: float) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec3) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec3) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec3, arg0: typing.Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, numpy.float64]) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec3, arg0: list) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec2, arg1: float) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec3, arg0: float, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dvec2) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec3, arg0: glm::vec<4,double,0>) -> None
- __isub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec3) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec3
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec3, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec3
- __itruediv__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec3) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec3
__itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec3, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec3
- __mul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec3) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec3
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec3, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec3
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec3) bool
- __release_buffer__(buffer, /)
Release the buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec3) str
- __setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec3, arg0: int, arg1: float) float
- __sub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec3) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec3
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec3, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec3
- __truediv__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec3) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec3
__truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec3, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec3
- __hash__ = None
- property array
- property b
- property g
- property p
- property r
- property s
- property t
- property x
- property y
- property z
- class inviwopy.glm.dvec4
- __add__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec4) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec4
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec4, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec4
- __buffer__(flags, /)
Return a buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec4) bool
- __getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec4, arg0: int) float
- __iadd__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec4) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec4
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec4, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec4
- __imul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec4) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec4
__imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec4, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec4
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec4, arg0: float, arg1: float, arg2: float, arg3: float) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec4, arg0: float) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec4) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec4) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec4, arg0: typing.Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, numpy.float64]) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec4, arg0: list) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec2, arg1: float, arg2: float) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec4, arg0: float, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dvec2, arg2: float) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec4, arg0: float, arg1: float, arg2: inviwopy.glm.dvec2) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec2, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dvec2) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec3, arg1: float) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec4, arg0: float, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dvec3) -> None
- __isub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec4) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec4
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec4, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec4
- __itruediv__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec4) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec4
__itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec4, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec4
- __mul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec4) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec4
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec4, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec4
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec4) bool
- __release_buffer__(buffer, /)
Release the buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec4) str
- __setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec4, arg0: int, arg1: float) float
- __sub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec4) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec4
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec4, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec4
- __truediv__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec4) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec4
__truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.dvec4, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec4
- __hash__ = None
- property a
- property array
- property b
- property g
- property p
- property q
- property r
- property s
- property t
- property w
- property x
- property y
- property z
- class inviwopy.glm.imat2
- __add__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat2) -> inviwopy.glm.imat2
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat2
- __buffer__(flags, /)
Return a buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat2) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec2
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2, arg0: int, arg1: int) -> int
- __iadd__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat2) -> inviwopy.glm.imat2
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat2
- __imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2, arg0: int) inviwopy.glm.imat2
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: int, arg3: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec2, arg1: inviwopy.glm.ivec2) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2, arg0: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat2) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2, arg0: typing.Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, numpy.int32]) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2, arg0: list) -> None
- __isub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat2) -> inviwopy.glm.imat2
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat2
- __itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2, arg0: int) inviwopy.glm.imat2
- __mul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat2
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec2) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec2
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat2) -> inviwopy.glm.imat2
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2, arg0: glm::mat<3,2,int,0>) -> glm::mat<3,2,int,0>
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2, arg0: glm::mat<4,2,int,0>) -> glm::mat<4,2,int,0>
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat2) bool
- __release_buffer__(buffer, /)
Release the buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2) str
- __rmul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec2) inviwopy.glm.ivec2
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.ivec2) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec2
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: int) -> int
- __sub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat2) -> inviwopy.glm.imat2
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat2
- __truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2, arg0: int) inviwopy.glm.imat2
- __hash__ = None
- property array
- class inviwopy.glm.imat2Vector
Vectors of glm matrices
- __bool__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2Vector) bool
Check whether the list is nonempty
- __contains__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.imat2) bool
Return true the container contains
- __delitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2Vector, arg0: int) -> None
Delete the list elements at index
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2Vector, arg0: slice) -> None
Delete list elements using a slice object
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat2Vector) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2Vector, s: slice) -> inviwopy.glm.imat2Vector
Retrieve list elements using a slice object
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2Vector, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat2
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2Vector) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat2Vector) -> None
Copy constructor
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2Vector, arg0: Iterable) -> None
- __iter__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2Vector) Iterator[inviwopy.glm.imat2]
- __len__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2Vector) int
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat2Vector) bool
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2Vector) str
Return the canonical string representation of this list.
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2Vector, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.imat2) -> None
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2Vector, arg0: slice, arg1: inviwopy.glm.imat2Vector) -> None
Assign list elements using a slice object
- append(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.imat2) None
Add an item to the end of the list
- clear(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2Vector) None
Clear the contents
- count(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.imat2) int
Return the number of times
appears in the list
- extend(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2Vector, L: inviwopy.glm.imat2Vector) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2Vector, L: Iterable) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
- insert(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2Vector, i: int, x: inviwopy.glm.imat2) None
Insert an item at a given position.
- pop(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2Vector) -> inviwopy.glm.imat2
Remove and return the last item
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2Vector, i: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat2
Remove and return the item at index
- remove(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.imat2) None
Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.
- __hash__ = None
- class inviwopy.glm.imat2x3
- __add__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3) -> inviwopy.glm.imat2x3
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat2x3
- __buffer__(flags, /)
Return a buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec3
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3, arg0: int, arg1: int) -> int
- __iadd__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3) -> inviwopy.glm.imat2x3
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat2x3
- __imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3, arg0: int) inviwopy.glm.imat2x3
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: int, arg3: int, arg4: int, arg5: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec3, arg1: inviwopy.glm.ivec3) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3, arg0: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3, arg0: typing.Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, numpy.int32]) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3, arg0: list) -> None
- __isub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3) -> inviwopy.glm.imat2x3
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat2x3
- __itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3, arg0: int) inviwopy.glm.imat2x3
- __mul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat2x3
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec2) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec3
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat2) -> inviwopy.glm.imat2x3
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3, arg0: glm::mat<3,2,int,0>) -> glm::mat<3,3,int,0>
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3, arg0: glm::mat<4,2,int,0>) -> glm::mat<4,3,int,0>
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3) bool
- __release_buffer__(buffer, /)
Release the buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3) str
- __rmul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec3) inviwopy.glm.ivec2
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.ivec3) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec3
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: int) -> int
- __sub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3) -> inviwopy.glm.imat2x3
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat2x3
- __truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3, arg0: int) inviwopy.glm.imat2x3
- __hash__ = None
- property array
- class inviwopy.glm.imat2x3Vector
Vectors of glm matrices
- __bool__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3Vector) bool
Check whether the list is nonempty
- __contains__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3) bool
Return true the container contains
- __delitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3Vector, arg0: int) -> None
Delete the list elements at index
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3Vector, arg0: slice) -> None
Delete list elements using a slice object
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3Vector) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3Vector, s: slice) -> inviwopy.glm.imat2x3Vector
Retrieve list elements using a slice object
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3Vector, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat2x3
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3Vector) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3Vector) -> None
Copy constructor
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3Vector, arg0: Iterable) -> None
- __iter__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3Vector) Iterator[inviwopy.glm.imat2x3]
- __len__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3Vector) int
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3Vector) bool
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3Vector) str
Return the canonical string representation of this list.
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3Vector, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3) -> None
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3Vector, arg0: slice, arg1: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3Vector) -> None
Assign list elements using a slice object
- append(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3) None
Add an item to the end of the list
- clear(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3Vector) None
Clear the contents
- count(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3) int
Return the number of times
appears in the list
- extend(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3Vector, L: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3Vector) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3Vector, L: Iterable) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
- insert(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3Vector, i: int, x: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3) None
Insert an item at a given position.
- pop(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3Vector) -> inviwopy.glm.imat2x3
Remove and return the last item
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3Vector, i: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat2x3
Remove and return the item at index
- remove(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3) None
Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.
- __hash__ = None
- class inviwopy.glm.imat2x4
- __add__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4) -> inviwopy.glm.imat2x4
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat2x4
- __buffer__(flags, /)
Return a buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec4
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4, arg0: int, arg1: int) -> int
- __iadd__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4) -> inviwopy.glm.imat2x4
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat2x4
- __imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4, arg0: int) inviwopy.glm.imat2x4
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: int, arg3: int, arg4: int, arg5: int, arg6: int, arg7: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec4, arg1: inviwopy.glm.ivec4) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4, arg0: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4, arg0: typing.Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, numpy.int32]) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4, arg0: list) -> None
- __isub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4) -> inviwopy.glm.imat2x4
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat2x4
- __itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4, arg0: int) inviwopy.glm.imat2x4
- __mul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat2x4
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec2) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec4
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat2) -> inviwopy.glm.imat2x4
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4, arg0: glm::mat<3,2,int,0>) -> glm::mat<3,4,int,0>
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4, arg0: glm::mat<4,2,int,0>) -> glm::mat<4,4,int,0>
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4) bool
- __release_buffer__(buffer, /)
Release the buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4) str
- __rmul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec4) inviwopy.glm.ivec2
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.ivec4) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec4
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: int) -> int
- __sub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4) -> inviwopy.glm.imat2x4
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat2x4
- __truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4, arg0: int) inviwopy.glm.imat2x4
- __hash__ = None
- property array
- class inviwopy.glm.imat2x4Vector
Vectors of glm matrices
- __bool__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4Vector) bool
Check whether the list is nonempty
- __contains__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4) bool
Return true the container contains
- __delitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4Vector, arg0: int) -> None
Delete the list elements at index
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4Vector, arg0: slice) -> None
Delete list elements using a slice object
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4Vector) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4Vector, s: slice) -> inviwopy.glm.imat2x4Vector
Retrieve list elements using a slice object
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4Vector, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat2x4
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4Vector) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4Vector) -> None
Copy constructor
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4Vector, arg0: Iterable) -> None
- __iter__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4Vector) Iterator[inviwopy.glm.imat2x4]
- __len__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4Vector) int
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4Vector) bool
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4Vector) str
Return the canonical string representation of this list.
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4Vector, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4) -> None
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4Vector, arg0: slice, arg1: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4Vector) -> None
Assign list elements using a slice object
- append(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4) None
Add an item to the end of the list
- clear(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4Vector) None
Clear the contents
- count(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4) int
Return the number of times
appears in the list
- extend(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4Vector, L: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4Vector) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4Vector, L: Iterable) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
- insert(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4Vector, i: int, x: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4) None
Insert an item at a given position.
- pop(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4Vector) -> inviwopy.glm.imat2x4
Remove and return the last item
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4Vector, i: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat2x4
Remove and return the item at index
- remove(self: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4) None
Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.
- __hash__ = None
- class inviwopy.glm.imat3
- __add__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat3) -> inviwopy.glm.imat3
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat3
- __buffer__(flags, /)
Return a buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat3) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec3
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3, arg0: int, arg1: int) -> int
- __iadd__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat3) -> inviwopy.glm.imat3
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat3
- __imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3, arg0: int) inviwopy.glm.imat3
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: int, arg3: int, arg4: int, arg5: int, arg6: int, arg7: int, arg8: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec3, arg1: inviwopy.glm.ivec3, arg2: inviwopy.glm.ivec3) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3, arg0: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat3) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3, arg0: typing.Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, numpy.int32]) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3, arg0: list) -> None
- __isub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat3) -> inviwopy.glm.imat3
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat3
- __itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3, arg0: int) inviwopy.glm.imat3
- __mul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat3
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec3) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec3
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3) -> inviwopy.glm.imat2x3
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat3) -> inviwopy.glm.imat3
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3, arg0: glm::mat<4,3,int,0>) -> glm::mat<4,3,int,0>
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat3) bool
- __release_buffer__(buffer, /)
Release the buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3) str
- __rmul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec3) inviwopy.glm.ivec3
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.ivec3) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec3
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: int) -> int
- __sub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat3) -> inviwopy.glm.imat3
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat3
- __truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3, arg0: int) inviwopy.glm.imat3
- __hash__ = None
- property array
- class inviwopy.glm.imat3Vector
Vectors of glm matrices
- __bool__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3Vector) bool
Check whether the list is nonempty
- __contains__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.imat3) bool
Return true the container contains
- __delitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3Vector, arg0: int) -> None
Delete the list elements at index
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3Vector, arg0: slice) -> None
Delete list elements using a slice object
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat3Vector) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3Vector, s: slice) -> inviwopy.glm.imat3Vector
Retrieve list elements using a slice object
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3Vector, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat3
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3Vector) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat3Vector) -> None
Copy constructor
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3Vector, arg0: Iterable) -> None
- __iter__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3Vector) Iterator[inviwopy.glm.imat3]
- __len__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3Vector) int
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat3Vector) bool
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3Vector) str
Return the canonical string representation of this list.
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3Vector, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.imat3) -> None
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3Vector, arg0: slice, arg1: inviwopy.glm.imat3Vector) -> None
Assign list elements using a slice object
- append(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.imat3) None
Add an item to the end of the list
- clear(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3Vector) None
Clear the contents
- count(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.imat3) int
Return the number of times
appears in the list
- extend(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3Vector, L: inviwopy.glm.imat3Vector) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3Vector, L: Iterable) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
- insert(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3Vector, i: int, x: inviwopy.glm.imat3) None
Insert an item at a given position.
- pop(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3Vector) -> inviwopy.glm.imat3
Remove and return the last item
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3Vector, i: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat3
Remove and return the item at index
- remove(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.imat3) None
Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.
- __hash__ = None
- class inviwopy.glm.imat3x2
- __add__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2) -> inviwopy.glm.imat3x2
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat3x2
- __buffer__(flags, /)
Return a buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec2
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2, arg0: int, arg1: int) -> int
- __iadd__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2) -> inviwopy.glm.imat3x2
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat3x2
- __imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2, arg0: int) inviwopy.glm.imat3x2
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: int, arg3: int, arg4: int, arg5: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec2, arg1: inviwopy.glm.ivec2, arg2: inviwopy.glm.ivec2) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2, arg0: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2, arg0: typing.Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, numpy.int32]) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2, arg0: list) -> None
- __isub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2) -> inviwopy.glm.imat3x2
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat3x2
- __itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2, arg0: int) inviwopy.glm.imat3x2
- __mul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat3x2
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec3) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec2
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3) -> inviwopy.glm.imat2
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2, arg0: glm::mat<3,3,int,0>) -> inviwopy.glm.imat3x2
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2, arg0: glm::mat<4,3,int,0>) -> glm::mat<4,2,int,0>
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2) bool
- __release_buffer__(buffer, /)
Release the buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2) str
- __rmul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec2) inviwopy.glm.ivec3
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.ivec2) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec2
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: int) -> int
- __sub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2) -> inviwopy.glm.imat3x2
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat3x2
- __truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2, arg0: int) inviwopy.glm.imat3x2
- __hash__ = None
- property array
- class inviwopy.glm.imat3x2Vector
Vectors of glm matrices
- __bool__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2Vector) bool
Check whether the list is nonempty
- __contains__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2) bool
Return true the container contains
- __delitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2Vector, arg0: int) -> None
Delete the list elements at index
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2Vector, arg0: slice) -> None
Delete list elements using a slice object
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2Vector) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2Vector, s: slice) -> inviwopy.glm.imat3x2Vector
Retrieve list elements using a slice object
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2Vector, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat3x2
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2Vector) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2Vector) -> None
Copy constructor
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2Vector, arg0: Iterable) -> None
- __iter__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2Vector) Iterator[inviwopy.glm.imat3x2]
- __len__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2Vector) int
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2Vector) bool
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2Vector) str
Return the canonical string representation of this list.
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2Vector, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2) -> None
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2Vector, arg0: slice, arg1: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2Vector) -> None
Assign list elements using a slice object
- append(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2) None
Add an item to the end of the list
- clear(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2Vector) None
Clear the contents
- count(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2) int
Return the number of times
appears in the list
- extend(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2Vector, L: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2Vector) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2Vector, L: Iterable) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
- insert(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2Vector, i: int, x: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2) None
Insert an item at a given position.
- pop(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2Vector) -> inviwopy.glm.imat3x2
Remove and return the last item
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2Vector, i: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat3x2
Remove and return the item at index
- remove(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.imat3x2) None
Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.
- __hash__ = None
- class inviwopy.glm.imat3x4
- __add__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4) -> inviwopy.glm.imat3x4
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat3x4
- __buffer__(flags, /)
Return a buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec4
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4, arg0: int, arg1: int) -> int
- __iadd__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4) -> inviwopy.glm.imat3x4
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat3x4
- __imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4, arg0: int) inviwopy.glm.imat3x4
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: int, arg3: int, arg4: int, arg5: int, arg6: int, arg7: int, arg8: int, arg9: int, arg10: int, arg11: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec4, arg1: inviwopy.glm.ivec4, arg2: inviwopy.glm.ivec4) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4, arg0: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4, arg0: typing.Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, numpy.int32]) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4, arg0: list) -> None
- __isub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4) -> inviwopy.glm.imat3x4
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat3x4
- __itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4, arg0: int) inviwopy.glm.imat3x4
- __mul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat3x4
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec3) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec4
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat2x3) -> inviwopy.glm.imat2x4
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat3) -> inviwopy.glm.imat3x4
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4, arg0: glm::mat<4,3,int,0>) -> glm::mat<4,4,int,0>
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4) bool
- __release_buffer__(buffer, /)
Release the buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4) str
- __rmul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec4) inviwopy.glm.ivec3
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.ivec4) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec4
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: int) -> int
- __sub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4) -> inviwopy.glm.imat3x4
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat3x4
- __truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4, arg0: int) inviwopy.glm.imat3x4
- __hash__ = None
- property array
- class inviwopy.glm.imat3x4Vector
Vectors of glm matrices
- __bool__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4Vector) bool
Check whether the list is nonempty
- __contains__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4) bool
Return true the container contains
- __delitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4Vector, arg0: int) -> None
Delete the list elements at index
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4Vector, arg0: slice) -> None
Delete list elements using a slice object
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4Vector) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4Vector, s: slice) -> inviwopy.glm.imat3x4Vector
Retrieve list elements using a slice object
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4Vector, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat3x4
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4Vector) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4Vector) -> None
Copy constructor
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4Vector, arg0: Iterable) -> None
- __iter__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4Vector) Iterator[inviwopy.glm.imat3x4]
- __len__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4Vector) int
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4Vector) bool
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4Vector) str
Return the canonical string representation of this list.
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4Vector, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4) -> None
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4Vector, arg0: slice, arg1: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4Vector) -> None
Assign list elements using a slice object
- append(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4) None
Add an item to the end of the list
- clear(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4Vector) None
Clear the contents
- count(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4) int
Return the number of times
appears in the list
- extend(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4Vector, L: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4Vector) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4Vector, L: Iterable) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
- insert(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4Vector, i: int, x: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4) None
Insert an item at a given position.
- pop(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4Vector) -> inviwopy.glm.imat3x4
Remove and return the last item
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4Vector, i: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat3x4
Remove and return the item at index
- remove(self: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4) None
Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.
- __hash__ = None
- class inviwopy.glm.imat4
- __add__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat4) -> inviwopy.glm.imat4
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat4
- __buffer__(flags, /)
Return a buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat4) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec4
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4, arg0: int, arg1: int) -> int
- __iadd__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat4) -> inviwopy.glm.imat4
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat4
- __imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4, arg0: int) inviwopy.glm.imat4
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: int, arg3: int, arg4: int, arg5: int, arg6: int, arg7: int, arg8: int, arg9: int, arg10: int, arg11: int, arg12: int, arg13: int, arg14: int, arg15: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec4, arg1: inviwopy.glm.ivec4, arg2: inviwopy.glm.ivec4, arg3: inviwopy.glm.ivec4) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4, arg0: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat4) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4, arg0: typing.Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, numpy.int32]) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4, arg0: list) -> None
- __isub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat4) -> inviwopy.glm.imat4
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat4
- __itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4, arg0: int) inviwopy.glm.imat4
- __mul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat4
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec4) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec4
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4) -> inviwopy.glm.imat2x4
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4) -> inviwopy.glm.imat3x4
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat4) -> inviwopy.glm.imat4
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat4) bool
- __release_buffer__(buffer, /)
Release the buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4) str
- __rmul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec4) inviwopy.glm.ivec4
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.ivec4) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec4
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: int) -> int
- __sub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat4) -> inviwopy.glm.imat4
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat4
- __truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4, arg0: int) inviwopy.glm.imat4
- __hash__ = None
- property array
- class inviwopy.glm.imat4Vector
Vectors of glm matrices
- __bool__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4Vector) bool
Check whether the list is nonempty
- __contains__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.imat4) bool
Return true the container contains
- __delitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4Vector, arg0: int) -> None
Delete the list elements at index
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4Vector, arg0: slice) -> None
Delete list elements using a slice object
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat4Vector) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4Vector, s: slice) -> inviwopy.glm.imat4Vector
Retrieve list elements using a slice object
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4Vector, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat4
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4Vector) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat4Vector) -> None
Copy constructor
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4Vector, arg0: Iterable) -> None
- __iter__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4Vector) Iterator[inviwopy.glm.imat4]
- __len__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4Vector) int
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat4Vector) bool
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4Vector) str
Return the canonical string representation of this list.
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4Vector, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.imat4) -> None
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4Vector, arg0: slice, arg1: inviwopy.glm.imat4Vector) -> None
Assign list elements using a slice object
- append(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.imat4) None
Add an item to the end of the list
- clear(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4Vector) None
Clear the contents
- count(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.imat4) int
Return the number of times
appears in the list
- extend(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4Vector, L: inviwopy.glm.imat4Vector) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4Vector, L: Iterable) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
- insert(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4Vector, i: int, x: inviwopy.glm.imat4) None
Insert an item at a given position.
- pop(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4Vector) -> inviwopy.glm.imat4
Remove and return the last item
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4Vector, i: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat4
Remove and return the item at index
- remove(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.imat4) None
Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.
- __hash__ = None
- class inviwopy.glm.imat4x2
- __add__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2) -> inviwopy.glm.imat4x2
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat4x2
- __buffer__(flags, /)
Return a buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec2
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2, arg0: int, arg1: int) -> int
- __iadd__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2) -> inviwopy.glm.imat4x2
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat4x2
- __imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2, arg0: int) inviwopy.glm.imat4x2
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: int, arg3: int, arg4: int, arg5: int, arg6: int, arg7: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec2, arg1: inviwopy.glm.ivec2, arg2: inviwopy.glm.ivec2, arg3: inviwopy.glm.ivec2) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2, arg0: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2, arg0: typing.Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, numpy.int32]) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2, arg0: list) -> None
- __isub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2) -> inviwopy.glm.imat4x2
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat4x2
- __itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2, arg0: int) inviwopy.glm.imat4x2
- __mul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat4x2
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec4) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec2
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4) -> inviwopy.glm.imat2
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4) -> inviwopy.glm.imat3x2
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2, arg0: glm::mat<4,4,int,0>) -> inviwopy.glm.imat4x2
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2) bool
- __release_buffer__(buffer, /)
Release the buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2) str
- __rmul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec2) inviwopy.glm.ivec4
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.ivec2) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec2
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: int) -> int
- __sub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2) -> inviwopy.glm.imat4x2
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat4x2
- __truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2, arg0: int) inviwopy.glm.imat4x2
- __hash__ = None
- property array
- class inviwopy.glm.imat4x2Vector
Vectors of glm matrices
- __bool__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2Vector) bool
Check whether the list is nonempty
- __contains__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2) bool
Return true the container contains
- __delitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2Vector, arg0: int) -> None
Delete the list elements at index
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2Vector, arg0: slice) -> None
Delete list elements using a slice object
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2Vector) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2Vector, s: slice) -> inviwopy.glm.imat4x2Vector
Retrieve list elements using a slice object
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2Vector, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat4x2
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2Vector) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2Vector) -> None
Copy constructor
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2Vector, arg0: Iterable) -> None
- __iter__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2Vector) Iterator[inviwopy.glm.imat4x2]
- __len__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2Vector) int
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2Vector) bool
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2Vector) str
Return the canonical string representation of this list.
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2Vector, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2) -> None
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2Vector, arg0: slice, arg1: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2Vector) -> None
Assign list elements using a slice object
- append(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2) None
Add an item to the end of the list
- clear(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2Vector) None
Clear the contents
- count(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2) int
Return the number of times
appears in the list
- extend(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2Vector, L: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2Vector) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2Vector, L: Iterable) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
- insert(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2Vector, i: int, x: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2) None
Insert an item at a given position.
- pop(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2Vector) -> inviwopy.glm.imat4x2
Remove and return the last item
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2Vector, i: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat4x2
Remove and return the item at index
- remove(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.imat4x2) None
Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.
- __hash__ = None
- class inviwopy.glm.imat4x3
- __add__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3) -> inviwopy.glm.imat4x3
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat4x3
- __buffer__(flags, /)
Return a buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec3
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3, arg0: int, arg1: int) -> int
- __iadd__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3) -> inviwopy.glm.imat4x3
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat4x3
- __imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3, arg0: int) inviwopy.glm.imat4x3
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: int, arg3: int, arg4: int, arg5: int, arg6: int, arg7: int, arg8: int, arg9: int, arg10: int, arg11: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec3, arg1: inviwopy.glm.ivec3, arg2: inviwopy.glm.ivec3, arg3: inviwopy.glm.ivec3) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3, arg0: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3, arg0: typing.Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, numpy.int32]) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3, arg0: list) -> None
- __isub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3) -> inviwopy.glm.imat4x3
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat4x3
- __itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3, arg0: int) inviwopy.glm.imat4x3
- __mul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat4x3
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec4) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec3
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat2x4) -> inviwopy.glm.imat2x3
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat3x4) -> inviwopy.glm.imat3
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3, arg0: glm::mat<4,4,int,0>) -> inviwopy.glm.imat4x3
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3) bool
- __release_buffer__(buffer, /)
Release the buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3) str
- __rmul__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec3) inviwopy.glm.ivec4
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.ivec3) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec3
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: int) -> int
- __sub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3) -> inviwopy.glm.imat4x3
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat4x3
- __truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3, arg0: int) inviwopy.glm.imat4x3
- __hash__ = None
- property array
- class inviwopy.glm.imat4x3Vector
Vectors of glm matrices
- __bool__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3Vector) bool
Check whether the list is nonempty
- __contains__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3) bool
Return true the container contains
- __delitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3Vector, arg0: int) -> None
Delete the list elements at index
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3Vector, arg0: slice) -> None
Delete list elements using a slice object
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3Vector) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3Vector, s: slice) -> inviwopy.glm.imat4x3Vector
Retrieve list elements using a slice object
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3Vector, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat4x3
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3Vector) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3Vector) -> None
Copy constructor
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3Vector, arg0: Iterable) -> None
- __iter__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3Vector) Iterator[inviwopy.glm.imat4x3]
- __len__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3Vector) int
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3Vector) bool
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3Vector) str
Return the canonical string representation of this list.
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3Vector, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3) -> None
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3Vector, arg0: slice, arg1: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3Vector) -> None
Assign list elements using a slice object
- append(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3) None
Add an item to the end of the list
- clear(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3Vector) None
Clear the contents
- count(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3) int
Return the number of times
appears in the list
- extend(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3Vector, L: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3Vector) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3Vector, L: Iterable) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
- insert(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3Vector, i: int, x: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3) None
Insert an item at a given position.
- pop(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3Vector) -> inviwopy.glm.imat4x3
Remove and return the last item
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3Vector, i: int) -> inviwopy.glm.imat4x3
Remove and return the item at index
- remove(self: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.imat4x3) None
Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.
- __hash__ = None
- class inviwopy.glm.ivec2
- __add__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec2) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec2
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec2, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec2
- __buffer__(flags, /)
Return a buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec2) bool
- __getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec2, arg0: int) int
- __iadd__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec2) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec2
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec2, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec2
- __imul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec2) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec2
__imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec2, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec2
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec2, arg0: int, arg1: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec2, arg0: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec2) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec2) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec2, arg0: typing.Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, numpy.int32]) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec2, arg0: list) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec2, arg0: glm::vec<3,int,0>) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec2, arg0: glm::vec<4,int,0>) -> None
- __isub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec2) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec2
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec2, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec2
- __itruediv__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec2) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec2
__itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec2, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec2
- __mul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec2) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec2
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec2, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec2
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec2) bool
- __release_buffer__(buffer, /)
Release the buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec2) str
- __setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec2, arg0: int, arg1: int) int
- __sub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec2) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec2
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec2, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec2
- __truediv__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec2) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec2
__truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec2, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec2
- __hash__ = None
- property array
- property g
- property r
- property s
- property t
- property x
- property y
- class inviwopy.glm.ivec3
- __add__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec3) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec3
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec3, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec3
- __buffer__(flags, /)
Return a buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec3) bool
- __getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec3, arg0: int) int
- __iadd__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec3) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec3
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec3, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec3
- __imul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec3) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec3
__imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec3, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec3
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec3, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec3, arg0: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec3) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec3) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec3, arg0: typing.Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, numpy.int32]) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec3, arg0: list) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec2, arg1: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec3, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.ivec2) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec3, arg0: glm::vec<4,int,0>) -> None
- __isub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec3) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec3
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec3, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec3
- __itruediv__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec3) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec3
__itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec3, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec3
- __mul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec3) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec3
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec3, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec3
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec3) bool
- __release_buffer__(buffer, /)
Release the buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec3) str
- __setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec3, arg0: int, arg1: int) int
- __sub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec3) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec3
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec3, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec3
- __truediv__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec3) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec3
__truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec3, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec3
- __hash__ = None
- property array
- property b
- property g
- property p
- property r
- property s
- property t
- property x
- property y
- property z
- class inviwopy.glm.ivec4
- __add__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec4) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec4
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec4, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec4
- __buffer__(flags, /)
Return a buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec4) bool
- __getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec4, arg0: int) int
- __iadd__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec4) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec4
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec4, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec4
- __imul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec4) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec4
__imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec4, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec4
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec4, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: int, arg3: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec4, arg0: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec4) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec4) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec4, arg0: typing.Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, numpy.int32]) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec4, arg0: list) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec2, arg1: int, arg2: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec4, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.ivec2, arg2: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec4, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: inviwopy.glm.ivec2) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec2, arg1: inviwopy.glm.ivec2) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec3, arg1: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec4, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.ivec3) -> None
- __isub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec4) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec4
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec4, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec4
- __itruediv__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec4) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec4
__itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec4, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec4
- __mul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec4) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec4
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec4, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec4
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec4) bool
- __release_buffer__(buffer, /)
Release the buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec4) str
- __setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec4, arg0: int, arg1: int) int
- __sub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec4) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec4
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec4, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec4
- __truediv__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec4) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec4
__truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.ivec4, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec4
- __hash__ = None
- property a
- property array
- property b
- property g
- property p
- property q
- property r
- property s
- property t
- property w
- property x
- property y
- property z
- class inviwopy.glm.mat2
- __add__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat2) -> inviwopy.glm.mat2
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.mat2
- __buffer__(flags, /)
Return a buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat2) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.vec2
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2, arg0: int, arg1: int) -> float
- __iadd__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat2) -> inviwopy.glm.mat2
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.mat2
- __imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2, arg0: float) inviwopy.glm.mat2
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2, arg0: float, arg1: float, arg2: float, arg3: float) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec2, arg1: inviwopy.glm.vec2) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2, arg0: float) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat2) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2, arg0: typing.Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, numpy.float32]) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2, arg0: list) -> None
- __isub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat2) -> inviwopy.glm.mat2
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.mat2
- __itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2, arg0: float) inviwopy.glm.mat2
- __mul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.mat2
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec2) -> inviwopy.glm.vec2
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat2) -> inviwopy.glm.mat2
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2, arg0: glm::mat<3,2,float,0>) -> glm::mat<3,2,float,0>
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2, arg0: glm::mat<4,2,float,0>) -> glm::mat<4,2,float,0>
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat2) bool
- __release_buffer__(buffer, /)
Release the buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2) str
- __rmul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec2) inviwopy.glm.vec2
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.vec2) -> inviwopy.glm.vec2
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: float) -> float
- __sub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat2) -> inviwopy.glm.mat2
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.mat2
- __truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2, arg0: float) inviwopy.glm.mat2
- __hash__ = None
- property array
- class inviwopy.glm.mat2Vector
Vectors of glm matrices
- __bool__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2Vector) bool
Check whether the list is nonempty
- __contains__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.mat2) bool
Return true the container contains
- __delitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2Vector, arg0: int) -> None
Delete the list elements at index
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2Vector, arg0: slice) -> None
Delete list elements using a slice object
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat2Vector) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2Vector, s: slice) -> inviwopy.glm.mat2Vector
Retrieve list elements using a slice object
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2Vector, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.mat2
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2Vector) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat2Vector) -> None
Copy constructor
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2Vector, arg0: Iterable) -> None
- __iter__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2Vector) Iterator[inviwopy.glm.mat2]
- __len__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2Vector) int
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat2Vector) bool
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2Vector) str
Return the canonical string representation of this list.
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2Vector, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.mat2) -> None
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2Vector, arg0: slice, arg1: inviwopy.glm.mat2Vector) -> None
Assign list elements using a slice object
- append(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.mat2) None
Add an item to the end of the list
- clear(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2Vector) None
Clear the contents
- count(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.mat2) int
Return the number of times
appears in the list
- extend(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2Vector, L: inviwopy.glm.mat2Vector) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2Vector, L: Iterable) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
- insert(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2Vector, i: int, x: inviwopy.glm.mat2) None
Insert an item at a given position.
- pop(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2Vector) -> inviwopy.glm.mat2
Remove and return the last item
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2Vector, i: int) -> inviwopy.glm.mat2
Remove and return the item at index
- remove(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.mat2) None
Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.
- __hash__ = None
- class inviwopy.glm.mat2x3
- __add__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3) -> inviwopy.glm.mat2x3
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.mat2x3
- __buffer__(flags, /)
Return a buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.vec3
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3, arg0: int, arg1: int) -> float
- __iadd__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3) -> inviwopy.glm.mat2x3
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.mat2x3
- __imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3, arg0: float) inviwopy.glm.mat2x3
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3, arg0: float, arg1: float, arg2: float, arg3: float, arg4: float, arg5: float) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec3, arg1: inviwopy.glm.vec3) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3, arg0: float) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3, arg0: typing.Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, numpy.float32]) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3, arg0: list) -> None
- __isub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3) -> inviwopy.glm.mat2x3
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.mat2x3
- __itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3, arg0: float) inviwopy.glm.mat2x3
- __mul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.mat2x3
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec2) -> inviwopy.glm.vec3
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat2) -> inviwopy.glm.mat2x3
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3, arg0: glm::mat<3,2,float,0>) -> glm::mat<3,3,float,0>
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3, arg0: glm::mat<4,2,float,0>) -> glm::mat<4,3,float,0>
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3) bool
- __release_buffer__(buffer, /)
Release the buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3) str
- __rmul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec3) inviwopy.glm.vec2
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.vec3) -> inviwopy.glm.vec3
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: float) -> float
- __sub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3) -> inviwopy.glm.mat2x3
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.mat2x3
- __truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3, arg0: float) inviwopy.glm.mat2x3
- __hash__ = None
- property array
- class inviwopy.glm.mat2x3Vector
Vectors of glm matrices
- __bool__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3Vector) bool
Check whether the list is nonempty
- __contains__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3) bool
Return true the container contains
- __delitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3Vector, arg0: int) -> None
Delete the list elements at index
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3Vector, arg0: slice) -> None
Delete list elements using a slice object
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3Vector) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3Vector, s: slice) -> inviwopy.glm.mat2x3Vector
Retrieve list elements using a slice object
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3Vector, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.mat2x3
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3Vector) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3Vector) -> None
Copy constructor
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3Vector, arg0: Iterable) -> None
- __iter__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3Vector) Iterator[inviwopy.glm.mat2x3]
- __len__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3Vector) int
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3Vector) bool
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3Vector) str
Return the canonical string representation of this list.
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3Vector, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3) -> None
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3Vector, arg0: slice, arg1: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3Vector) -> None
Assign list elements using a slice object
- append(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3) None
Add an item to the end of the list
- clear(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3Vector) None
Clear the contents
- count(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3) int
Return the number of times
appears in the list
- extend(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3Vector, L: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3Vector) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3Vector, L: Iterable) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
- insert(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3Vector, i: int, x: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3) None
Insert an item at a given position.
- pop(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3Vector) -> inviwopy.glm.mat2x3
Remove and return the last item
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3Vector, i: int) -> inviwopy.glm.mat2x3
Remove and return the item at index
- remove(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3) None
Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.
- __hash__ = None
- class inviwopy.glm.mat2x4
- __add__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4) -> inviwopy.glm.mat2x4
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.mat2x4
- __buffer__(flags, /)
Return a buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.vec4
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4, arg0: int, arg1: int) -> float
- __iadd__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4) -> inviwopy.glm.mat2x4
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.mat2x4
- __imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4, arg0: float) inviwopy.glm.mat2x4
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4, arg0: float, arg1: float, arg2: float, arg3: float, arg4: float, arg5: float, arg6: float, arg7: float) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec4, arg1: inviwopy.glm.vec4) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4, arg0: float) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4, arg0: typing.Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, numpy.float32]) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4, arg0: list) -> None
- __isub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4) -> inviwopy.glm.mat2x4
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.mat2x4
- __itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4, arg0: float) inviwopy.glm.mat2x4
- __mul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.mat2x4
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec2) -> inviwopy.glm.vec4
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat2) -> inviwopy.glm.mat2x4
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4, arg0: glm::mat<3,2,float,0>) -> glm::mat<3,4,float,0>
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4, arg0: glm::mat<4,2,float,0>) -> glm::mat<4,4,float,0>
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4) bool
- __release_buffer__(buffer, /)
Release the buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4) str
- __rmul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec4) inviwopy.glm.vec2
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.vec4) -> inviwopy.glm.vec4
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: float) -> float
- __sub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4) -> inviwopy.glm.mat2x4
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.mat2x4
- __truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4, arg0: float) inviwopy.glm.mat2x4
- __hash__ = None
- property array
- class inviwopy.glm.mat2x4Vector
Vectors of glm matrices
- __bool__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4Vector) bool
Check whether the list is nonempty
- __contains__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4) bool
Return true the container contains
- __delitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4Vector, arg0: int) -> None
Delete the list elements at index
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4Vector, arg0: slice) -> None
Delete list elements using a slice object
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4Vector) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4Vector, s: slice) -> inviwopy.glm.mat2x4Vector
Retrieve list elements using a slice object
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4Vector, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.mat2x4
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4Vector) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4Vector) -> None
Copy constructor
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4Vector, arg0: Iterable) -> None
- __iter__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4Vector) Iterator[inviwopy.glm.mat2x4]
- __len__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4Vector) int
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4Vector) bool
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4Vector) str
Return the canonical string representation of this list.
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4Vector, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4) -> None
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4Vector, arg0: slice, arg1: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4Vector) -> None
Assign list elements using a slice object
- append(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4) None
Add an item to the end of the list
- clear(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4Vector) None
Clear the contents
- count(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4) int
Return the number of times
appears in the list
- extend(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4Vector, L: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4Vector) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4Vector, L: Iterable) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
- insert(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4Vector, i: int, x: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4) None
Insert an item at a given position.
- pop(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4Vector) -> inviwopy.glm.mat2x4
Remove and return the last item
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4Vector, i: int) -> inviwopy.glm.mat2x4
Remove and return the item at index
- remove(self: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4) None
Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.
- __hash__ = None
- class inviwopy.glm.mat3
- __add__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat3) -> inviwopy.glm.mat3
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.mat3
- __buffer__(flags, /)
Return a buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat3) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.vec3
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3, arg0: int, arg1: int) -> float
- __iadd__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat3) -> inviwopy.glm.mat3
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.mat3
- __imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3, arg0: float) inviwopy.glm.mat3
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3, arg0: float, arg1: float, arg2: float, arg3: float, arg4: float, arg5: float, arg6: float, arg7: float, arg8: float) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec3, arg1: inviwopy.glm.vec3, arg2: inviwopy.glm.vec3) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3, arg0: float) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat3) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3, arg0: typing.Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, numpy.float32]) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3, arg0: list) -> None
- __isub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat3) -> inviwopy.glm.mat3
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.mat3
- __itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3, arg0: float) inviwopy.glm.mat3
- __mul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.mat3
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec3) -> inviwopy.glm.vec3
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3) -> inviwopy.glm.mat2x3
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat3) -> inviwopy.glm.mat3
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3, arg0: glm::mat<4,3,float,0>) -> glm::mat<4,3,float,0>
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat3) bool
- __release_buffer__(buffer, /)
Release the buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3) str
- __rmul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec3) inviwopy.glm.vec3
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.vec3) -> inviwopy.glm.vec3
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: float) -> float
- __sub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat3) -> inviwopy.glm.mat3
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.mat3
- __truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3, arg0: float) inviwopy.glm.mat3
- __hash__ = None
- property array
- class inviwopy.glm.mat3Vector
Vectors of glm matrices
- __bool__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3Vector) bool
Check whether the list is nonempty
- __contains__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.mat3) bool
Return true the container contains
- __delitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3Vector, arg0: int) -> None
Delete the list elements at index
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3Vector, arg0: slice) -> None
Delete list elements using a slice object
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat3Vector) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3Vector, s: slice) -> inviwopy.glm.mat3Vector
Retrieve list elements using a slice object
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3Vector, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.mat3
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3Vector) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat3Vector) -> None
Copy constructor
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3Vector, arg0: Iterable) -> None
- __iter__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3Vector) Iterator[inviwopy.glm.mat3]
- __len__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3Vector) int
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat3Vector) bool
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3Vector) str
Return the canonical string representation of this list.
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3Vector, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.mat3) -> None
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3Vector, arg0: slice, arg1: inviwopy.glm.mat3Vector) -> None
Assign list elements using a slice object
- append(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.mat3) None
Add an item to the end of the list
- clear(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3Vector) None
Clear the contents
- count(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.mat3) int
Return the number of times
appears in the list
- extend(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3Vector, L: inviwopy.glm.mat3Vector) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3Vector, L: Iterable) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
- insert(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3Vector, i: int, x: inviwopy.glm.mat3) None
Insert an item at a given position.
- pop(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3Vector) -> inviwopy.glm.mat3
Remove and return the last item
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3Vector, i: int) -> inviwopy.glm.mat3
Remove and return the item at index
- remove(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.mat3) None
Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.
- __hash__ = None
- class inviwopy.glm.mat3x2
- __add__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2) -> inviwopy.glm.mat3x2
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.mat3x2
- __buffer__(flags, /)
Return a buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.vec2
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2, arg0: int, arg1: int) -> float
- __iadd__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2) -> inviwopy.glm.mat3x2
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.mat3x2
- __imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2, arg0: float) inviwopy.glm.mat3x2
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2, arg0: float, arg1: float, arg2: float, arg3: float, arg4: float, arg5: float) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec2, arg1: inviwopy.glm.vec2, arg2: inviwopy.glm.vec2) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2, arg0: float) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2, arg0: typing.Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, numpy.float32]) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2, arg0: list) -> None
- __isub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2) -> inviwopy.glm.mat3x2
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.mat3x2
- __itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2, arg0: float) inviwopy.glm.mat3x2
- __mul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.mat3x2
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec3) -> inviwopy.glm.vec2
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3) -> inviwopy.glm.mat2
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2, arg0: glm::mat<3,3,float,0>) -> inviwopy.glm.mat3x2
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2, arg0: glm::mat<4,3,float,0>) -> glm::mat<4,2,float,0>
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2) bool
- __release_buffer__(buffer, /)
Release the buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2) str
- __rmul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec2) inviwopy.glm.vec3
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.vec2) -> inviwopy.glm.vec2
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: float) -> float
- __sub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2) -> inviwopy.glm.mat3x2
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.mat3x2
- __truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2, arg0: float) inviwopy.glm.mat3x2
- __hash__ = None
- property array
- class inviwopy.glm.mat3x2Vector
Vectors of glm matrices
- __bool__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2Vector) bool
Check whether the list is nonempty
- __contains__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2) bool
Return true the container contains
- __delitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2Vector, arg0: int) -> None
Delete the list elements at index
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2Vector, arg0: slice) -> None
Delete list elements using a slice object
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2Vector) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2Vector, s: slice) -> inviwopy.glm.mat3x2Vector
Retrieve list elements using a slice object
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2Vector, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.mat3x2
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2Vector) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2Vector) -> None
Copy constructor
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2Vector, arg0: Iterable) -> None
- __iter__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2Vector) Iterator[inviwopy.glm.mat3x2]
- __len__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2Vector) int
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2Vector) bool
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2Vector) str
Return the canonical string representation of this list.
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2Vector, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2) -> None
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2Vector, arg0: slice, arg1: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2Vector) -> None
Assign list elements using a slice object
- append(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2) None
Add an item to the end of the list
- clear(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2Vector) None
Clear the contents
- count(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2) int
Return the number of times
appears in the list
- extend(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2Vector, L: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2Vector) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2Vector, L: Iterable) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
- insert(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2Vector, i: int, x: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2) None
Insert an item at a given position.
- pop(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2Vector) -> inviwopy.glm.mat3x2
Remove and return the last item
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2Vector, i: int) -> inviwopy.glm.mat3x2
Remove and return the item at index
- remove(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.mat3x2) None
Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.
- __hash__ = None
- class inviwopy.glm.mat3x4
- __add__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4) -> inviwopy.glm.mat3x4
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.mat3x4
- __buffer__(flags, /)
Return a buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.vec4
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4, arg0: int, arg1: int) -> float
- __iadd__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4) -> inviwopy.glm.mat3x4
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.mat3x4
- __imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4, arg0: float) inviwopy.glm.mat3x4
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4, arg0: float, arg1: float, arg2: float, arg3: float, arg4: float, arg5: float, arg6: float, arg7: float, arg8: float, arg9: float, arg10: float, arg11: float) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec4, arg1: inviwopy.glm.vec4, arg2: inviwopy.glm.vec4) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4, arg0: float) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4, arg0: typing.Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, numpy.float32]) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4, arg0: list) -> None
- __isub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4) -> inviwopy.glm.mat3x4
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.mat3x4
- __itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4, arg0: float) inviwopy.glm.mat3x4
- __mul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.mat3x4
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec3) -> inviwopy.glm.vec4
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat2x3) -> inviwopy.glm.mat2x4
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat3) -> inviwopy.glm.mat3x4
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4, arg0: glm::mat<4,3,float,0>) -> glm::mat<4,4,float,0>
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4) bool
- __release_buffer__(buffer, /)
Release the buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4) str
- __rmul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec4) inviwopy.glm.vec3
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.vec4) -> inviwopy.glm.vec4
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: float) -> float
- __sub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4) -> inviwopy.glm.mat3x4
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.mat3x4
- __truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4, arg0: float) inviwopy.glm.mat3x4
- __hash__ = None
- property array
- class inviwopy.glm.mat3x4Vector
Vectors of glm matrices
- __bool__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4Vector) bool
Check whether the list is nonempty
- __contains__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4) bool
Return true the container contains
- __delitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4Vector, arg0: int) -> None
Delete the list elements at index
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4Vector, arg0: slice) -> None
Delete list elements using a slice object
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4Vector) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4Vector, s: slice) -> inviwopy.glm.mat3x4Vector
Retrieve list elements using a slice object
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4Vector, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.mat3x4
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4Vector) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4Vector) -> None
Copy constructor
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4Vector, arg0: Iterable) -> None
- __iter__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4Vector) Iterator[inviwopy.glm.mat3x4]
- __len__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4Vector) int
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4Vector) bool
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4Vector) str
Return the canonical string representation of this list.
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4Vector, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4) -> None
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4Vector, arg0: slice, arg1: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4Vector) -> None
Assign list elements using a slice object
- append(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4) None
Add an item to the end of the list
- clear(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4Vector) None
Clear the contents
- count(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4) int
Return the number of times
appears in the list
- extend(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4Vector, L: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4Vector) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4Vector, L: Iterable) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
- insert(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4Vector, i: int, x: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4) None
Insert an item at a given position.
- pop(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4Vector) -> inviwopy.glm.mat3x4
Remove and return the last item
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4Vector, i: int) -> inviwopy.glm.mat3x4
Remove and return the item at index
- remove(self: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4) None
Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.
- __hash__ = None
- class inviwopy.glm.mat4
- __add__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat4) -> inviwopy.glm.mat4
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.mat4
- __buffer__(flags, /)
Return a buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat4) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.vec4
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4, arg0: int, arg1: int) -> float
- __iadd__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat4) -> inviwopy.glm.mat4
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.mat4
- __imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4, arg0: float) inviwopy.glm.mat4
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4, arg0: float, arg1: float, arg2: float, arg3: float, arg4: float, arg5: float, arg6: float, arg7: float, arg8: float, arg9: float, arg10: float, arg11: float, arg12: float, arg13: float, arg14: float, arg15: float) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec4, arg1: inviwopy.glm.vec4, arg2: inviwopy.glm.vec4, arg3: inviwopy.glm.vec4) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4, arg0: float) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat4) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4, arg0: typing.Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, numpy.float32]) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4, arg0: list) -> None
- __isub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat4) -> inviwopy.glm.mat4
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.mat4
- __itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4, arg0: float) inviwopy.glm.mat4
- __mul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.mat4
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec4) -> inviwopy.glm.vec4
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4) -> inviwopy.glm.mat2x4
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4) -> inviwopy.glm.mat3x4
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat4) -> inviwopy.glm.mat4
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat4) bool
- __release_buffer__(buffer, /)
Release the buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4) str
- __rmul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec4) inviwopy.glm.vec4
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.vec4) -> inviwopy.glm.vec4
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: float) -> float
- __sub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat4) -> inviwopy.glm.mat4
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.mat4
- __truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4, arg0: float) inviwopy.glm.mat4
- __hash__ = None
- property array
- class inviwopy.glm.mat4Vector
Vectors of glm matrices
- __bool__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4Vector) bool
Check whether the list is nonempty
- __contains__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.mat4) bool
Return true the container contains
- __delitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4Vector, arg0: int) -> None
Delete the list elements at index
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4Vector, arg0: slice) -> None
Delete list elements using a slice object
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat4Vector) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4Vector, s: slice) -> inviwopy.glm.mat4Vector
Retrieve list elements using a slice object
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4Vector, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.mat4
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4Vector) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat4Vector) -> None
Copy constructor
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4Vector, arg0: Iterable) -> None
- __iter__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4Vector) Iterator[inviwopy.glm.mat4]
- __len__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4Vector) int
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat4Vector) bool
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4Vector) str
Return the canonical string representation of this list.
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4Vector, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.mat4) -> None
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4Vector, arg0: slice, arg1: inviwopy.glm.mat4Vector) -> None
Assign list elements using a slice object
- append(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.mat4) None
Add an item to the end of the list
- clear(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4Vector) None
Clear the contents
- count(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.mat4) int
Return the number of times
appears in the list
- extend(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4Vector, L: inviwopy.glm.mat4Vector) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4Vector, L: Iterable) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
- insert(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4Vector, i: int, x: inviwopy.glm.mat4) None
Insert an item at a given position.
- pop(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4Vector) -> inviwopy.glm.mat4
Remove and return the last item
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4Vector, i: int) -> inviwopy.glm.mat4
Remove and return the item at index
- remove(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.mat4) None
Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.
- __hash__ = None
- class inviwopy.glm.mat4x2
- __add__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2) -> inviwopy.glm.mat4x2
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.mat4x2
- __buffer__(flags, /)
Return a buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.vec2
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2, arg0: int, arg1: int) -> float
- __iadd__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2) -> inviwopy.glm.mat4x2
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.mat4x2
- __imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2, arg0: float) inviwopy.glm.mat4x2
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2, arg0: float, arg1: float, arg2: float, arg3: float, arg4: float, arg5: float, arg6: float, arg7: float) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec2, arg1: inviwopy.glm.vec2, arg2: inviwopy.glm.vec2, arg3: inviwopy.glm.vec2) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2, arg0: float) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2, arg0: typing.Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, numpy.float32]) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2, arg0: list) -> None
- __isub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2) -> inviwopy.glm.mat4x2
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.mat4x2
- __itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2, arg0: float) inviwopy.glm.mat4x2
- __mul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.mat4x2
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec4) -> inviwopy.glm.vec2
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4) -> inviwopy.glm.mat2
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4) -> inviwopy.glm.mat3x2
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2, arg0: glm::mat<4,4,float,0>) -> inviwopy.glm.mat4x2
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2) bool
- __release_buffer__(buffer, /)
Release the buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2) str
- __rmul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec2) inviwopy.glm.vec4
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.vec2) -> inviwopy.glm.vec2
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: float) -> float
- __sub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2) -> inviwopy.glm.mat4x2
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.mat4x2
- __truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2, arg0: float) inviwopy.glm.mat4x2
- __hash__ = None
- property array
- class inviwopy.glm.mat4x2Vector
Vectors of glm matrices
- __bool__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2Vector) bool
Check whether the list is nonempty
- __contains__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2) bool
Return true the container contains
- __delitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2Vector, arg0: int) -> None
Delete the list elements at index
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2Vector, arg0: slice) -> None
Delete list elements using a slice object
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2Vector) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2Vector, s: slice) -> inviwopy.glm.mat4x2Vector
Retrieve list elements using a slice object
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2Vector, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.mat4x2
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2Vector) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2Vector) -> None
Copy constructor
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2Vector, arg0: Iterable) -> None
- __iter__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2Vector) Iterator[inviwopy.glm.mat4x2]
- __len__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2Vector) int
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2Vector) bool
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2Vector) str
Return the canonical string representation of this list.
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2Vector, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2) -> None
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2Vector, arg0: slice, arg1: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2Vector) -> None
Assign list elements using a slice object
- append(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2) None
Add an item to the end of the list
- clear(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2Vector) None
Clear the contents
- count(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2) int
Return the number of times
appears in the list
- extend(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2Vector, L: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2Vector) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2Vector, L: Iterable) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
- insert(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2Vector, i: int, x: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2) None
Insert an item at a given position.
- pop(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2Vector) -> inviwopy.glm.mat4x2
Remove and return the last item
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2Vector, i: int) -> inviwopy.glm.mat4x2
Remove and return the item at index
- remove(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.mat4x2) None
Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.
- __hash__ = None
- class inviwopy.glm.mat4x3
- __add__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3) -> inviwopy.glm.mat4x3
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.mat4x3
- __buffer__(flags, /)
Return a buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.vec3
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3, arg0: int, arg1: int) -> float
- __iadd__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3) -> inviwopy.glm.mat4x3
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.mat4x3
- __imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3, arg0: float) inviwopy.glm.mat4x3
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3, arg0: float, arg1: float, arg2: float, arg3: float, arg4: float, arg5: float, arg6: float, arg7: float, arg8: float, arg9: float, arg10: float, arg11: float) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec3, arg1: inviwopy.glm.vec3, arg2: inviwopy.glm.vec3, arg3: inviwopy.glm.vec3) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3, arg0: float) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3, arg0: typing.Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, numpy.float32]) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3, arg0: list) -> None
- __isub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3) -> inviwopy.glm.mat4x3
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.mat4x3
- __itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3, arg0: float) inviwopy.glm.mat4x3
- __mul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.mat4x3
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec4) -> inviwopy.glm.vec3
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat2x4) -> inviwopy.glm.mat2x3
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat3x4) -> inviwopy.glm.mat3
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3, arg0: glm::mat<4,4,float,0>) -> inviwopy.glm.mat4x3
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3) bool
- __release_buffer__(buffer, /)
Release the buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3) str
- __rmul__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec3) inviwopy.glm.vec4
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.vec3) -> inviwopy.glm.vec3
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: float) -> float
- __sub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3) -> inviwopy.glm.mat4x3
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.mat4x3
- __truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3, arg0: float) inviwopy.glm.mat4x3
- __hash__ = None
- property array
- class inviwopy.glm.mat4x3Vector
Vectors of glm matrices
- __bool__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3Vector) bool
Check whether the list is nonempty
- __contains__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3) bool
Return true the container contains
- __delitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3Vector, arg0: int) -> None
Delete the list elements at index
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3Vector, arg0: slice) -> None
Delete list elements using a slice object
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3Vector) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3Vector, s: slice) -> inviwopy.glm.mat4x3Vector
Retrieve list elements using a slice object
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3Vector, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.mat4x3
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3Vector) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3Vector) -> None
Copy constructor
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3Vector, arg0: Iterable) -> None
- __iter__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3Vector) Iterator[inviwopy.glm.mat4x3]
- __len__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3Vector) int
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3Vector) bool
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3Vector) str
Return the canonical string representation of this list.
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3Vector, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3) -> None
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3Vector, arg0: slice, arg1: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3Vector) -> None
Assign list elements using a slice object
- append(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3) None
Add an item to the end of the list
- clear(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3Vector) None
Clear the contents
- count(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3) int
Return the number of times
appears in the list
- extend(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3Vector, L: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3Vector) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3Vector, L: Iterable) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
- insert(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3Vector, i: int, x: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3) None
Insert an item at a given position.
- pop(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3Vector) -> inviwopy.glm.mat4x3
Remove and return the last item
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3Vector, i: int) -> inviwopy.glm.mat4x3
Remove and return the item at index
- remove(self: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.mat4x3) None
Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.
- __hash__ = None
- class inviwopy.glm.size2_t
- __add__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.size2_t, arg0: inviwopy.glm.size2_t) -> inviwopy.glm.size2_t
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.size2_t, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.size2_t
- __buffer__(flags, /)
Return a buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.size2_t, arg0: inviwopy.glm.size2_t) bool
- __getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.size2_t, arg0: int) int
- __iadd__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.size2_t, arg0: inviwopy.glm.size2_t) -> inviwopy.glm.size2_t
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.size2_t, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.size2_t
- __imul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.size2_t, arg0: inviwopy.glm.size2_t) -> inviwopy.glm.size2_t
__imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.size2_t, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.size2_t
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.size2_t, arg0: int, arg1: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.size2_t, arg0: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.size2_t, arg0: inviwopy.glm.size2_t) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.size2_t) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.size2_t, arg0: typing.Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, numpy.uint64]) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.size2_t, arg0: list) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.size2_t, arg0: glm::vec<3,unsigned __int64,0>) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.size2_t, arg0: glm::vec<4,unsigned __int64,0>) -> None
- __isub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.size2_t, arg0: inviwopy.glm.size2_t) -> inviwopy.glm.size2_t
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.size2_t, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.size2_t
- __itruediv__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.size2_t, arg0: inviwopy.glm.size2_t) -> inviwopy.glm.size2_t
__itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.size2_t, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.size2_t
- __mul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.size2_t, arg0: inviwopy.glm.size2_t) -> inviwopy.glm.size2_t
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.size2_t, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.size2_t
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.size2_t, arg0: inviwopy.glm.size2_t) bool
- __release_buffer__(buffer, /)
Release the buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.size2_t) str
- __setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.size2_t, arg0: int, arg1: int) int
- __sub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.size2_t, arg0: inviwopy.glm.size2_t) -> inviwopy.glm.size2_t
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.size2_t, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.size2_t
- __truediv__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.size2_t, arg0: inviwopy.glm.size2_t) -> inviwopy.glm.size2_t
__truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.size2_t, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.size2_t
- __hash__ = None
- property array
- property g
- property r
- property s
- property t
- property x
- property y
- class inviwopy.glm.size3_t
- __add__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.size3_t, arg0: inviwopy.glm.size3_t) -> inviwopy.glm.size3_t
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.size3_t, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.size3_t
- __buffer__(flags, /)
Return a buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.size3_t, arg0: inviwopy.glm.size3_t) bool
- __getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.size3_t, arg0: int) int
- __iadd__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.size3_t, arg0: inviwopy.glm.size3_t) -> inviwopy.glm.size3_t
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.size3_t, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.size3_t
- __imul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.size3_t, arg0: inviwopy.glm.size3_t) -> inviwopy.glm.size3_t
__imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.size3_t, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.size3_t
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.size3_t, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.size3_t, arg0: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.size3_t, arg0: inviwopy.glm.size3_t) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.size3_t) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.size3_t, arg0: typing.Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, numpy.uint64]) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.size3_t, arg0: list) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.size3_t, arg0: inviwopy.glm.size2_t, arg1: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.size3_t, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.size2_t) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.size3_t, arg0: glm::vec<4,unsigned __int64,0>) -> None
- __isub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.size3_t, arg0: inviwopy.glm.size3_t) -> inviwopy.glm.size3_t
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.size3_t, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.size3_t
- __itruediv__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.size3_t, arg0: inviwopy.glm.size3_t) -> inviwopy.glm.size3_t
__itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.size3_t, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.size3_t
- __mul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.size3_t, arg0: inviwopy.glm.size3_t) -> inviwopy.glm.size3_t
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.size3_t, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.size3_t
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.size3_t, arg0: inviwopy.glm.size3_t) bool
- __release_buffer__(buffer, /)
Release the buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.size3_t) str
- __setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.size3_t, arg0: int, arg1: int) int
- __sub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.size3_t, arg0: inviwopy.glm.size3_t) -> inviwopy.glm.size3_t
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.size3_t, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.size3_t
- __truediv__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.size3_t, arg0: inviwopy.glm.size3_t) -> inviwopy.glm.size3_t
__truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.size3_t, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.size3_t
- __hash__ = None
- property array
- property b
- property g
- property p
- property r
- property s
- property t
- property x
- property y
- property z
- class inviwopy.glm.size4_t
- __add__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.size4_t, arg0: inviwopy.glm.size4_t) -> inviwopy.glm.size4_t
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.size4_t, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.size4_t
- __buffer__(flags, /)
Return a buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.size4_t, arg0: inviwopy.glm.size4_t) bool
- __getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.size4_t, arg0: int) int
- __iadd__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.size4_t, arg0: inviwopy.glm.size4_t) -> inviwopy.glm.size4_t
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.size4_t, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.size4_t
- __imul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.size4_t, arg0: inviwopy.glm.size4_t) -> inviwopy.glm.size4_t
__imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.size4_t, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.size4_t
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.size4_t, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: int, arg3: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.size4_t, arg0: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.size4_t, arg0: inviwopy.glm.size4_t) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.size4_t) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.size4_t, arg0: typing.Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, numpy.uint64]) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.size4_t, arg0: list) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.size4_t, arg0: inviwopy.glm.size2_t, arg1: int, arg2: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.size4_t, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.size2_t, arg2: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.size4_t, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: inviwopy.glm.size2_t) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.size4_t, arg0: inviwopy.glm.size2_t, arg1: inviwopy.glm.size2_t) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.size4_t, arg0: inviwopy.glm.size3_t, arg1: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.size4_t, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.size3_t) -> None
- __isub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.size4_t, arg0: inviwopy.glm.size4_t) -> inviwopy.glm.size4_t
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.size4_t, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.size4_t
- __itruediv__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.size4_t, arg0: inviwopy.glm.size4_t) -> inviwopy.glm.size4_t
__itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.size4_t, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.size4_t
- __mul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.size4_t, arg0: inviwopy.glm.size4_t) -> inviwopy.glm.size4_t
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.size4_t, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.size4_t
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.size4_t, arg0: inviwopy.glm.size4_t) bool
- __release_buffer__(buffer, /)
Release the buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.size4_t) str
- __setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.size4_t, arg0: int, arg1: int) int
- __sub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.size4_t, arg0: inviwopy.glm.size4_t) -> inviwopy.glm.size4_t
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.size4_t, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.size4_t
- __truediv__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.size4_t, arg0: inviwopy.glm.size4_t) -> inviwopy.glm.size4_t
__truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.size4_t, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.size4_t
- __hash__ = None
- property a
- property array
- property b
- property g
- property p
- property q
- property r
- property s
- property t
- property w
- property x
- property y
- property z
- class inviwopy.glm.umat2
- __add__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat2) -> inviwopy.glm.umat2
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat2
- __buffer__(flags, /)
Return a buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat2) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec2
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2, arg0: int, arg1: int) -> int
- __iadd__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat2) -> inviwopy.glm.umat2
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat2
- __imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2, arg0: int) inviwopy.glm.umat2
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: int, arg3: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec2, arg1: inviwopy.glm.uvec2) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2, arg0: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat2) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2, arg0: typing.Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, numpy.uint32]) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2, arg0: list) -> None
- __isub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat2) -> inviwopy.glm.umat2
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat2
- __itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2, arg0: int) inviwopy.glm.umat2
- __mul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat2
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec2) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec2
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat2) -> inviwopy.glm.umat2
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2, arg0: glm::mat<3,2,unsigned int,0>) -> glm::mat<3,2,unsigned int,0>
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2, arg0: glm::mat<4,2,unsigned int,0>) -> glm::mat<4,2,unsigned int,0>
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat2) bool
- __release_buffer__(buffer, /)
Release the buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2) str
- __rmul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec2) inviwopy.glm.uvec2
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.uvec2) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec2
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: int) -> int
- __sub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat2) -> inviwopy.glm.umat2
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat2
- __truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2, arg0: int) inviwopy.glm.umat2
- __hash__ = None
- property array
- class inviwopy.glm.umat2Vector
Vectors of glm matrices
- __bool__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2Vector) bool
Check whether the list is nonempty
- __contains__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.umat2) bool
Return true the container contains
- __delitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2Vector, arg0: int) -> None
Delete the list elements at index
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2Vector, arg0: slice) -> None
Delete list elements using a slice object
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat2Vector) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2Vector, s: slice) -> inviwopy.glm.umat2Vector
Retrieve list elements using a slice object
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2Vector, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat2
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2Vector) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat2Vector) -> None
Copy constructor
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2Vector, arg0: Iterable) -> None
- __iter__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2Vector) Iterator[inviwopy.glm.umat2]
- __len__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2Vector) int
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat2Vector) bool
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2Vector) str
Return the canonical string representation of this list.
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2Vector, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.umat2) -> None
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2Vector, arg0: slice, arg1: inviwopy.glm.umat2Vector) -> None
Assign list elements using a slice object
- append(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.umat2) None
Add an item to the end of the list
- clear(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2Vector) None
Clear the contents
- count(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.umat2) int
Return the number of times
appears in the list
- extend(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2Vector, L: inviwopy.glm.umat2Vector) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2Vector, L: Iterable) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
- insert(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2Vector, i: int, x: inviwopy.glm.umat2) None
Insert an item at a given position.
- pop(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2Vector) -> inviwopy.glm.umat2
Remove and return the last item
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2Vector, i: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat2
Remove and return the item at index
- remove(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.umat2) None
Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.
- __hash__ = None
- class inviwopy.glm.umat2x3
- __add__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3) -> inviwopy.glm.umat2x3
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat2x3
- __buffer__(flags, /)
Return a buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec3
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3, arg0: int, arg1: int) -> int
- __iadd__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3) -> inviwopy.glm.umat2x3
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat2x3
- __imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3, arg0: int) inviwopy.glm.umat2x3
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: int, arg3: int, arg4: int, arg5: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec3, arg1: inviwopy.glm.uvec3) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3, arg0: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3, arg0: typing.Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, numpy.uint32]) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3, arg0: list) -> None
- __isub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3) -> inviwopy.glm.umat2x3
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat2x3
- __itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3, arg0: int) inviwopy.glm.umat2x3
- __mul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat2x3
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec2) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec3
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat2) -> inviwopy.glm.umat2x3
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3, arg0: glm::mat<3,2,unsigned int,0>) -> glm::mat<3,3,unsigned int,0>
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3, arg0: glm::mat<4,2,unsigned int,0>) -> glm::mat<4,3,unsigned int,0>
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3) bool
- __release_buffer__(buffer, /)
Release the buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3) str
- __rmul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec3) inviwopy.glm.uvec2
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.uvec3) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec3
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: int) -> int
- __sub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3) -> inviwopy.glm.umat2x3
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat2x3
- __truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3, arg0: int) inviwopy.glm.umat2x3
- __hash__ = None
- property array
- class inviwopy.glm.umat2x3Vector
Vectors of glm matrices
- __bool__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3Vector) bool
Check whether the list is nonempty
- __contains__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3) bool
Return true the container contains
- __delitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3Vector, arg0: int) -> None
Delete the list elements at index
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3Vector, arg0: slice) -> None
Delete list elements using a slice object
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3Vector) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3Vector, s: slice) -> inviwopy.glm.umat2x3Vector
Retrieve list elements using a slice object
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3Vector, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat2x3
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3Vector) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3Vector) -> None
Copy constructor
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3Vector, arg0: Iterable) -> None
- __iter__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3Vector) Iterator[inviwopy.glm.umat2x3]
- __len__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3Vector) int
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3Vector) bool
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3Vector) str
Return the canonical string representation of this list.
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3Vector, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3) -> None
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3Vector, arg0: slice, arg1: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3Vector) -> None
Assign list elements using a slice object
- append(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3) None
Add an item to the end of the list
- clear(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3Vector) None
Clear the contents
- count(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3) int
Return the number of times
appears in the list
- extend(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3Vector, L: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3Vector) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3Vector, L: Iterable) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
- insert(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3Vector, i: int, x: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3) None
Insert an item at a given position.
- pop(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3Vector) -> inviwopy.glm.umat2x3
Remove and return the last item
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3Vector, i: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat2x3
Remove and return the item at index
- remove(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3) None
Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.
- __hash__ = None
- class inviwopy.glm.umat2x4
- __add__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4) -> inviwopy.glm.umat2x4
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat2x4
- __buffer__(flags, /)
Return a buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec4
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4, arg0: int, arg1: int) -> int
- __iadd__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4) -> inviwopy.glm.umat2x4
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat2x4
- __imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4, arg0: int) inviwopy.glm.umat2x4
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: int, arg3: int, arg4: int, arg5: int, arg6: int, arg7: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec4, arg1: inviwopy.glm.uvec4) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4, arg0: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4, arg0: typing.Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, numpy.uint32]) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4, arg0: list) -> None
- __isub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4) -> inviwopy.glm.umat2x4
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat2x4
- __itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4, arg0: int) inviwopy.glm.umat2x4
- __mul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat2x4
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec2) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec4
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat2) -> inviwopy.glm.umat2x4
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4, arg0: glm::mat<3,2,unsigned int,0>) -> glm::mat<3,4,unsigned int,0>
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4, arg0: glm::mat<4,2,unsigned int,0>) -> glm::mat<4,4,unsigned int,0>
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4) bool
- __release_buffer__(buffer, /)
Release the buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4) str
- __rmul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec4) inviwopy.glm.uvec2
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.uvec4) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec4
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: int) -> int
- __sub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4) -> inviwopy.glm.umat2x4
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat2x4
- __truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4, arg0: int) inviwopy.glm.umat2x4
- __hash__ = None
- property array
- class inviwopy.glm.umat2x4Vector
Vectors of glm matrices
- __bool__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4Vector) bool
Check whether the list is nonempty
- __contains__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4) bool
Return true the container contains
- __delitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4Vector, arg0: int) -> None
Delete the list elements at index
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4Vector, arg0: slice) -> None
Delete list elements using a slice object
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4Vector) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4Vector, s: slice) -> inviwopy.glm.umat2x4Vector
Retrieve list elements using a slice object
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4Vector, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat2x4
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4Vector) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4Vector) -> None
Copy constructor
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4Vector, arg0: Iterable) -> None
- __iter__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4Vector) Iterator[inviwopy.glm.umat2x4]
- __len__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4Vector) int
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4Vector) bool
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4Vector) str
Return the canonical string representation of this list.
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4Vector, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4) -> None
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4Vector, arg0: slice, arg1: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4Vector) -> None
Assign list elements using a slice object
- append(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4) None
Add an item to the end of the list
- clear(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4Vector) None
Clear the contents
- count(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4) int
Return the number of times
appears in the list
- extend(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4Vector, L: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4Vector) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4Vector, L: Iterable) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
- insert(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4Vector, i: int, x: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4) None
Insert an item at a given position.
- pop(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4Vector) -> inviwopy.glm.umat2x4
Remove and return the last item
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4Vector, i: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat2x4
Remove and return the item at index
- remove(self: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4) None
Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.
- __hash__ = None
- class inviwopy.glm.umat3
- __add__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat3) -> inviwopy.glm.umat3
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat3
- __buffer__(flags, /)
Return a buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat3) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec3
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3, arg0: int, arg1: int) -> int
- __iadd__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat3) -> inviwopy.glm.umat3
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat3
- __imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3, arg0: int) inviwopy.glm.umat3
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: int, arg3: int, arg4: int, arg5: int, arg6: int, arg7: int, arg8: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec3, arg1: inviwopy.glm.uvec3, arg2: inviwopy.glm.uvec3) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3, arg0: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat3) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3, arg0: typing.Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, numpy.uint32]) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3, arg0: list) -> None
- __isub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat3) -> inviwopy.glm.umat3
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat3
- __itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3, arg0: int) inviwopy.glm.umat3
- __mul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat3
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec3) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec3
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3) -> inviwopy.glm.umat2x3
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat3) -> inviwopy.glm.umat3
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3, arg0: glm::mat<4,3,unsigned int,0>) -> glm::mat<4,3,unsigned int,0>
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat3) bool
- __release_buffer__(buffer, /)
Release the buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3) str
- __rmul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec3) inviwopy.glm.uvec3
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.uvec3) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec3
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: int) -> int
- __sub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat3) -> inviwopy.glm.umat3
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat3
- __truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3, arg0: int) inviwopy.glm.umat3
- __hash__ = None
- property array
- class inviwopy.glm.umat3Vector
Vectors of glm matrices
- __bool__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3Vector) bool
Check whether the list is nonempty
- __contains__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.umat3) bool
Return true the container contains
- __delitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3Vector, arg0: int) -> None
Delete the list elements at index
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3Vector, arg0: slice) -> None
Delete list elements using a slice object
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat3Vector) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3Vector, s: slice) -> inviwopy.glm.umat3Vector
Retrieve list elements using a slice object
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3Vector, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat3
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3Vector) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat3Vector) -> None
Copy constructor
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3Vector, arg0: Iterable) -> None
- __iter__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3Vector) Iterator[inviwopy.glm.umat3]
- __len__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3Vector) int
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat3Vector) bool
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3Vector) str
Return the canonical string representation of this list.
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3Vector, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.umat3) -> None
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3Vector, arg0: slice, arg1: inviwopy.glm.umat3Vector) -> None
Assign list elements using a slice object
- append(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.umat3) None
Add an item to the end of the list
- clear(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3Vector) None
Clear the contents
- count(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.umat3) int
Return the number of times
appears in the list
- extend(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3Vector, L: inviwopy.glm.umat3Vector) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3Vector, L: Iterable) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
- insert(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3Vector, i: int, x: inviwopy.glm.umat3) None
Insert an item at a given position.
- pop(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3Vector) -> inviwopy.glm.umat3
Remove and return the last item
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3Vector, i: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat3
Remove and return the item at index
- remove(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.umat3) None
Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.
- __hash__ = None
- class inviwopy.glm.umat3x2
- __add__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2) -> inviwopy.glm.umat3x2
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat3x2
- __buffer__(flags, /)
Return a buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec2
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2, arg0: int, arg1: int) -> int
- __iadd__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2) -> inviwopy.glm.umat3x2
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat3x2
- __imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2, arg0: int) inviwopy.glm.umat3x2
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: int, arg3: int, arg4: int, arg5: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec2, arg1: inviwopy.glm.uvec2, arg2: inviwopy.glm.uvec2) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2, arg0: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2, arg0: typing.Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, numpy.uint32]) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2, arg0: list) -> None
- __isub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2) -> inviwopy.glm.umat3x2
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat3x2
- __itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2, arg0: int) inviwopy.glm.umat3x2
- __mul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat3x2
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec3) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec2
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3) -> inviwopy.glm.umat2
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2, arg0: glm::mat<3,3,unsigned int,0>) -> inviwopy.glm.umat3x2
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2, arg0: glm::mat<4,3,unsigned int,0>) -> glm::mat<4,2,unsigned int,0>
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2) bool
- __release_buffer__(buffer, /)
Release the buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2) str
- __rmul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec2) inviwopy.glm.uvec3
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.uvec2) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec2
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: int) -> int
- __sub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2) -> inviwopy.glm.umat3x2
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat3x2
- __truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2, arg0: int) inviwopy.glm.umat3x2
- __hash__ = None
- property array
- class inviwopy.glm.umat3x2Vector
Vectors of glm matrices
- __bool__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2Vector) bool
Check whether the list is nonempty
- __contains__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2) bool
Return true the container contains
- __delitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2Vector, arg0: int) -> None
Delete the list elements at index
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2Vector, arg0: slice) -> None
Delete list elements using a slice object
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2Vector) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2Vector, s: slice) -> inviwopy.glm.umat3x2Vector
Retrieve list elements using a slice object
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2Vector, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat3x2
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2Vector) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2Vector) -> None
Copy constructor
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2Vector, arg0: Iterable) -> None
- __iter__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2Vector) Iterator[inviwopy.glm.umat3x2]
- __len__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2Vector) int
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2Vector) bool
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2Vector) str
Return the canonical string representation of this list.
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2Vector, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2) -> None
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2Vector, arg0: slice, arg1: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2Vector) -> None
Assign list elements using a slice object
- append(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2) None
Add an item to the end of the list
- clear(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2Vector) None
Clear the contents
- count(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2) int
Return the number of times
appears in the list
- extend(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2Vector, L: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2Vector) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2Vector, L: Iterable) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
- insert(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2Vector, i: int, x: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2) None
Insert an item at a given position.
- pop(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2Vector) -> inviwopy.glm.umat3x2
Remove and return the last item
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2Vector, i: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat3x2
Remove and return the item at index
- remove(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.umat3x2) None
Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.
- __hash__ = None
- class inviwopy.glm.umat3x4
- __add__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4) -> inviwopy.glm.umat3x4
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat3x4
- __buffer__(flags, /)
Return a buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec4
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4, arg0: int, arg1: int) -> int
- __iadd__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4) -> inviwopy.glm.umat3x4
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat3x4
- __imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4, arg0: int) inviwopy.glm.umat3x4
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: int, arg3: int, arg4: int, arg5: int, arg6: int, arg7: int, arg8: int, arg9: int, arg10: int, arg11: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec4, arg1: inviwopy.glm.uvec4, arg2: inviwopy.glm.uvec4) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4, arg0: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4, arg0: typing.Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, numpy.uint32]) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4, arg0: list) -> None
- __isub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4) -> inviwopy.glm.umat3x4
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat3x4
- __itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4, arg0: int) inviwopy.glm.umat3x4
- __mul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat3x4
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec3) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec4
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat2x3) -> inviwopy.glm.umat2x4
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat3) -> inviwopy.glm.umat3x4
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4, arg0: glm::mat<4,3,unsigned int,0>) -> glm::mat<4,4,unsigned int,0>
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4) bool
- __release_buffer__(buffer, /)
Release the buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4) str
- __rmul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec4) inviwopy.glm.uvec3
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.uvec4) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec4
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: int) -> int
- __sub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4) -> inviwopy.glm.umat3x4
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat3x4
- __truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4, arg0: int) inviwopy.glm.umat3x4
- __hash__ = None
- property array
- class inviwopy.glm.umat3x4Vector
Vectors of glm matrices
- __bool__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4Vector) bool
Check whether the list is nonempty
- __contains__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4) bool
Return true the container contains
- __delitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4Vector, arg0: int) -> None
Delete the list elements at index
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4Vector, arg0: slice) -> None
Delete list elements using a slice object
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4Vector) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4Vector, s: slice) -> inviwopy.glm.umat3x4Vector
Retrieve list elements using a slice object
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4Vector, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat3x4
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4Vector) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4Vector) -> None
Copy constructor
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4Vector, arg0: Iterable) -> None
- __iter__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4Vector) Iterator[inviwopy.glm.umat3x4]
- __len__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4Vector) int
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4Vector) bool
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4Vector) str
Return the canonical string representation of this list.
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4Vector, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4) -> None
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4Vector, arg0: slice, arg1: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4Vector) -> None
Assign list elements using a slice object
- append(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4) None
Add an item to the end of the list
- clear(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4Vector) None
Clear the contents
- count(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4) int
Return the number of times
appears in the list
- extend(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4Vector, L: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4Vector) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4Vector, L: Iterable) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
- insert(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4Vector, i: int, x: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4) None
Insert an item at a given position.
- pop(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4Vector) -> inviwopy.glm.umat3x4
Remove and return the last item
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4Vector, i: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat3x4
Remove and return the item at index
- remove(self: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4) None
Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.
- __hash__ = None
- class inviwopy.glm.umat4
- __add__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat4) -> inviwopy.glm.umat4
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat4
- __buffer__(flags, /)
Return a buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat4) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec4
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4, arg0: int, arg1: int) -> int
- __iadd__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat4) -> inviwopy.glm.umat4
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat4
- __imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4, arg0: int) inviwopy.glm.umat4
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: int, arg3: int, arg4: int, arg5: int, arg6: int, arg7: int, arg8: int, arg9: int, arg10: int, arg11: int, arg12: int, arg13: int, arg14: int, arg15: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec4, arg1: inviwopy.glm.uvec4, arg2: inviwopy.glm.uvec4, arg3: inviwopy.glm.uvec4) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4, arg0: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat4) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4, arg0: typing.Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, numpy.uint32]) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4, arg0: list) -> None
- __isub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat4) -> inviwopy.glm.umat4
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat4
- __itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4, arg0: int) inviwopy.glm.umat4
- __mul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat4
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec4) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec4
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4) -> inviwopy.glm.umat2x4
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4) -> inviwopy.glm.umat3x4
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat4) -> inviwopy.glm.umat4
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat4) bool
- __release_buffer__(buffer, /)
Release the buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4) str
- __rmul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec4) inviwopy.glm.uvec4
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.uvec4) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec4
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: int) -> int
- __sub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat4) -> inviwopy.glm.umat4
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat4
- __truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4, arg0: int) inviwopy.glm.umat4
- __hash__ = None
- property array
- class inviwopy.glm.umat4Vector
Vectors of glm matrices
- __bool__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4Vector) bool
Check whether the list is nonempty
- __contains__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.umat4) bool
Return true the container contains
- __delitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4Vector, arg0: int) -> None
Delete the list elements at index
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4Vector, arg0: slice) -> None
Delete list elements using a slice object
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat4Vector) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4Vector, s: slice) -> inviwopy.glm.umat4Vector
Retrieve list elements using a slice object
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4Vector, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat4
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4Vector) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat4Vector) -> None
Copy constructor
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4Vector, arg0: Iterable) -> None
- __iter__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4Vector) Iterator[inviwopy.glm.umat4]
- __len__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4Vector) int
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat4Vector) bool
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4Vector) str
Return the canonical string representation of this list.
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4Vector, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.umat4) -> None
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4Vector, arg0: slice, arg1: inviwopy.glm.umat4Vector) -> None
Assign list elements using a slice object
- append(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.umat4) None
Add an item to the end of the list
- clear(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4Vector) None
Clear the contents
- count(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.umat4) int
Return the number of times
appears in the list
- extend(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4Vector, L: inviwopy.glm.umat4Vector) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4Vector, L: Iterable) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
- insert(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4Vector, i: int, x: inviwopy.glm.umat4) None
Insert an item at a given position.
- pop(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4Vector) -> inviwopy.glm.umat4
Remove and return the last item
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4Vector, i: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat4
Remove and return the item at index
- remove(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.umat4) None
Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.
- __hash__ = None
- class inviwopy.glm.umat4x2
- __add__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2) -> inviwopy.glm.umat4x2
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat4x2
- __buffer__(flags, /)
Return a buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec2
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2, arg0: int, arg1: int) -> int
- __iadd__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2) -> inviwopy.glm.umat4x2
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat4x2
- __imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2, arg0: int) inviwopy.glm.umat4x2
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: int, arg3: int, arg4: int, arg5: int, arg6: int, arg7: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec2, arg1: inviwopy.glm.uvec2, arg2: inviwopy.glm.uvec2, arg3: inviwopy.glm.uvec2) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2, arg0: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2, arg0: typing.Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, numpy.uint32]) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2, arg0: list) -> None
- __isub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2) -> inviwopy.glm.umat4x2
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat4x2
- __itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2, arg0: int) inviwopy.glm.umat4x2
- __mul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat4x2
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec4) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec2
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4) -> inviwopy.glm.umat2
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4) -> inviwopy.glm.umat3x2
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2, arg0: glm::mat<4,4,unsigned int,0>) -> inviwopy.glm.umat4x2
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2) bool
- __release_buffer__(buffer, /)
Release the buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2) str
- __rmul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec2) inviwopy.glm.uvec4
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.uvec2) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec2
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: int) -> int
- __sub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2) -> inviwopy.glm.umat4x2
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat4x2
- __truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2, arg0: int) inviwopy.glm.umat4x2
- __hash__ = None
- property array
- class inviwopy.glm.umat4x2Vector
Vectors of glm matrices
- __bool__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2Vector) bool
Check whether the list is nonempty
- __contains__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2) bool
Return true the container contains
- __delitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2Vector, arg0: int) -> None
Delete the list elements at index
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2Vector, arg0: slice) -> None
Delete list elements using a slice object
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2Vector) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2Vector, s: slice) -> inviwopy.glm.umat4x2Vector
Retrieve list elements using a slice object
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2Vector, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat4x2
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2Vector) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2Vector) -> None
Copy constructor
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2Vector, arg0: Iterable) -> None
- __iter__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2Vector) Iterator[inviwopy.glm.umat4x2]
- __len__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2Vector) int
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2Vector) bool
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2Vector) str
Return the canonical string representation of this list.
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2Vector, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2) -> None
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2Vector, arg0: slice, arg1: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2Vector) -> None
Assign list elements using a slice object
- append(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2) None
Add an item to the end of the list
- clear(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2Vector) None
Clear the contents
- count(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2) int
Return the number of times
appears in the list
- extend(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2Vector, L: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2Vector) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2Vector, L: Iterable) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
- insert(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2Vector, i: int, x: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2) None
Insert an item at a given position.
- pop(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2Vector) -> inviwopy.glm.umat4x2
Remove and return the last item
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2Vector, i: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat4x2
Remove and return the item at index
- remove(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.umat4x2) None
Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.
- __hash__ = None
- class inviwopy.glm.umat4x3
- __add__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3) -> inviwopy.glm.umat4x3
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat4x3
- __buffer__(flags, /)
Return a buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec3
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3, arg0: int, arg1: int) -> int
- __iadd__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3) -> inviwopy.glm.umat4x3
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat4x3
- __imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3, arg0: int) inviwopy.glm.umat4x3
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: int, arg3: int, arg4: int, arg5: int, arg6: int, arg7: int, arg8: int, arg9: int, arg10: int, arg11: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec3, arg1: inviwopy.glm.uvec3, arg2: inviwopy.glm.uvec3, arg3: inviwopy.glm.uvec3) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3, arg0: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3, arg0: typing.Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, numpy.uint32]) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3, arg0: list) -> None
- __isub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3) -> inviwopy.glm.umat4x3
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat4x3
- __itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3, arg0: int) inviwopy.glm.umat4x3
- __mul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat4x3
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec4) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec3
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat2x4) -> inviwopy.glm.umat2x3
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat3x4) -> inviwopy.glm.umat3
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3, arg0: glm::mat<4,4,unsigned int,0>) -> inviwopy.glm.umat4x3
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3) bool
- __release_buffer__(buffer, /)
Release the buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3) str
- __rmul__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec3) inviwopy.glm.uvec4
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.uvec3) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec3
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: int) -> int
- __sub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3) -> inviwopy.glm.umat4x3
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat4x3
- __truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3, arg0: int) inviwopy.glm.umat4x3
- __hash__ = None
- property array
- class inviwopy.glm.umat4x3Vector
Vectors of glm matrices
- __bool__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3Vector) bool
Check whether the list is nonempty
- __contains__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3) bool
Return true the container contains
- __delitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3Vector, arg0: int) -> None
Delete the list elements at index
__delitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3Vector, arg0: slice) -> None
Delete list elements using a slice object
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3Vector) bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3Vector, s: slice) -> inviwopy.glm.umat4x3Vector
Retrieve list elements using a slice object
__getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3Vector, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat4x3
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3Vector) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3Vector) -> None
Copy constructor
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3Vector, arg0: Iterable) -> None
- __iter__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3Vector) Iterator[inviwopy.glm.umat4x3]
- __len__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3Vector) int
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3Vector, arg0: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3Vector) bool
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3Vector) str
Return the canonical string representation of this list.
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3Vector, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3) -> None
__setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3Vector, arg0: slice, arg1: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3Vector) -> None
Assign list elements using a slice object
- append(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3) None
Add an item to the end of the list
- clear(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3Vector) None
Clear the contents
- count(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3) int
Return the number of times
appears in the list
- extend(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3Vector, L: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3Vector) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
extend(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3Vector, L: Iterable) -> None
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list
- insert(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3Vector, i: int, x: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3) None
Insert an item at a given position.
- pop(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3Vector) -> inviwopy.glm.umat4x3
Remove and return the last item
pop(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3Vector, i: int) -> inviwopy.glm.umat4x3
Remove and return the item at index
- remove(self: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3Vector, x: inviwopy.glm.umat4x3) None
Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.
- __hash__ = None
- class inviwopy.glm.uvec2
- __add__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec2) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec2
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec2, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec2
- __buffer__(flags, /)
Return a buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec2) bool
- __getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec2, arg0: int) int
- __iadd__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec2) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec2
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec2, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec2
- __imul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec2) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec2
__imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec2, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec2
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec2, arg0: int, arg1: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec2, arg0: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec2) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec2) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec2, arg0: typing.Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, numpy.uint32]) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec2, arg0: list) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec2, arg0: glm::vec<3,unsigned int,0>) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec2, arg0: glm::vec<4,unsigned int,0>) -> None
- __isub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec2) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec2
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec2, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec2
- __itruediv__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec2) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec2
__itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec2, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec2
- __mul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec2) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec2
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec2, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec2
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec2) bool
- __release_buffer__(buffer, /)
Release the buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec2) str
- __setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec2, arg0: int, arg1: int) int
- __sub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec2) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec2
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec2, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec2
- __truediv__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec2) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec2
__truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec2, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec2
- __hash__ = None
- property array
- property g
- property r
- property s
- property t
- property x
- property y
- class inviwopy.glm.uvec3
- __add__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec3) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec3
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec3, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec3
- __buffer__(flags, /)
Return a buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec3) bool
- __getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec3, arg0: int) int
- __iadd__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec3) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec3
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec3, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec3
- __imul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec3) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec3
__imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec3, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec3
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec3, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec3, arg0: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec3) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec3) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec3, arg0: typing.Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, numpy.uint32]) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec3, arg0: list) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec2, arg1: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec3, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.uvec2) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec3, arg0: glm::vec<4,unsigned int,0>) -> None
- __isub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec3) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec3
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec3, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec3
- __itruediv__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec3) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec3
__itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec3, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec3
- __mul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec3) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec3
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec3, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec3
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec3) bool
- __release_buffer__(buffer, /)
Release the buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec3) str
- __setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec3, arg0: int, arg1: int) int
- __sub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec3) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec3
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec3, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec3
- __truediv__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec3) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec3
__truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec3, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec3
- __hash__ = None
- property array
- property b
- property g
- property p
- property r
- property s
- property t
- property x
- property y
- property z
- class inviwopy.glm.uvec4
- __add__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec4) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec4
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec4, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec4
- __buffer__(flags, /)
Return a buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec4) bool
- __getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec4, arg0: int) int
- __iadd__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec4) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec4
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec4, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec4
- __imul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec4) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec4
__imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec4, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec4
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec4, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: int, arg3: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec4, arg0: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec4) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec4) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec4, arg0: typing.Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, numpy.uint32]) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec4, arg0: list) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec2, arg1: int, arg2: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec4, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.uvec2, arg2: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec4, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: inviwopy.glm.uvec2) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec2, arg1: inviwopy.glm.uvec2) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec3, arg1: int) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec4, arg0: int, arg1: inviwopy.glm.uvec3) -> None
- __isub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec4) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec4
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec4, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec4
- __itruediv__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec4) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec4
__itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec4, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec4
- __mul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec4) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec4
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec4, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec4
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec4) bool
- __release_buffer__(buffer, /)
Release the buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec4) str
- __setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec4, arg0: int, arg1: int) int
- __sub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec4) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec4
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec4, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec4
- __truediv__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec4) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec4
__truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.uvec4, arg0: int) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec4
- __hash__ = None
- property a
- property array
- property b
- property g
- property p
- property q
- property r
- property s
- property t
- property w
- property x
- property y
- property z
- class inviwopy.glm.vec2
- __add__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec2) -> inviwopy.glm.vec2
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec2, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.vec2
- __buffer__(flags, /)
Return a buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec2) bool
- __getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec2, arg0: int) float
- __iadd__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec2) -> inviwopy.glm.vec2
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec2, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.vec2
- __imul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec2) -> inviwopy.glm.vec2
__imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec2, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.vec2
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec2, arg0: float, arg1: float) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec2, arg0: float) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec2) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec2) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec2, arg0: typing.Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, numpy.float32]) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec2, arg0: list) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec2, arg0: glm::vec<3,float,0>) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec2, arg0: glm::vec<4,float,0>) -> None
- __isub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec2) -> inviwopy.glm.vec2
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec2, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.vec2
- __itruediv__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec2) -> inviwopy.glm.vec2
__itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec2, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.vec2
- __mul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec2) -> inviwopy.glm.vec2
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec2, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.vec2
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec2) bool
- __release_buffer__(buffer, /)
Release the buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec2) str
- __setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec2, arg0: int, arg1: float) float
- __sub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec2) -> inviwopy.glm.vec2
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec2, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.vec2
- __truediv__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec2, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec2) -> inviwopy.glm.vec2
__truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec2, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.vec2
- __hash__ = None
- property array
- property g
- property r
- property s
- property t
- property x
- property y
- class inviwopy.glm.vec3
- __add__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec3) -> inviwopy.glm.vec3
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec3, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.vec3
- __buffer__(flags, /)
Return a buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec3) bool
- __getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec3, arg0: int) float
- __iadd__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec3) -> inviwopy.glm.vec3
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec3, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.vec3
- __imul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec3) -> inviwopy.glm.vec3
__imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec3, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.vec3
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec3, arg0: float, arg1: float, arg2: float) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec3, arg0: float) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec3) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec3) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec3, arg0: typing.Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, numpy.float32]) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec3, arg0: list) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec2, arg1: float) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec3, arg0: float, arg1: inviwopy.glm.vec2) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec3, arg0: glm::vec<4,float,0>) -> None
- __isub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec3) -> inviwopy.glm.vec3
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec3, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.vec3
- __itruediv__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec3) -> inviwopy.glm.vec3
__itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec3, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.vec3
- __mul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec3) -> inviwopy.glm.vec3
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec3, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.vec3
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec3) bool
- __release_buffer__(buffer, /)
Release the buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec3) str
- __setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec3, arg0: int, arg1: float) float
- __sub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec3) -> inviwopy.glm.vec3
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec3, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.vec3
- __truediv__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec3, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec3) -> inviwopy.glm.vec3
__truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec3, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.vec3
- __hash__ = None
- property array
- property b
- property g
- property p
- property r
- property s
- property t
- property x
- property y
- property z
- class inviwopy.glm.vec4
- __add__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec4) -> inviwopy.glm.vec4
__add__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec4, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.vec4
- __buffer__(flags, /)
Return a buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __eq__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec4) bool
- __getitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec4, arg0: int) float
- __iadd__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec4) -> inviwopy.glm.vec4
__iadd__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec4, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.vec4
- __imul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec4) -> inviwopy.glm.vec4
__imul__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec4, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.vec4
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec4, arg0: float, arg1: float, arg2: float, arg3: float) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec4, arg0: float) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec4) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec4) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec4, arg0: typing.Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, numpy.float32]) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec4, arg0: list) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec2, arg1: float, arg2: float) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec4, arg0: float, arg1: inviwopy.glm.vec2, arg2: float) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec4, arg0: float, arg1: float, arg2: inviwopy.glm.vec2) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec2, arg1: inviwopy.glm.vec2) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec3, arg1: float) -> None
__init__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec4, arg0: float, arg1: inviwopy.glm.vec3) -> None
- __isub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec4) -> inviwopy.glm.vec4
__isub__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec4, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.vec4
- __itruediv__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec4) -> inviwopy.glm.vec4
__itruediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec4, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.vec4
- __mul__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec4) -> inviwopy.glm.vec4
__mul__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec4, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.vec4
- __ne__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec4) bool
- __release_buffer__(buffer, /)
Release the buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.
- __repr__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec4) str
- __setitem__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec4, arg0: int, arg1: float) float
- __sub__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec4) -> inviwopy.glm.vec4
__sub__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec4, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.vec4
- __truediv__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec4, arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec4) -> inviwopy.glm.vec4
__truediv__(self: inviwopy.glm.vec4, arg0: float) -> inviwopy.glm.vec4
- __hash__ = None
- property a
- property array
- property b
- property g
- property p
- property q
- property r
- property s
- property t
- property w
- property x
- property y
- property z
- inviwopy.glm.abs(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
abs(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec2) -> inviwopy.glm.vec2
abs(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec3) -> inviwopy.glm.vec3
abs(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec4) -> inviwopy.glm.vec4
abs(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec2) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec2
abs(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec3) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec3
abs(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec4) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec4
abs(arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec2) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec2
abs(arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec3) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec3
abs(arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec4) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec4
abs(arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec2) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec2
abs(arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec3) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec3
abs(arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec4) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec4
abs(arg0: inviwopy.glm.size2_t) -> inviwopy.glm.size2_t
abs(arg0: inviwopy.glm.size3_t) -> inviwopy.glm.size3_t
abs(arg0: inviwopy.glm.size4_t) -> inviwopy.glm.size4_t
- inviwopy.glm.acos(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
acos(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec2) -> inviwopy.glm.vec2
acos(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec3) -> inviwopy.glm.vec3
acos(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec4) -> inviwopy.glm.vec4
acos(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec2) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec2
acos(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec3) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec3
acos(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec4) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec4
- inviwopy.glm.all(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
all(arg0: inviwopy.glm.bvec2) -> bool
all(arg0: inviwopy.glm.bvec3) -> bool
all(arg0: inviwopy.glm.bvec4) -> bool
- inviwopy.glm.any(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
any(arg0: inviwopy.glm.bvec2) -> bool
any(arg0: inviwopy.glm.bvec3) -> bool
any(arg0: inviwopy.glm.bvec4) -> bool
- inviwopy.glm.asin(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
asin(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec2) -> inviwopy.glm.vec2
asin(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec3) -> inviwopy.glm.vec3
asin(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec4) -> inviwopy.glm.vec4
asin(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec2) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec2
asin(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec3) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec3
asin(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec4) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec4
- inviwopy.glm.atan(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
atan(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec2) -> inviwopy.glm.vec2
atan(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec3) -> inviwopy.glm.vec3
atan(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec4) -> inviwopy.glm.vec4
atan(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec2) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec2
atan(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec3) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec3
atan(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec4) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec4
- inviwopy.glm.ceil(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
ceil(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec2) -> inviwopy.glm.vec2
ceil(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec3) -> inviwopy.glm.vec3
ceil(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec4) -> inviwopy.glm.vec4
ceil(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec2) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec2
ceil(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec3) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec3
ceil(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec4) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec4
- inviwopy.glm.clamp(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
clamp(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec2, arg1: inviwopy.glm.vec2, arg2: inviwopy.glm.vec2) -> inviwopy.glm.vec2
clamp(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec2, arg1: float, arg2: float) -> inviwopy.glm.vec2
clamp(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec3, arg1: inviwopy.glm.vec3, arg2: inviwopy.glm.vec3) -> inviwopy.glm.vec3
clamp(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec3, arg1: float, arg2: float) -> inviwopy.glm.vec3
clamp(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec4, arg1: inviwopy.glm.vec4, arg2: inviwopy.glm.vec4) -> inviwopy.glm.vec4
clamp(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec4, arg1: float, arg2: float) -> inviwopy.glm.vec4
clamp(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec2, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dvec2, arg2: inviwopy.glm.dvec2) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec2
clamp(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec2, arg1: float, arg2: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec2
clamp(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec3, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dvec3, arg2: inviwopy.glm.dvec3) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec3
clamp(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec3, arg1: float, arg2: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec3
clamp(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec4, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dvec4, arg2: inviwopy.glm.dvec4) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec4
clamp(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec4, arg1: float, arg2: float) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec4
clamp(arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec2, arg1: inviwopy.glm.ivec2, arg2: inviwopy.glm.ivec2) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec2
clamp(arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec2, arg1: int, arg2: int) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec2
clamp(arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec3, arg1: inviwopy.glm.ivec3, arg2: inviwopy.glm.ivec3) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec3
clamp(arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec3, arg1: int, arg2: int) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec3
clamp(arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec4, arg1: inviwopy.glm.ivec4, arg2: inviwopy.glm.ivec4) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec4
clamp(arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec4, arg1: int, arg2: int) -> inviwopy.glm.ivec4
clamp(arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec2, arg1: inviwopy.glm.uvec2, arg2: inviwopy.glm.uvec2) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec2
clamp(arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec2, arg1: int, arg2: int) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec2
clamp(arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec3, arg1: inviwopy.glm.uvec3, arg2: inviwopy.glm.uvec3) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec3
clamp(arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec3, arg1: int, arg2: int) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec3
clamp(arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec4, arg1: inviwopy.glm.uvec4, arg2: inviwopy.glm.uvec4) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec4
clamp(arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec4, arg1: int, arg2: int) -> inviwopy.glm.uvec4
clamp(arg0: inviwopy.glm.size2_t, arg1: inviwopy.glm.size2_t, arg2: inviwopy.glm.size2_t) -> inviwopy.glm.size2_t
clamp(arg0: inviwopy.glm.size2_t, arg1: int, arg2: int) -> inviwopy.glm.size2_t
clamp(arg0: inviwopy.glm.size3_t, arg1: inviwopy.glm.size3_t, arg2: inviwopy.glm.size3_t) -> inviwopy.glm.size3_t
clamp(arg0: inviwopy.glm.size3_t, arg1: int, arg2: int) -> inviwopy.glm.size3_t
clamp(arg0: inviwopy.glm.size4_t, arg1: inviwopy.glm.size4_t, arg2: inviwopy.glm.size4_t) -> inviwopy.glm.size4_t
clamp(arg0: inviwopy.glm.size4_t, arg1: int, arg2: int) -> inviwopy.glm.size4_t
- inviwopy.glm.compAdd(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
compAdd(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec2) -> float
compAdd(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec3) -> float
compAdd(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec4) -> float
compAdd(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec2) -> float
compAdd(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec3) -> float
compAdd(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec4) -> float
compAdd(arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec2) -> int
compAdd(arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec3) -> int
compAdd(arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec4) -> int
compAdd(arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec2) -> int
compAdd(arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec3) -> int
compAdd(arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec4) -> int
compAdd(arg0: inviwopy.glm.size2_t) -> int
compAdd(arg0: inviwopy.glm.size3_t) -> int
compAdd(arg0: inviwopy.glm.size4_t) -> int
- inviwopy.glm.compMax(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
compMax(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec2) -> float
compMax(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec3) -> float
compMax(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec4) -> float
compMax(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec2) -> float
compMax(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec3) -> float
compMax(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec4) -> float
compMax(arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec2) -> int
compMax(arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec3) -> int
compMax(arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec4) -> int
compMax(arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec2) -> int
compMax(arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec3) -> int
compMax(arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec4) -> int
compMax(arg0: inviwopy.glm.size2_t) -> int
compMax(arg0: inviwopy.glm.size3_t) -> int
compMax(arg0: inviwopy.glm.size4_t) -> int
- inviwopy.glm.compMin(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
compMin(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec2) -> float
compMin(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec3) -> float
compMin(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec4) -> float
compMin(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec2) -> float
compMin(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec3) -> float
compMin(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec4) -> float
compMin(arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec2) -> int
compMin(arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec3) -> int
compMin(arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec4) -> int
compMin(arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec2) -> int
compMin(arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec3) -> int
compMin(arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec4) -> int
compMin(arg0: inviwopy.glm.size2_t) -> int
compMin(arg0: inviwopy.glm.size3_t) -> int
compMin(arg0: inviwopy.glm.size4_t) -> int
- inviwopy.glm.compMul(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
compMul(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec2) -> float
compMul(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec3) -> float
compMul(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec4) -> float
compMul(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec2) -> float
compMul(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec3) -> float
compMul(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec4) -> float
compMul(arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec2) -> int
compMul(arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec3) -> int
compMul(arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec4) -> int
compMul(arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec2) -> int
compMul(arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec3) -> int
compMul(arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec4) -> int
compMul(arg0: inviwopy.glm.size2_t) -> int
compMul(arg0: inviwopy.glm.size3_t) -> int
compMul(arg0: inviwopy.glm.size4_t) -> int
- inviwopy.glm.cos(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
cos(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec2) -> inviwopy.glm.vec2
cos(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec3) -> inviwopy.glm.vec3
cos(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec4) -> inviwopy.glm.vec4
cos(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec2) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec2
cos(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec3) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec3
cos(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec4) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec4
- inviwopy.glm.cross(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
cross(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec3, arg1: inviwopy.glm.vec3) -> inviwopy.glm.vec3
cross(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec3, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dvec3) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec3
- inviwopy.glm.distance(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
distance(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec2, arg1: inviwopy.glm.vec2) -> float
distance(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec3, arg1: inviwopy.glm.vec3) -> float
distance(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec4, arg1: inviwopy.glm.vec4) -> float
distance(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec2, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dvec2) -> float
distance(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec3, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dvec3) -> float
distance(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec4, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dvec4) -> float
- inviwopy.glm.distance2(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
distance2(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec2, arg1: inviwopy.glm.vec2) -> float
distance2(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec3, arg1: inviwopy.glm.vec3) -> float
distance2(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec4, arg1: inviwopy.glm.vec4) -> float
distance2(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec2, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dvec2) -> float
distance2(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec3, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dvec3) -> float
distance2(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec4, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dvec4) -> float
-*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
dot(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec2, arg1: inviwopy.glm.vec2) -> float
dot(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec3, arg1: inviwopy.glm.vec3) -> float
dot(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec4, arg1: inviwopy.glm.vec4) -> float
dot(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec2, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dvec2) -> float
dot(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec3, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dvec3) -> float
dot(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec4, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dvec4) -> float
- inviwopy.glm.exp(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
exp(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec2) -> inviwopy.glm.vec2
exp(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec3) -> inviwopy.glm.vec3
exp(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec4) -> inviwopy.glm.vec4
exp(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec2) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec2
exp(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec3) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec3
exp(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec4) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec4
- inviwopy.glm.floor(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
floor(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec2) -> inviwopy.glm.vec2
floor(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec3) -> inviwopy.glm.vec3
floor(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec4) -> inviwopy.glm.vec4
floor(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec2) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec2
floor(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec3) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec3
floor(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec4) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec4
- inviwopy.glm.greaterThan(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
greaterThan(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec2, arg1: inviwopy.glm.vec2) -> inviwopy.glm.bvec2
greaterThan(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec3, arg1: inviwopy.glm.vec3) -> inviwopy.glm.bvec3
greaterThan(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec4, arg1: inviwopy.glm.vec4) -> inviwopy.glm.bvec4
greaterThan(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec2, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dvec2) -> inviwopy.glm.bvec2
greaterThan(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec3, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dvec3) -> inviwopy.glm.bvec3
greaterThan(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec4, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dvec4) -> inviwopy.glm.bvec4
greaterThan(arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec2, arg1: inviwopy.glm.ivec2) -> inviwopy.glm.bvec2
greaterThan(arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec3, arg1: inviwopy.glm.ivec3) -> inviwopy.glm.bvec3
greaterThan(arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec4, arg1: inviwopy.glm.ivec4) -> inviwopy.glm.bvec4
greaterThan(arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec2, arg1: inviwopy.glm.uvec2) -> inviwopy.glm.bvec2
greaterThan(arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec3, arg1: inviwopy.glm.uvec3) -> inviwopy.glm.bvec3
greaterThan(arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec4, arg1: inviwopy.glm.uvec4) -> inviwopy.glm.bvec4
greaterThan(arg0: inviwopy.glm.size2_t, arg1: inviwopy.glm.size2_t) -> inviwopy.glm.bvec2
greaterThan(arg0: inviwopy.glm.size3_t, arg1: inviwopy.glm.size3_t) -> inviwopy.glm.bvec3
greaterThan(arg0: inviwopy.glm.size4_t, arg1: inviwopy.glm.size4_t) -> inviwopy.glm.bvec4
- inviwopy.glm.greaterThanEqual(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
greaterThanEqual(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec2, arg1: inviwopy.glm.vec2) -> inviwopy.glm.bvec2
greaterThanEqual(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec3, arg1: inviwopy.glm.vec3) -> inviwopy.glm.bvec3
greaterThanEqual(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec4, arg1: inviwopy.glm.vec4) -> inviwopy.glm.bvec4
greaterThanEqual(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec2, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dvec2) -> inviwopy.glm.bvec2
greaterThanEqual(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec3, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dvec3) -> inviwopy.glm.bvec3
greaterThanEqual(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec4, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dvec4) -> inviwopy.glm.bvec4
greaterThanEqual(arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec2, arg1: inviwopy.glm.ivec2) -> inviwopy.glm.bvec2
greaterThanEqual(arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec3, arg1: inviwopy.glm.ivec3) -> inviwopy.glm.bvec3
greaterThanEqual(arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec4, arg1: inviwopy.glm.ivec4) -> inviwopy.glm.bvec4
greaterThanEqual(arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec2, arg1: inviwopy.glm.uvec2) -> inviwopy.glm.bvec2
greaterThanEqual(arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec3, arg1: inviwopy.glm.uvec3) -> inviwopy.glm.bvec3
greaterThanEqual(arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec4, arg1: inviwopy.glm.uvec4) -> inviwopy.glm.bvec4
greaterThanEqual(arg0: inviwopy.glm.size2_t, arg1: inviwopy.glm.size2_t) -> inviwopy.glm.bvec2
greaterThanEqual(arg0: inviwopy.glm.size3_t, arg1: inviwopy.glm.size3_t) -> inviwopy.glm.bvec3
greaterThanEqual(arg0: inviwopy.glm.size4_t, arg1: inviwopy.glm.size4_t) -> inviwopy.glm.bvec4
- inviwopy.glm.length(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
length(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec2) -> float
length(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec3) -> float
length(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec4) -> float
length(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec2) -> float
length(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec3) -> float
length(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec4) -> float
- inviwopy.glm.length2(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
length2(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec2) -> float
length2(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec3) -> float
length2(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec4) -> float
length2(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec2) -> float
length2(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec3) -> float
length2(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec4) -> float
- inviwopy.glm.lessThan(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
lessThan(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec2, arg1: inviwopy.glm.vec2) -> inviwopy.glm.bvec2
lessThan(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec3, arg1: inviwopy.glm.vec3) -> inviwopy.glm.bvec3
lessThan(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec4, arg1: inviwopy.glm.vec4) -> inviwopy.glm.bvec4
lessThan(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec2, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dvec2) -> inviwopy.glm.bvec2
lessThan(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec3, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dvec3) -> inviwopy.glm.bvec3
lessThan(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec4, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dvec4) -> inviwopy.glm.bvec4
lessThan(arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec2, arg1: inviwopy.glm.ivec2) -> inviwopy.glm.bvec2
lessThan(arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec3, arg1: inviwopy.glm.ivec3) -> inviwopy.glm.bvec3
lessThan(arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec4, arg1: inviwopy.glm.ivec4) -> inviwopy.glm.bvec4
lessThan(arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec2, arg1: inviwopy.glm.uvec2) -> inviwopy.glm.bvec2
lessThan(arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec3, arg1: inviwopy.glm.uvec3) -> inviwopy.glm.bvec3
lessThan(arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec4, arg1: inviwopy.glm.uvec4) -> inviwopy.glm.bvec4
lessThan(arg0: inviwopy.glm.size2_t, arg1: inviwopy.glm.size2_t) -> inviwopy.glm.bvec2
lessThan(arg0: inviwopy.glm.size3_t, arg1: inviwopy.glm.size3_t) -> inviwopy.glm.bvec3
lessThan(arg0: inviwopy.glm.size4_t, arg1: inviwopy.glm.size4_t) -> inviwopy.glm.bvec4
- inviwopy.glm.lessThanEqual(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
lessThanEqual(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec2, arg1: inviwopy.glm.vec2) -> inviwopy.glm.bvec2
lessThanEqual(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec3, arg1: inviwopy.glm.vec3) -> inviwopy.glm.bvec3
lessThanEqual(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec4, arg1: inviwopy.glm.vec4) -> inviwopy.glm.bvec4
lessThanEqual(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec2, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dvec2) -> inviwopy.glm.bvec2
lessThanEqual(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec3, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dvec3) -> inviwopy.glm.bvec3
lessThanEqual(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec4, arg1: inviwopy.glm.dvec4) -> inviwopy.glm.bvec4
lessThanEqual(arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec2, arg1: inviwopy.glm.ivec2) -> inviwopy.glm.bvec2
lessThanEqual(arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec3, arg1: inviwopy.glm.ivec3) -> inviwopy.glm.bvec3
lessThanEqual(arg0: inviwopy.glm.ivec4, arg1: inviwopy.glm.ivec4) -> inviwopy.glm.bvec4
lessThanEqual(arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec2, arg1: inviwopy.glm.uvec2) -> inviwopy.glm.bvec2
lessThanEqual(arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec3, arg1: inviwopy.glm.uvec3) -> inviwopy.glm.bvec3
lessThanEqual(arg0: inviwopy.glm.uvec4, arg1: inviwopy.glm.uvec4) -> inviwopy.glm.bvec4
lessThanEqual(arg0: inviwopy.glm.size2_t, arg1: inviwopy.glm.size2_t) -> inviwopy.glm.bvec2
lessThanEqual(arg0: inviwopy.glm.size3_t, arg1: inviwopy.glm.size3_t) -> inviwopy.glm.bvec3
lessThanEqual(arg0: inviwopy.glm.size4_t, arg1: inviwopy.glm.size4_t) -> inviwopy.glm.bvec4
- inviwopy.glm.normalize(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
normalize(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec2) -> inviwopy.glm.vec2
normalize(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec3) -> inviwopy.glm.vec3
normalize(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec4) -> inviwopy.glm.vec4
normalize(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec2) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec2
normalize(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec3) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec3
normalize(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec4) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec4
- inviwopy.glm.rotate(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
rotate(arg0: glm::mat<4,4,float,0>, arg1: float, arg2: inviwopy.glm.vec3) -> glm::mat<4,4,float,0>
rotate(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec3, arg1: float, arg2: inviwopy.glm.vec3) -> inviwopy.glm.vec3
rotate(arg0: glm::mat<4,4,double,0>, arg1: float, arg2: inviwopy.glm.dvec3) -> glm::mat<4,4,double,0>
rotate(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec3, arg1: float, arg2: inviwopy.glm.dvec3) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec3
- inviwopy.glm.sin(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
sin(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec2) -> inviwopy.glm.vec2
sin(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec3) -> inviwopy.glm.vec3
sin(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec4) -> inviwopy.glm.vec4
sin(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec2) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec2
sin(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec3) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec3
sin(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec4) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec4
- inviwopy.glm.tan(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
tan(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec2) -> inviwopy.glm.vec2
tan(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec3) -> inviwopy.glm.vec3
tan(arg0: inviwopy.glm.vec4) -> inviwopy.glm.vec4
tan(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec2) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec2
tan(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec3) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec3
tan(arg0: inviwopy.glm.dvec4) -> inviwopy.glm.dvec4