The team currently developing Inviwo

Timo Ropinski
Project Initiator and Manager

Peter Steneteg
Project Manager and
Lead Core Developer

Daniel Jönsson
Core Developer

Martin Falk
Core Developer

Jochen Jankowai
Core Developer

Dominik Engel
Core Developer

Julian Kreiser

Anke Friederici
Former Developers
Viktor Axelsson, Hans-Christian Helltegen, Alexander Johansson, Mathias Jörg, David Neuscheler, Johan Norén, Andreas Valter, Emanuel Winblad, Erik Sundén, Sathish Kottravel, Tobias Badura, Kaith Menken, Marius Kircher, Robin Skånberg, Rickard Englund
We would like to acknowledge Nadine Richard for transferring the domain and the graphic designer Sophie Gudmann Knutsson for improving the Inviwo logo.
Funding support
This work is supported by Linköping University, Ulm University and KTH Royal Institute of Technology, as well as grants from the Swedish e-Science Research Centre (SeRC), the Excellence Center at Linköping - Lund in Information Technology (ELLIIT), the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet), DFG (German Research Foundation), and the BMBF.