virtual std::string_view | getClassIdentifier () const override |
| LineSettingsProperty (std::string_view identifier, std::string_view displayName, InvalidationLevel invalidationLevel=InvalidationLevel::InvalidResources, PropertySemantics semantics=PropertySemantics::Default) |
| LineSettingsProperty (const LineSettingsProperty &rhs) |
virtual LineSettingsProperty * | clone () const override |
virtual float | getWidth () const override |
virtual float | getAntialiasingWidth () const override |
virtual float | getMiterLimit () const override |
virtual bool | getRoundCaps () const override |
virtual bool | getPseudoLighting () const override |
virtual bool | getRoundDepthProfile () const override |
virtual vec4 | getDefaultColor () const override |
virtual const StipplingSettingsInterface & | getStippling () const override |
virtual bool | getOverrideColor () const override |
virtual vec3 | getOverrideColorValue () const override |
virtual bool | getOverrideAlpha () const override |
virtual float | getOverrideAlphaValue () const override |
virtual bool | getUseMetaColor () const override |
virtual const TransferFunction & | getMetaColor () const override |
| CompositeProperty (std::string_view identifier, std::string_view displayName, Document help, InvalidationLevel invalidationLevel=InvalidationLevel::InvalidResources, PropertySemantics semantics=PropertySemantics::Default) |
| CompositeProperty (std::string_view identifier, std::string_view displayName, InvalidationLevel invalidationLevel=InvalidationLevel::InvalidResources, PropertySemantics semantics=PropertySemantics::Default) |
| CompositeProperty (const CompositeProperty &rhs)=default |
virtual const std::string & | getIdentifier () const override |
virtual std::string_view | getClassIdentifierForWidget () const override |
| Returns which property's widget should be used when the WidgetFactory tries to create a widget. Defaults to getClassIdentifier(), should only be overridden if a subclass want to reuse another property's widget.
virtual bool | isCollapsed () const |
virtual CompositeProperty & | setCollapsed (bool value) |
CompositeProperty & | setCollapsed (CollapseAction action, CollapseTarget target) |
virtual void | setOwner (PropertyOwner *owner) override |
virtual void | set (const Property *src) override |
void | set (const CompositeProperty *src) |
virtual void | setValid () override |
virtual InvalidationLevel | getInvalidationLevel () const override |
virtual CompositeProperty & | setCurrentStateAsDefault () override |
virtual CompositeProperty & | resetToDefaultState () override |
virtual bool | isDefaultState () const override |
virtual bool | needsSerialization () const override |
virtual CompositeProperty & | setReadOnly (bool value) override |
| Enable or disable editing of property.
virtual void | invalidate (InvalidationLevel invalidationLevel, Property *modifiedProperty=0) override |
virtual Processor * | getProcessor () override |
virtual const Processor * | getProcessor () const override |
virtual const PropertyOwner * | getOwner () const override |
virtual PropertyOwner * | getOwner () override |
virtual InviwoApplication * | getInviwoApplication () override |
virtual void | accept (NetworkVisitor &visitor) override |
| Accept a NetworkVisitor, the visitor will visit this and then each Property of the CompositeProperty in an undefined order. The Visitor will then visit each Properties's properties and so on.
virtual void | serialize (Serializer &s) const override |
virtual void | deserialize (Deserializer &d) override |
| Property (std::string_view identifier="", std::string_view displayName="", Document help={}, InvalidationLevel invalidationLevel=InvalidationLevel::InvalidOutput, PropertySemantics semantics=PropertySemantics::Default, ReadOnly readOnly=ReadOnly::No) |
| Property (std::string_view identifier, std::string_view displayName, InvalidationLevel invalidationLevel, PropertySemantics semantics=PropertySemantics::Default) |
virtual | ~Property () |
| Removes itself from its PropertyOwner.
virtual Property & | setIdentifier (std::string_view identifier) |
const std::string & | getPath () const |
| Get the property path as string.
void | getPath (std::pmr::string &out) const |
virtual Property & | setDisplayName (std::string_view displayName) |
| A property's name displayed to the user.
virtual const std::string & | getDisplayName () const |
virtual Property & | setSemantics (const PropertySemantics &semantics) |
virtual PropertySemantics | getSemantics () const |
virtual bool | getReadOnly () const |
virtual Property & | setInvalidationLevel (InvalidationLevel invalidationLevel) |
PropertyOwner * | getOwner () |
const PropertyOwner * | getOwner () const |
void | registerWidget (PropertyWidget *propertyWidget) |
void | deregisterWidget (PropertyWidget *propertyWidget) |
const std::vector< PropertyWidget * > & | getWidgets () const |
void | setInitiatingWidget (PropertyWidget *propertyWidget) |
void | clearInitiatingWidget () |
void | updateWidgets () |
bool | hasWidgets () const |
virtual Property & | setSerializationMode (PropertySerializationMode mode) |
virtual PropertySerializationMode | getSerializationMode () const |
virtual Property & | propertyModified () |
virtual Property & | setModified () |
virtual bool | isModified () const |
std::shared_ptr< std::function< void()> > | onChangeScoped (std::function< void()> callback) |
const BaseCallBack * | onChange (std::function< void()> callback) |
void | removeOnChange (const BaseCallBack *callback) |
virtual Property & | setVisible (bool val) |
virtual bool | getVisible () const |
template<typename P, typename DecisionFunc> |
Property & | visibilityDependsOn (P &prop, DecisionFunc callback) |
template<typename P, typename DecisionFunc> |
Property & | readonlyDependsOn (P &prop, DecisionFunc callback) |
const Document & | getHelp () const |
Document & | getHelp () |
Property & | setHelp (Document help) |
virtual Document | getDescription () const |
template<typename P> |
Property & | autoLinkToProperty (std::string_view propertyPath) |
const std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > & | getAutoLinkToProperty () const |
| Observable (const Observable< PropertyObserver > &other) |
| Observable (Observable< PropertyObserver > &&other) noexcept |
Observable< PropertyObserver > & | operator= (const Observable< PropertyObserver > &other) |
Observable< PropertyObserver > & | operator= (Observable< PropertyObserver > &&other) noexcept |
void | addObserver (PropertyObserver *observer) |
void | removeObserver (PropertyObserver *observer) |
virtual void | startBlockingNotifications () override final |
virtual void | stopBlockingNotifications () override final |
| MetaDataOwner (const MetaDataOwner &rhs)=default |
| MetaDataOwner (MetaDataOwner &rhs)=default |
MetaDataOwner & | operator= (const MetaDataOwner &rhs)=default |
MetaDataOwner & | operator= (MetaDataOwner &)=default |
void | copyMetaDataFrom (const MetaDataOwner &src) |
void | copyMetaDataTo (MetaDataOwner &dst) |
template<typename T>
requires std::derived_from<T, MetaData> |
T * | createMetaData (std::string_view key) |
template<typename T, typename U>
requires std::derived_from<T, MetaData> && Settable<T, U> |
void | setMetaData (std::string_view key, U value) |
template<typename T>
requires std::derived_from<T, MetaData> |
bool | unsetMetaData (std::string_view key) |
| unset, i.e. remove the metadata entry matching the given key and type
template<typename T, typename U>
requires std::derived_from<T, MetaData> && Gettable<T, U> |
U | getMetaData (std::string_view key, U val) const |
template<typename T>
requires std::derived_from<T, MetaData> |
T * | getMetaData (std::string_view key) |
template<typename T>
requires std::derived_from<T, MetaData> |
const T * | getMetaData (std::string_view key) const |
MetaDataMap * | getMetaDataMap () |
const MetaDataMap * | getMetaDataMap () const |
bool | hasMetaData (std::string_view key) const |
template<typename T>
requires std::derived_from<T, MetaData> |
bool | hasMetaData (std::string_view key) const |
void | serialize (Serializer &s) const |
void | deserialize (Deserializer &d) |
virtual | ~PropertyOwner () |
| Removes all properties and notifies its observers of the removal.
virtual void | addProperty (Property *property, bool owner=true) |
virtual void | addProperty (Property &property) |
virtual Property * | addProperty (std::unique_ptr< Property > property) |
template<typename... Ts> |
void | addProperties (Ts &... properties) |
virtual void | insertProperty (size_t index, Property *property, bool owner=true) |
| insert property property at position index If index is not valid, the property is appended.
virtual void | insertProperty (size_t index, Property &property) |
| insert property property at position index If index is not valid, the property is appended.
virtual Property * | insertProperty (size_t index, std::unique_ptr< Property > property) |
| insert property property at position index If index is not valid, the property is appended.
virtual Property * | removeProperty (std::string_view identifier) |
virtual Property * | removeProperty (Property *property) |
virtual Property * | removeProperty (Property &property) |
virtual Property * | removeProperty (size_t index) |
| remove property referred to by index
virtual bool | move (Property *property, size_t newIndex) |
virtual void | clear () |
| Remove all properties; Owned properties will be deleted.
const std::vector< Property * > & | getProperties () const |
const std::vector< CompositeProperty * > & | getCompositeProperties () const |
std::vector< Property * > | getPropertiesRecursive () const |
std::vector< Property * > & | getPropertiesRecursive (std::vector< Property * > &destination) const |
Property * | getPropertyByIdentifier (std::string_view identifier, bool recursiveSearch=false) const |
Property * | getPropertyByPath (std::string_view path) const |
template<class T> |
std::vector< T * > | getPropertiesByType (bool recursiveSearch=false) const |
bool | empty () const |
size_t | size () const |
Property * | operator[] (size_t) |
const Property * | operator[] (size_t) const |
const_iterator | find (Property *property) const |
iterator | begin () |
iterator | end () |
const_iterator | begin () const |
const_iterator | end () const |
const_iterator | cbegin () const |
const_iterator | cend () const |
virtual bool | isValid () const |
InvalidationLevel | getInvalidationLevel () const |
virtual void | setAllPropertiesCurrentStateAsDefault () |
virtual void | resetAllProperties () |
virtual void | invokeEvent (Event *event) override |
void | notifyObserversWillAddProperty (PropertyOwner *owner, Property *property, size_t index) |
void | notifyObserversDidAddProperty (Property *property, size_t index) |
void | notifyObserversWillRemoveProperty (Property *property, size_t index) |
void | notifyObserversDidRemoveProperty (PropertyOwner *owner, Property *property, size_t index) |
| Observable (const Observable< PropertyOwnerObserver > &other) |
| Observable (Observable< PropertyOwnerObserver > &&other) noexcept |
Observable< PropertyOwnerObserver > & | operator= (const Observable< PropertyOwnerObserver > &other) |
Observable< PropertyOwnerObserver > & | operator= (Observable< PropertyOwnerObserver > &&other) noexcept |
void | addObserver (PropertyOwnerObserver *observer) |
void | removeObserver (PropertyOwnerObserver *observer) |
virtual void | startBlockingNotifications () override final |
virtual void | stopBlockingNotifications () override final |
| Observable (const Observable< CompositePropertyObserver > &other) |
| Observable (Observable< CompositePropertyObserver > &&other) noexcept |
Observable< CompositePropertyObserver > & | operator= (const Observable< CompositePropertyObserver > &other) |
Observable< CompositePropertyObserver > & | operator= (Observable< CompositePropertyObserver > &&other) noexcept |
void | addObserver (CompositePropertyObserver *observer) |
void | removeObserver (CompositePropertyObserver *observer) |
virtual void | startBlockingNotifications () override final |
virtual void | stopBlockingNotifications () override final |