A property that has specified sub-properties which can be added using the graphical user interface.
virtual std::string_view | getClassIdentifier () const override |
| ListProperty (std::string_view identifier, std::string_view displayName, Document help={}, std::vector< std::unique_ptr< Property > > prefabs={}, size_t maxNumberOfElements=0, ListPropertyUIFlags uiFlags=ListPropertyUIFlag::Add|ListPropertyUIFlag::Remove, InvalidationLevel invalidationLevel=InvalidationLevel::InvalidResources, PropertySemantics semantics=PropertySemantics::Default) |
| ListProperty (std::string_view identifier, std::string_view displayName, std::vector< std::unique_ptr< Property > > prefabs, size_t maxNumberOfElements=0, ListPropertyUIFlags uiFlags=ListPropertyUIFlag::Add|ListPropertyUIFlag::Remove, InvalidationLevel invalidationLevel=InvalidationLevel::InvalidResources, PropertySemantics semantics=PropertySemantics::Default) |
| ListProperty (std::string_view identifier, std::string_view displayName, std::unique_ptr< Property > prefab, size_t maxNumberOfElements=0, ListPropertyUIFlags uiFlags=ListPropertyUIFlag::Add|ListPropertyUIFlag::Remove, InvalidationLevel invalidationLevel=InvalidationLevel::InvalidResources, PropertySemantics semantics=PropertySemantics::Default) |
| ListProperty (std::string_view identifier, std::string_view displayName, size_t maxNumberOfElements, ListPropertyUIFlags uiFlags=ListPropertyUIFlag::Add|ListPropertyUIFlag::Remove, InvalidationLevel invalidationLevel=InvalidationLevel::InvalidResources, PropertySemantics semantics=PropertySemantics::Default) |
| ListProperty (const ListProperty &rhs) |
virtual ListProperty * | clone () const override |
virtual std::string_view | getClassIdentifierForWidget () const override |
| Returns which property's widget should be used when the WidgetFactory tries to create a widget. Defaults to getClassIdentifier(), should only be overridden if a subclass want to reuse another property's widget.
virtual void | set (const Property *src) override |
void | set (const ListProperty *src) |
void | setMaxNumberOfElements (size_t n) |
| set the max number of list elements. This will remove additional properties if the list property contains more than n items.
size_t | getMaxNumberOfElements () const |
virtual void | clear () override |
| remove all list entries
Property * | constructProperty (size_t prefabIndex) |
| construct a list entry which is created from the respective prefab object. This function has no effect if the list size will exceed the maximum number of elements.
virtual void | addProperty (Property *property, bool owner=true) override |
| add property as new list entry. The type of the property must match one of the prefab objects. This function has no effect if the list size will exceed the maximum number of elements.
virtual void | addProperty (Property &property) override |
| add property as new list entry. The type of the property must match one of the prefab objects. This function has no effect if the list size will exceed the maximum number of elements.
virtual void | insertProperty (size_t index, Property *property, bool owner=true) override |
| insert property in the list at position index If index is not valid, the property is appended. The type of the property must match one of the prefab objects. This function has no effect if the list size will exceed the maximum number of elements.
virtual void | insertProperty (size_t index, Property &property) override |
| insert property in the list at position index If index is not valid, the property is appended. The type of the property must match one of the prefab objects. This function has no effect if the list size will exceed the maximum number of elements.
virtual Property * | removeProperty (std::string_view identifier) override |
virtual Property * | removeProperty (Property *property) override |
virtual Property * | removeProperty (Property &property) override |
virtual Property * | removeProperty (size_t index) override |
| remove property referred to by index
virtual bool | move (Property *property, size_t newIndex) override |
size_t | getPrefabCount () const |
| return number of prefab objects
void | addPrefab (std::unique_ptr< Property > p) |
| add a new prefab object p to be used as template when instantiating new list elements
const std::vector< std::unique_ptr< Property > > & | getPrefabs () const |
ListPropertyUIFlags | getUIFlags () const |
virtual ListProperty & | setCurrentStateAsDefault () override |
virtual ListProperty & | resetToDefaultState () override |
virtual bool | isDefaultState () const override |
virtual bool | needsSerialization () const override |
virtual void | serialize (Serializer &s) const override |
virtual void | deserialize (Deserializer &d) override |
| CompositeProperty (std::string_view identifier, std::string_view displayName, Document help, InvalidationLevel invalidationLevel=InvalidationLevel::InvalidResources, PropertySemantics semantics=PropertySemantics::Default) |
| CompositeProperty (std::string_view identifier, std::string_view displayName, InvalidationLevel invalidationLevel=InvalidationLevel::InvalidResources, PropertySemantics semantics=PropertySemantics::Default) |
| CompositeProperty (const CompositeProperty &rhs)=default |
virtual const std::string & | getIdentifier () const override |
virtual bool | isCollapsed () const |
virtual CompositeProperty & | setCollapsed (bool value) |
CompositeProperty & | setCollapsed (CollapseAction action, CollapseTarget target) |
virtual void | setOwner (PropertyOwner *owner) override |
void | set (const CompositeProperty *src) |
virtual void | setValid () override |
virtual InvalidationLevel | getInvalidationLevel () const override |
virtual CompositeProperty & | setReadOnly (bool value) override |
| Enable or disable editing of property.
virtual void | invalidate (InvalidationLevel invalidationLevel, Property *modifiedProperty=0) override |
virtual Processor * | getProcessor () override |
virtual const Processor * | getProcessor () const override |
virtual const PropertyOwner * | getOwner () const override |
virtual PropertyOwner * | getOwner () override |
virtual InviwoApplication * | getInviwoApplication () override |
virtual void | accept (NetworkVisitor &visitor) override |
| Accept a NetworkVisitor, the visitor will visit this and then each Property of the CompositeProperty in an undefined order. The Visitor will then visit each Properties's properties and so on.
| Property (std::string_view identifier="", std::string_view displayName="", Document help={}, InvalidationLevel invalidationLevel=InvalidationLevel::InvalidOutput, PropertySemantics semantics=PropertySemantics::Default, ReadOnly readOnly=ReadOnly::No) |
| Property (std::string_view identifier, std::string_view displayName, InvalidationLevel invalidationLevel, PropertySemantics semantics=PropertySemantics::Default) |
virtual | ~Property () |
| Removes itself from its PropertyOwner.
virtual Property & | setIdentifier (std::string_view identifier) |
const std::string & | getPath () const |
| Get the property path as string.
void | getPath (std::pmr::string &out) const |
virtual Property & | setDisplayName (std::string_view displayName) |
| A property's name displayed to the user.
virtual const std::string & | getDisplayName () const |
virtual Property & | setSemantics (const PropertySemantics &semantics) |
virtual PropertySemantics | getSemantics () const |
virtual bool | getReadOnly () const |
virtual Property & | setInvalidationLevel (InvalidationLevel invalidationLevel) |
PropertyOwner * | getOwner () |
const PropertyOwner * | getOwner () const |
void | registerWidget (PropertyWidget *propertyWidget) |
void | deregisterWidget (PropertyWidget *propertyWidget) |
const std::vector< PropertyWidget * > & | getWidgets () const |
void | setInitiatingWidget (PropertyWidget *propertyWidget) |
void | clearInitiatingWidget () |
void | updateWidgets () |
bool | hasWidgets () const |
virtual Property & | setSerializationMode (PropertySerializationMode mode) |
virtual PropertySerializationMode | getSerializationMode () const |
virtual Property & | propertyModified () |
virtual Property & | setModified () |
virtual bool | isModified () const |
std::shared_ptr< std::function< void()> > | onChangeScoped (std::function< void()> callback) |
const BaseCallBack * | onChange (std::function< void()> callback) |
void | removeOnChange (const BaseCallBack *callback) |
virtual Property & | setVisible (bool val) |
virtual bool | getVisible () const |
template<typename P, typename DecisionFunc> |
Property & | visibilityDependsOn (P &prop, DecisionFunc callback) |
template<typename P, typename DecisionFunc> |
Property & | readonlyDependsOn (P &prop, DecisionFunc callback) |
const Document & | getHelp () const |
Document & | getHelp () |
Property & | setHelp (Document help) |
virtual Document | getDescription () const |
template<typename P> |
Property & | autoLinkToProperty (std::string_view propertyPath) |
const std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > & | getAutoLinkToProperty () const |
| Observable (const Observable< PropertyObserver > &other) |
| Observable (Observable< PropertyObserver > &&other) noexcept |
Observable< PropertyObserver > & | operator= (const Observable< PropertyObserver > &other) |
Observable< PropertyObserver > & | operator= (Observable< PropertyObserver > &&other) noexcept |
void | addObserver (PropertyObserver *observer) |
void | removeObserver (PropertyObserver *observer) |
virtual void | startBlockingNotifications () override final |
virtual void | stopBlockingNotifications () override final |
| MetaDataOwner (const MetaDataOwner &rhs)=default |
| MetaDataOwner (MetaDataOwner &rhs)=default |
MetaDataOwner & | operator= (const MetaDataOwner &rhs)=default |
MetaDataOwner & | operator= (MetaDataOwner &)=default |
void | copyMetaDataFrom (const MetaDataOwner &src) |
void | copyMetaDataTo (MetaDataOwner &dst) |
template<typename T>
requires std::derived_from<T, MetaData> |
T * | createMetaData (std::string_view key) |
template<typename T, typename U>
requires std::derived_from<T, MetaData> && Settable<T, U> |
void | setMetaData (std::string_view key, U value) |
template<typename T>
requires std::derived_from<T, MetaData> |
bool | unsetMetaData (std::string_view key) |
| unset, i.e. remove the metadata entry matching the given key and type
template<typename T, typename U>
requires std::derived_from<T, MetaData> && Gettable<T, U> |
U | getMetaData (std::string_view key, U val) const |
template<typename T>
requires std::derived_from<T, MetaData> |
T * | getMetaData (std::string_view key) |
template<typename T>
requires std::derived_from<T, MetaData> |
const T * | getMetaData (std::string_view key) const |
MetaDataMap * | getMetaDataMap () |
const MetaDataMap * | getMetaDataMap () const |
bool | hasMetaData (std::string_view key) const |
template<typename T>
requires std::derived_from<T, MetaData> |
bool | hasMetaData (std::string_view key) const |
void | serialize (Serializer &s) const |
void | deserialize (Deserializer &d) |
virtual | ~PropertyOwner () |
| Removes all properties and notifies its observers of the removal.
virtual Property * | addProperty (std::unique_ptr< Property > property) |
template<typename... Ts> |
void | addProperties (Ts &... properties) |
virtual Property * | insertProperty (size_t index, std::unique_ptr< Property > property) |
| insert property property at position index If index is not valid, the property is appended.
const std::vector< Property * > & | getProperties () const |
const std::vector< CompositeProperty * > & | getCompositeProperties () const |
std::vector< Property * > | getPropertiesRecursive () const |
std::vector< Property * > & | getPropertiesRecursive (std::vector< Property * > &destination) const |
Property * | getPropertyByIdentifier (std::string_view identifier, bool recursiveSearch=false) const |
Property * | getPropertyByPath (std::string_view path) const |
template<class T> |
std::vector< T * > | getPropertiesByType (bool recursiveSearch=false) const |
bool | empty () const |
size_t | size () const |
Property * | operator[] (size_t) |
const Property * | operator[] (size_t) const |
const_iterator | find (Property *property) const |
iterator | begin () |
iterator | end () |
const_iterator | begin () const |
const_iterator | end () const |
const_iterator | cbegin () const |
const_iterator | cend () const |
virtual bool | isValid () const |
InvalidationLevel | getInvalidationLevel () const |
virtual void | setAllPropertiesCurrentStateAsDefault () |
virtual void | resetAllProperties () |
virtual void | invokeEvent (Event *event) override |
void | notifyObserversWillAddProperty (PropertyOwner *owner, Property *property, size_t index) |
void | notifyObserversDidAddProperty (Property *property, size_t index) |
void | notifyObserversWillRemoveProperty (Property *property, size_t index) |
void | notifyObserversDidRemoveProperty (PropertyOwner *owner, Property *property, size_t index) |
| Observable (const Observable< PropertyOwnerObserver > &other) |
| Observable (Observable< PropertyOwnerObserver > &&other) noexcept |
Observable< PropertyOwnerObserver > & | operator= (const Observable< PropertyOwnerObserver > &other) |
Observable< PropertyOwnerObserver > & | operator= (Observable< PropertyOwnerObserver > &&other) noexcept |
void | addObserver (PropertyOwnerObserver *observer) |
void | removeObserver (PropertyOwnerObserver *observer) |
virtual void | startBlockingNotifications () override final |
virtual void | stopBlockingNotifications () override final |
| Observable (const Observable< CompositePropertyObserver > &other) |
| Observable (Observable< CompositePropertyObserver > &&other) noexcept |
Observable< CompositePropertyObserver > & | operator= (const Observable< CompositePropertyObserver > &other) |
Observable< CompositePropertyObserver > & | operator= (Observable< CompositePropertyObserver > &&other) noexcept |
void | addObserver (CompositePropertyObserver *observer) |
void | removeObserver (CompositePropertyObserver *observer) |
virtual void | startBlockingNotifications () override final |
virtual void | stopBlockingNotifications () override final |
A property that has specified sub-properties which can be added using the graphical user interface.
Represents a list of properties. Properties can be added by using the prefab objects registered with the list property. The prefab objects serve as templates for instantiating new list entries. If the display name of the prefab object contains a trailing number, the number is incremented for each instance and used as display name of the newly added properties.
The UI flags (ListPropertyUIFlags) determine whether the widget will allow to add and/or remove list entries. The number of list elements is limited by setting maxNumberOfElements. A value of 0 refers to no limit.
ListProperty listProperty("myListProperty", "My ListProperty",
std::make_unique<BoolProperty>("boolProp", "BoolProperty", true), 10);
ListProperty listProperty("myListProperty", "My List Property",
[]() {
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Property>> v;
v.emplace_back(std::make_unique<IntProperty>("template1", "Template 1", 5, 0, 10));
v.emplace_back(std::make_unique<IntProperty>("template2", "Template 2", 2, 0, 99));
return v;
This also works when using different types of properties as prefab objects:
ListProperty listProperty("myListProperty", "My List Property",
[]() {
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Property>> v;
v.emplace_back(std::make_unique<BoolProperty>("boolProperty1", "Boolean Flag", true));
v.emplace_back(std::make_unique<TransferFunctionProperty>("tf1", "Transfer Function"));
v.emplace_back(std::make_unique<IntProperty>("template1", "Template 1", 5, 0, 10));
return v;