Inviwo 0.9.12-pre
Inviwo documentation
No Matches
inviwo::colorbrewer Namespace Reference


class  ColorBrewerException
class  UnsupportedNumberOfColorsException


enum class  Colormap {
  Accent_1 , Accent_2 , Accent_3 , Accent_4 ,
  Accent_5 , Accent_6 , Accent_7 , Accent_8 ,
  Blues_3 , Blues_4 , Blues_5 , Blues_6 ,
  Blues_7 , Blues_8 , Blues_9 , BrBG_3 ,
  BrBG_4 , BrBG_5 , BrBG_6 , BrBG_7 ,
  BrBG_8 , BrBG_9 , BrBG_10 , BrBG_11 ,
  BuGn_3 , BuGn_4 , BuGn_5 , BuGn_6 ,
  BuGn_7 , BuGn_8 , BuGn_9 , BuPu_3 ,
  BuPu_4 , BuPu_5 , BuPu_6 , BuPu_7 ,
  BuPu_8 , BuPu_9 , Dark2_3 , Dark2_4 ,
  Dark2_5 , Dark2_6 , Dark2_7 , Dark2_8 ,
  GnBu_3 , GnBu_4 , GnBu_5 , GnBu_6 ,
  GnBu_7 , GnBu_8 , GnBu_9 , Greens_3 ,
  Greens_4 , Greens_5 , Greens_6 , Greens_7 ,
  Greens_8 , Greens_9 , Greys_3 , Greys_4 ,
  Greys_5 , Greys_6 , Greys_7 , Greys_8 ,
  Greys_9 , OrRd_3 , OrRd_4 , OrRd_5 ,
  OrRd_6 , OrRd_7 , OrRd_8 , OrRd_9 ,
  Oranges_3 , Oranges_4 , Oranges_5 , Oranges_6 ,
  Oranges_7 , Oranges_8 , Oranges_9 , PRGn_3 ,
  PRGn_4 , PRGn_5 , PRGn_6 , PRGn_7 ,
  PRGn_8 , PRGn_9 , PRGn_10 , PRGn_11 ,
  Paired_1 , Paired_2 , Paired_3 , Paired_4 ,
  Paired_5 , Paired_6 , Paired_7 , Paired_8 ,
  Paired_9 , Paired_10 , Paired_11 , Paired_12 ,
  Pastel1_3 , Pastel1_4 , Pastel1_5 , Pastel1_6 ,
  Pastel1_7 , Pastel1_8 , Pastel1_9 , Pastel2_3 ,
  Pastel2_4 , Pastel2_5 , Pastel2_6 , Pastel2_7 ,
  Pastel2_8 , PiYG_3 , PiYG_4 , PiYG_5 ,
  PiYG_6 , PiYG_7 , PiYG_8 , PiYG_9 ,
  PiYG_10 , PiYG_11 , PuBu_3 , PuBu_4 ,
  PuBu_5 , PuBu_6 , PuBu_7 , PuBu_8 ,
  PuBu_9 , PuBuGn_3 , PuBuGn_4 , PuBuGn_5 ,
  PuBuGn_6 , PuBuGn_7 , PuBuGn_8 , PuBuGn_9 ,
  PuOr_3 , PuOr_4 , PuOr_5 , PuOr_6 ,
  PuOr_7 , PuOr_8 , PuOr_9 , PuOr_10 ,
  PuOr_11 , PuRd_3 , PuRd_4 , PuRd_5 ,
  PuRd_6 , PuRd_7 , PuRd_8 , PuRd_9 ,
  Purples_3 , Purples_4 , Purples_5 , Purples_6 ,
  Purples_7 , Purples_8 , Purples_9 , RdBu_3 ,
  RdBu_4 , RdBu_5 , RdBu_6 , RdBu_7 ,
  RdBu_8 , RdBu_9 , RdBu_10 , RdBu_11 ,
  RdGy_3 , RdGy_4 , RdGy_5 , RdGy_6 ,
  RdGy_7 , RdGy_8 , RdGy_9 , RdGy_10 ,
  RdGy_11 , RdPu_3 , RdPu_4 , RdPu_5 ,
  RdPu_6 , RdPu_7 , RdPu_8 , RdPu_9 ,
  RdYlBu_3 , RdYlBu_4 , RdYlBu_5 , RdYlBu_6 ,
  RdYlBu_7 , RdYlBu_8 , RdYlBu_9 , RdYlBu_10 ,
  RdYlBu_11 , RdYlGn_3 , RdYlGn_4 , RdYlGn_5 ,
  RdYlGn_6 , RdYlGn_7 , RdYlGn_8 , RdYlGn_9 ,
  RdYlGn_10 , RdYlGn_11 , Reds_3 , Reds_4 ,
  Reds_5 , Reds_6 , Reds_7 , Reds_8 ,
  Reds_9 , Set1_1 , Set1_2 , Set1_3 ,
  Set1_4 , Set1_5 , Set1_6 , Set1_7 ,
  Set1_8 , Set1_9 , Set2_1 , Set2_2 ,
  Set2_3 , Set2_4 , Set2_5 , Set2_6 ,
  Set2_7 , Set2_8 , Set3_3 , Set3_4 ,
  Set3_5 , Set3_6 , Set3_7 , Set3_8 ,
  Set3_9 , Set3_10 , Set3_11 , Set3_12 ,
  Spectral_3 , Spectral_4 , Spectral_5 , Spectral_6 ,
  Spectral_7 , Spectral_8 , Spectral_9 , Spectral_10 ,
  Spectral_11 , YlGn_3 , YlGn_4 , YlGn_5 ,
  YlGn_6 , YlGn_7 , YlGn_8 , YlGn_9 ,
  YlGnBu_3 , YlGnBu_4 , YlGnBu_5 , YlGnBu_6 ,
  YlGnBu_7 , YlGnBu_8 , YlGnBu_9 , YlOrBr_3 ,
  YlOrBr_4 , YlOrBr_5 , YlOrBr_6 , YlOrBr_7 ,
  YlOrBr_8 , YlOrBr_9 , YlOrRd_3 , YlOrRd_4 ,
  YlOrRd_5 , YlOrRd_6 , YlOrRd_7 , YlOrRd_8 ,
  FirstMap =Accent_1 , LastMap =YlOrRd_8
enum class  Category {
  Diverging , Qualitative , Sequential , NumberOfColormapCategories ,
enum class  Family {
  Accent , Blues , BrBG , BuGn ,
  BuPu , Dark2 , GnBu , Greens ,
  Greys , OrRd , Oranges , PRGn ,
  Paired , Pastel1 , Pastel2 , PiYG ,
  PuBu , PuBuGn , PuOr , PuRd ,
  Purples , RdBu , RdGy , RdPu ,
  RdYlBu , RdYlGn , Reds , Set1 ,
  Set2 , Set3 , Spectral , YlGn ,
  YlGnBu , YlOrBr , YlOrRd , NumberOfColormapFamilies ,


IVW_CORE_API std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, Colormap colormap)
IVW_CORE_API std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, Category category)
IVW_CORE_API std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, Family family)
IVW_CORE_API const std::vector< dvec4 > & getColormap (Colormap colormap)
IVW_CORE_API glm::uint8 getMinNumberOfColorsForFamily (const Family &family)
IVW_CORE_API glm::uint8 getMaxNumberOfColorsForFamily (const Family &family)
IVW_CORE_API std::vector< Family > getFamiliesForCategory (const Category &category)
IVW_CORE_API std::vector< Family > getFamilies ()
IVW_CORE_API const std::vector< dvec4 > & getColormap (const Family &family, glm::uint8 numberOfColors)
IVW_CORE_API std::vector< std::vector< dvec4 > > getColormaps (const Family &family)
IVW_CORE_API std::map< Family, std::vector< std::vector< dvec4 > > > getColormaps (const Category &category)
IVW_CORE_API std::map< Family, std::vector< dvec4 > > getColormaps (const Category &category, glm::uint8 numberOfColors)
IVW_CORE_API TransferFunction getTransferFunction (const Category &category, const Family &family, size_t nColors, bool discrete, double divergenceMidPoint=0.5, double start=0.0, double stop=1.0)

Detailed Description


Function Documentation

◆ getColormap() [1/2]

IVW_CORE_API const std::vector< dvec4 > & inviwo::colorbrewer::getColormap ( Colormap colormap)

Returns the specified colormap. For reference see

◆ getColormap() [2/2]

IVW_CORE_API const std::vector< dvec4 > & inviwo::colorbrewer::getColormap ( const Family & family,
glm::uint8 numberOfColors )

Returns the colormap specified by its family and number of colors containted in the colormap. For reference see If the colormap is not available for the given number of colors, a ColorBrewerException is thrown.

◆ getColormaps() [1/3]

IVW_CORE_API std::map< Family, std::vector< std::vector< dvec4 > > > inviwo::colorbrewer::getColormaps ( const Category & category)

Returns all colormaps of a category. Returns a map with one entry per family storing all colormaps for that family.

◆ getColormaps() [2/3]

IVW_CORE_API std::map< Family, std::vector< dvec4 > > inviwo::colorbrewer::getColormaps ( const Category & category,
glm::uint8 numberOfColors )

Returns all colormaps of a category with given number of colors. If a colormap is not available for the given number of colors, it is omitted. If none of the colormaps are available for the whole category and the given number of colors, a ColorBrewerException is thrown.

◆ getColormaps() [3/3]

IVW_CORE_API std::vector< std::vector< dvec4 > > inviwo::colorbrewer::getColormaps ( const Family & family)

Returns all colormaps of a family. For example, if family Blues is requested, 6 cololormaps will be returned since the family contains 6 levels of detail (Blues_3 - Blues_9).

◆ getFamilies()

IVW_CORE_API std::vector< Family > inviwo::colorbrewer::getFamilies ( )

Returns all families.

◆ getFamiliesForCategory()

IVW_CORE_API std::vector< Family > inviwo::colorbrewer::getFamiliesForCategory ( const Category & category)

Returns all families contained in the specified category.

◆ getMaxNumberOfColorsForFamily()

IVW_CORE_API glm::uint8 inviwo::colorbrewer::getMaxNumberOfColorsForFamily ( const Family & family)

Returns the maximum number of colors for which the requested family is available.

◆ getMinNumberOfColorsForFamily()

IVW_CORE_API glm::uint8 inviwo::colorbrewer::getMinNumberOfColorsForFamily ( const Family & family)

Returns the minimum number of colors for which the requested family is available.

◆ getTransferFunction()

IVW_CORE_API TransferFunction inviwo::colorbrewer::getTransferFunction ( const Category & category,
const Family & family,
size_t nColors,
bool discrete,
double divergenceMidPoint = 0.5,
double start = 0.0,
double stop = 1.0 )

Returns a transfer function for the given parameters.

categoryaccording to ColorBrewer2
familycolor scheme name
nColorsnumber of requested colors
discretewill make each color constant instead of linearly interpolationg between colors.
divergenceMidPointin [0 1]. Only used when category is Diverging