Classes | |
class | EditorFileObserver |
struct | Save |
struct | WidgetCloseEventFilter |
Functions | |
IVW_QTAPPLICATIONBASE_API void | configureInviwoQtApp () |
IVW_QTAPPLICATIONBASE_API void | configureInviwoDefaultNames () |
IVW_QTAPPLICATIONBASE_API void | logQtMessages (QtMsgType type, const QMessageLogContext &context, const QString &msg) |
IVW_QTAPPLICATIONBASE_API void | configureFileSystemObserver (InviwoApplication &app) |
IVW_QTAPPLICATIONBASE_API void | configurePostEnqueueFront (InviwoApplication &app) |
IVW_QTAPPLICATIONBASE_API void | configureAssertionHandler (InviwoApplication &app) |
IVW_QTAPPLICATIONBASE_API void | configurePoolResizeWait (InviwoApplication &app, QWidget *window) |
IVW_QTAPPLICATIONBASE_API void | setStyleSheetFile (const std::filesystem::path &file) |
IVW_QTAPPLICATIONBASE_API void | configurePalette () |
QString | str (std::string_view str) |
IVW_QTAPPLICATIONBASE_API std::locale | getCurrentStdLocale () |
getCurrentStdLocale This function returns the current system locale provided by Qt. If the Qt application has not been initialized, the returned value is the environment's default locale. | |
IVW_QTEDITOR_API QImage | generatePreview (Processor &processor) |
IVW_QTEDITOR_API QImage | generatePreview (std::string_view classIdentifier, ProcessorFactory *factory) |
IVW_QTEDITOR_API QImage | generateProcessorPreview (const QString &classIdentifier, double opacity=1.0) |
IVW_QTEDITOR_API QImage | generateProcessorPreview (Processor &processor, double opacity=1.0) |
IVW_QTEDITOR_API void | saveProcessorPreviews (InviwoApplication *app, std::string &path) |
template<typename Enum> | |
QVariant | getData (const QModelIndex &index, Enum e) |
QVariant | getData (const QModelIndex &index, Qt::ItemDataRole r) |
IVW_MODULE_OPENGLQT_API std::vector< std::shared_ptr< std::function< void()> > > | setGLSLSyntaxHighlight (SyntaxHighlighter &sh, GLSLSyntaxHighlight &settings) |
IVW_MODULE_PYTHON3QT_API std::vector< std::shared_ptr< std::function< void()> > > | setPythonSyntaxHighlight (SyntaxHighlighter &sh, PythonSyntaxHighlight &settings) |
IVW_MODULE_PYTHON3QT_API std::vector< std::shared_ptr< std::function< void()> > > | setPythonOutputSyntaxHighlight (SyntaxHighlighter &sh, PythonSyntaxHighlight &settings) |
IVW_MODULE_QTWIDGETS_API MouseButtons | getMouseButtons (const QMouseEvent *e) |
Convert the button state when the event was generated to an inviwo button. | |
IVW_MODULE_QTWIDGETS_API MouseButton | getMouseButtonCausingEvent (const QMouseEvent *e) |
Convert the button originally causing the event to an inviwo button. | |
IVW_MODULE_QTWIDGETS_API MouseButtons | getMouseWheelButtons (const QWheelEvent *e) |
IVW_MODULE_QTWIDGETS_API KeyModifiers | getModifiers (const QInputEvent *e) |
IVW_MODULE_QTWIDGETS_API GestureState | getGestureState (const QGesture *e) |
IVW_MODULE_QTWIDGETS_API IvwKey | getKeyButton (const QKeyEvent *e) |
IVW_MODULE_QTWIDGETS_API std::ios_base & | localizeStream (std::ios_base &stream) |
localize The given stream is imbued with the currently set system locale provided by Qt. | |
QString | toLocalQString (std::string_view str) |
create a QString from a UTF8-encoded std::string | |
QString | toLocalQString (const std::string &str) |
create a QString from a UTF8-encoded std::string | |
std::string | fromLocalQString (const QString &str) |
convert a QString to a localized 8bit std::string | |
QString | toQString (std::string_view str) |
create a QString from a UTF8-encoded std::string | |
QString | toQString (const std::string &str) |
create a QString from a UTF8-encoded std::string | |
std::string | fromQString (const QString &str) |
create a UTF8-encoded std::string from a QString | |
IVW_MODULE_QTWIDGETS_API QString | toQString (const std::filesystem::path &path) |
IVW_MODULE_QTWIDGETS_API std::filesystem::path | toPath (const QString &str) |
constexpr QPointF | toQPoint (dvec2 v) |
constexpr QPoint | toQPoint (ivec2 v) |
constexpr dvec2 | toGLM (QPointF v) |
constexpr ivec2 | toGLM (QPoint v) |
constexpr dvec2 | toGLM (QSizeF v) |
constexpr ivec2 | toGLM (QSize v) |
constexpr QSizeF | toQSize (dvec2 v) |
constexpr QSize | toQSize (ivec2 v) |
vec3 | tovec3 (const QColor &c) |
ivec3 | toivec3 (const QColor &c) |
vec4 | tovec4 (const QColor &c) |
ivec4 | toivec4 (const QColor &c) |
constexpr QColor | toQColor (const ivec3 &v) |
constexpr QColor | toQColor (const uvec3 &v) |
constexpr QColor | toQColor (const vec3 &v) |
constexpr QColor | toQColor (const ivec4 &v) |
constexpr QColor | toQColor (const uvec4 &v) |
constexpr QColor | toQColor (const vec4 &v) |
IVW_MODULE_QTWIDGETS_API QPen | cosmeticPen (const QBrush &brush, qreal width, Qt::PenStyle s=Qt::SolidLine, Qt::PenCapStyle c=Qt::SquareCap, Qt::PenJoinStyle j=Qt::BevelJoin) |
IVW_MODULE_QTWIDGETS_API void | paintCheckerBoard (QPainter &painter, const QRectF &rect) |
IVW_MODULE_QTWIDGETS_API void | paint (const TransferFunction &tf, QPainter &painter, const QRectF &rect) |
IVW_MODULE_QTWIDGETS_API void | paint (const IsoValueCollection &isoValues, QPainter &painter, const QRectF &rect) |
IVW_MODULE_QTWIDGETS_API void | paintMask (const dvec2 &mask, const dvec2 &range, QPainter &painter, const QRectF &rect) |
IVW_MODULE_QTWIDGETS_API QPixmap | toQPixmap (const TransferFunction &tf, const QSize &size) |
IVW_MODULE_QTWIDGETS_API QPixmap | toQPixmap (const TransferFunctionProperty &tfproperty, const QSize &size) |
IVW_MODULE_QTWIDGETS_API QPixmap | toQPixmap (const IsoValueProperty &property, const QSize &size) |
IVW_MODULE_QTWIDGETS_API QPixmap | toQPixmap (const IsoTFProperty &property, const QSize &size) |
IVW_MODULE_QTWIDGETS_API QPixmap | toQPixmap (const TFPropertyConcept &propertyConcept, const QSize &size) |
IVW_MODULE_QTWIDGETS_API QPointF | clamp (const QPointF &pos, const QRectF &rect) |
IVW_MODULE_QTWIDGETS_API QMainWindow * | getApplicationMainWindow () |
Retrieve the QMainWindow named "InviwoMainWindow" from QApplication. | |
IVW_MODULE_QTWIDGETS_API QPoint | movePointOntoDesktop (const QPoint &point, const QSize &size, bool decorationOffset=true) |
Moves point to become relative to the main window and thereby visible. | |
IVW_MODULE_QTWIDGETS_API QPoint | offsetWidget () |
Offset widgets based on order added such that they do not end up on top of each other. Base offset of (350, 100). The offset will be increased by (40, 40) every time the function is called. Furthermore, the horizontal offset will be increased by 200 every tenth time. | |
IVW_MODULE_QTWIDGETS_API QMenu * | addMenu (std::string_view menuName, const std::string &before) |
IVW_MODULE_QTWIDGETS_API QMenu * | addMenu (std::string_view menuName, QMenu *before=nullptr) |
IVW_MODULE_QTWIDGETS_API QMenu * | getMenu (std::string_view menuName, bool createIfNotFound=false) |
IVW_MODULE_QTWIDGETS_API QImage | layerToQImage (const Layer &layer) |
IVW_MODULE_QTWIDGETS_API std::string | toBase64 (const QImage &image, std::string_view format="PNG", int quality=-1) |
IVW_MODULE_QTWIDGETS_API QImage | fromBase64 (std::string_view base64, std::string_view format="PNG") |
IVW_MODULE_QTWIDGETS_API QIcon | fromBase64ToIcon (std::string_view base64, std::string_view format="PNG") |
IVW_MODULE_QTWIDGETS_API std::vector< std::pair< std::string, QImage > > | getCanvasImages (ProcessorNetwork *network, bool alpha=true) |
IVW_MODULE_QTWIDGETS_API void | addImageActions (QMenu &menu, const Image &image, LayerType visibleLayer=LayerType::Color, size_t visibleIndex=10000) |
IVW_MODULE_QTWIDGETS_API void | addViewActions (QMenu &menu, EventPropagator *ep) |
QString | windowTitleHelper (const QString &title, const QWidget *widget) |
constexpr int | refEm () |
constexpr double | refSpaceEm () |
IVW_MODULE_QTWIDGETS_API int | refSpacePx (const QWidget *w) |
IVW_MODULE_QTWIDGETS_API QSize | emToPx (const QWidget *w, QSizeF) |
IVW_MODULE_QTWIDGETS_API int | emToPx (const QWidget *w, double em) |
IVW_MODULE_QTWIDGETS_API int | emToPx (const QFontMetrics &m, double em) |
IVW_MODULE_QTWIDGETS_API void | setFullScreenAndOnTop (QWidget *widget, bool fullScreen, bool onTop) |
template<typename T> | |
int | decimals (T inc) |
IVW_MODULE_QTWIDGETS_API std::vector< std::string > | getMonoSpaceFonts () |
Get a list of all available mono space font. | |
IVW_MODULE_QTWIDGETS_API size_t | getDefaultMonoSpaceFontIndex () |
Index of the system mono space font. | |
IVW_QTAPPLICATIONBASE_API void inviwo::utilqt::configureAssertionHandler | ( | InviwoApplication & | app | ) |
Set a AssertionHandler to display a Qt dialog when asserts happen.
IVW_QTAPPLICATIONBASE_API void inviwo::utilqt::configureFileSystemObserver | ( | InviwoApplication & | app | ) |
Installs a fileSystem observer service based on Qt file observers in the inviwo app Should be called after constructing QApplication
IVW_QTAPPLICATIONBASE_API void inviwo::utilqt::configureInviwoDefaultNames | ( | ) |
Sets the standard inviwo names in the QApplication Sets the Organization Name and Domain, and application name and icon The names are used when saving/loading qt settings. Should be called after constructing QApplication
IVW_QTAPPLICATIONBASE_API void inviwo::utilqt::configureInviwoQtApp | ( | ) |
Configure Qt OpenGL settings for inviwo Should be called before constructing a QApplication
IVW_QTAPPLICATIONBASE_API void inviwo::utilqt::configurePalette | ( | ) |
Configure the global palette to use the same link colors as in the help widget and stylesheet
IVW_QTAPPLICATIONBASE_API void inviwo::utilqt::configurePoolResizeWait | ( | InviwoApplication & | app, |
QWidget * | window ) |
Configure the inviwo pool resize to work with the qt event system
IVW_QTAPPLICATIONBASE_API void inviwo::utilqt::configurePostEnqueueFront | ( | InviwoApplication & | app | ) |
Make the inviwo app post enqueue work with the qt event system Should be called after constructing QApplication
IVW_QTEDITOR_API QImage inviwo::utilqt::generatePreview | ( | Processor & | processor | ) |
Generate an image of a processor including port connections and port names
IVW_QTEDITOR_API QImage inviwo::utilqt::generatePreview | ( | std::string_view | classIdentifier, |
ProcessorFactory * | factory ) |
Generate an image of a processor including port connections and port names
IVW_QTEDITOR_API QImage inviwo::utilqt::generateProcessorPreview | ( | const QString & | classIdentifier, |
double | opacity = 1.0 ) |
Generate an image of a processor
classIdentifier | class Identifier of the processor to generate the preview for. |
opacity | if opacity is less than one, the output image will be semitransparent, range [0,1] |
IVW_MODULE_QTWIDGETS_API QMainWindow * inviwo::utilqt::getApplicationMainWindow | ( | ) |
Retrieve the QMainWindow named "InviwoMainWindow" from QApplication.
IVW_QTAPPLICATIONBASE_API std::locale inviwo::utilqt::getCurrentStdLocale | ( | ) |
getCurrentStdLocale This function returns the current system locale provided by Qt. If the Qt application has not been initialized, the returned value is the environment's default locale.
IVW_MODULE_QTWIDGETS_API size_t inviwo::utilqt::getDefaultMonoSpaceFontIndex | ( | ) |
Index of the system mono space font.
Returns the index of the default system mono space font in the list given by getMonoSpaceFonts
IVW_MODULE_QTWIDGETS_API std::vector< std::string > inviwo::utilqt::getMonoSpaceFonts | ( | ) |
Get a list of all available mono space font.
Queries the QFontDatabase
for all font that isFixedPitch
IVW_MODULE_QTWIDGETS_API MouseButton inviwo::utilqt::getMouseButtonCausingEvent | ( | const QMouseEvent * | e | ) |
Convert the button originally causing the event to an inviwo button.
Converts QMouseEvent::getButton().
e | the QT Mouse Event |
IVW_MODULE_QTWIDGETS_API MouseButtons inviwo::utilqt::getMouseButtons | ( | const QMouseEvent * | e | ) |
Convert the button state when the event was generated to an inviwo button.
Converts QMouseEvent::getButtons().
IVW_MODULE_QTWIDGETS_API std::ios_base & inviwo::utilqt::localizeStream | ( | std::ios_base & | stream | ) |
localize The given stream is imbued with the currently set system locale provided by Qt.
stream | the locale is imbued onto this stream |
IVW_QTAPPLICATIONBASE_API void inviwo::utilqt::logQtMessages | ( | QtMsgType | type, |
const QMessageLogContext & | context, | ||
const QString & | msg ) |
A logging function that redirects qt log messages to the inviwo LogCentral. Can be installed by calling qInstallMessageHandler(&logQtMessages)
IVW_MODULE_QTWIDGETS_API QPoint inviwo::utilqt::movePointOntoDesktop | ( | const QPoint & | point, |
const QSize & | size, | ||
bool | decorationOffset = true ) |
Moves point to become relative to the main window and thereby visible.
Positions saved for one screen setup may end up outside on other setups. Apply this function to make sure that the widget ends up visible on the screen.
point | The previous screen position of the widget |
size | The size of the widget |
decorationOffset | Offset widget below top horizontal window bar |
IVW_MODULE_QTWIDGETS_API QPoint inviwo::utilqt::offsetWidget | ( | ) |
Offset widgets based on order added such that they do not end up on top of each other. Base offset of (350, 100). The offset will be increased by (40, 40) every time the function is called. Furthermore, the horizontal offset will be increased by 200 every tenth time.
IVW_QTAPPLICATIONBASE_API void inviwo::utilqt::setStyleSheetFile | ( | const std::filesystem::path & | file | ) |
Sets a new style sheet file in the QApplication