Inviwo 0.9.12-pre
Inviwo documentation
No Matches
inviwo::plot::detail::AxisLabels< P > Struct Template Reference

Public Types

using LabelPos = std::vector<P>
using Updater

Public Member Functions

 AxisLabels (Updater updatePos)
 AxisLabels (const AxisLabels &)=delete
 AxisLabels (AxisLabels &&) noexcept=default
AxisLabelsoperator= (const AxisLabels &)=delete
AxisLabelsoperator= (AxisLabels &&) noexcept=default
util::TextureAtlasgetAtlas (const AxisSettings &settings, const vec3 &start, const vec3 &end, TextRenderer &renderer)
const util::TextureAtlasgetCurrentAtlas () const
const LabelPos & getLabelPos (const AxisSettings &settings, const vec3 &start, const vec3 &end, TextRenderer &renderer, const vec3 &tickDirection)

Protected Types

using MPAtlas = MemPtr<AxisLabels, bool, &AxisLabels::validAtlas_>
using MPLabel = MemPtr<AxisLabels, LabelPos, &AxisLabels::positions_>

Protected Attributes

Updater updatePos_
util::TextureAtlas atlas_
bool validAtlas_ = false
LabelPos positions_
Guard< vec3, MPAtlas, MPLabelstartPos_
Guard< vec3, MPAtlas, MPLabelendPos_
Guard< dvec2, MPAtlas, MPLabelrange_
Guard< PlotTextData, MPAtlas, MPLabellabelsSettings_
Guard< std::vector< std::string >, MPAtlaslabels_
Guard< MajorTickData, MPAtlas, MPLabelmajor_
Guard< vec3, MPLabeltickDirection_
Guard< bool, MPLabelflipped_
Guard< float, MPLabelscalingFactor_

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Updater

template<typename P>
using inviwo::plot::detail::AxisLabels< P >::Updater
Initial value:
std::function<void(LabelPos&, util::TextureAtlas&, const AxisSettings&,
const vec3&, const vec3&, const vec3&)>
Definition axissettings.h:45
Texture atlas for a number of strings rendered with the TextRenderer.
Definition textureatlas.h:56

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