| LayerGL (std::shared_ptr< Texture2D > tex, LayerType type=LayerConfig::defaultType) |
| LayerGL (size2_t dimensions=LayerConfig::defaultDimensions, LayerType type=LayerConfig::defaultType, const DataFormatBase *format=LayerConfig::defaultFormat, const SwizzleMask &swizzleMask=LayerConfig::defaultSwizzleMask, InterpolationType interpolation=LayerConfig::defaultInterpolation, const Wrapping2D &wrapping=LayerConfig::defaultWrapping) |
| LayerGL (const LayerReprConfig &config) |
| LayerGL (const LayerGL &rhs) |
LayerGL & | operator= (const LayerGL &rhs) |
virtual LayerGL * | clone () const override |
virtual const DataFormatBase * | getDataFormat () const override |
virtual void | setDimensions (size2_t dimensions) override |
virtual const size2_t & | getDimensions () const override |
virtual void | setSwizzleMask (const SwizzleMask &mask) override |
| update the swizzle mask of the channels for sampling color layers Needs to be overloaded by child classes.
virtual SwizzleMask | getSwizzleMask () const override |
virtual void | setInterpolation (InterpolationType interpolation) override |
| update the interpolation for sampling layer Needs to be overloaded by child classes.
virtual InterpolationType | getInterpolation () const override |
virtual void | setWrapping (const Wrapping2D &wrapping) override |
| Update the wrapping type of the layer Needs to be overloaded by child classes.
virtual Wrapping2D | getWrapping () const override |
void | bindTexture (GLenum texUnit) const |
void | bindTexture (const TextureUnit &texUnit) const |
void | unbindTexture () const |
virtual bool | copyRepresentationsTo (LayerRepresentation *) const override |
std::shared_ptr< Texture2D > | getTexture () const |
virtual std::type_index | getTypeIndex () const override final |
virtual void | updateResource (const ResourceMeta &meta) const override |
LayerType | getLayerType () const |
std::string_view | getDataFormatString () const |
DataFormatId | getDataFormatId () const |
LayerReprConfig | config () const |
void | setOwner (const Layer *owner) |
const Layer * | getOwner () const |
bool | isValid () const |
void | setValid (bool valid) |