►Nfmt | |
Cis_range< inviwo::flags::flags< T >, Char > | |
►Ninviwo | IWYU pragma: keep |
►Nalgorithm | |
CEntryExitPointsHelper | Helper class for creating entry and exit points for a mesh |
CLineRenderer | Helper class for rendering a mesh as lines. Only renders Mesh with DrawType::Lines |
►Nanimation | |
►Ndetail | |
CAnimateSequence | |
CAnimateSequence< ButtonProperty, ButtonKeyframeSequence > | |
CAnimateSequence< CameraProperty, CameraKeyframeSequence > | |
CDefaultInterpolationCreator | |
CDefaultInterpolationCreator< CameraKeyframe > | |
CDefaultInterpolationCreator< ValueKeyframe< T > > | |
CDefaultSequenceCreator | |
CDefaultSequenceCreator< KeyframeSequenceTyped< Key > > | |
CAnimation | |
CAnimationController | |
CAnimationControllerObservable | |
CAnimationControllerObserver | |
CAnimationEditorDockWidgetQt | |
CAnimationEditorQt | |
CAnimationLabelViewQt | |
CAnimationManager | |
CAnimationObservable | |
CAnimationObserver | |
CAnimationQtSupplier | |
CAnimationsModel | |
CAnimationSupplier | |
CAnimationTimeState | |
CAnimationViewQt | |
CBaseKeyframe | |
CBaseKeyframeSequence | |
CBasePropertyTrack | |
CBaseTrack | |
CButtonKeyframe | |
CButtonKeyframeSequence | |
CCallbackKeyframe | |
CCallbackKeyframeSequence | |
CCallbackTrack | |
CCameraKeyframe | |
CCameraLinearInterpolation | |
CCameraSphericalInterpolation | |
CConstantInterpolation | |
CControlKeyframe | |
CControlKeyframeSequence | |
CControlSequenceEditor | |
CControlTrack | |
CControlTrackWidgetQt | |
CDemoController | |
CDemoControllerObservable | |
CDemoControllerObserver | |
CDemoNavigatorDockWidgetQt | |
CFindDivisionsResult | |
CImageRecorderFactory | |
CInterpolation | |
CInterpolationFactory | |
CInterpolationFactoryObject | |
CInterpolationFactoryObjectKeyframe | |
CInterpolationFactoryObjectTemplate | |
CInterpolationTyped | |
CInvalidationKeyframe | |
CInvalidationKeyframeSequence | |
CInvalidationSequenceEditor | |
CInvalidationTrack | |
CKeyframe | |
CKeyframeEditorWidget | |
CKeyframeObservable | |
CKeyframeObserver | |
CKeyframeSequence | |
CKeyframeSequenceObserver | |
CKeyframeSequenceObserverble | |
CKeyframeSequenceTyped | |
CKeyframeSequenceWidgetQt | |
CKeyframeWidgetQt | Graphical representation of a keyframe |
CKeyframeWidgetQtLock | |
CLinearInterpolation | |
CMainAnimation | Responsible for the main AnimationController and saving it in the workspace |
CPropertySequenceEditor | |
CPropertyTrack | |
CPropertyTrackWidgetQt | |
CRecorder | |
CRecorderFactories | |
CRecorderFactory | |
CRecorderOptions | |
CSequenceEditorFactory | |
CSequenceEditorFactoryObject | |
CSequenceEditorFactoryObjectTemplate | |
CSequenceEditorPanel | |
CSequenceEditorWidget | |
CTrack | |
CTrackControlsWidgetQt | |
CTrackFactory | |
CTrackFactoryObject | |
CTrackFactoryObjectTemplate | |
CTrackObservable | |
CTrackObserver | |
CTrackTyped | |
CTrackWidgetQt | |
CTrackWidgetQtFactory | |
CTrackWidgetQtFactoryObject | |
CTrackWidgetQtFactoryObjectTemplate | |
CValueKeyframe | |
CValueKeyframeSequence | |
CValueKeyframeSequenceObserver | |
CValueKeyframeSequenceObserverble | |
CWorkspaceAnimations | Responsible for animations saved in the workspace and ensuring that there always is at least one main Animation |
►Nbuffertraits | |
CColorsBuffer | |
CCurvatureBuffer | |
CIndexBuffer | |
CNormalBuffer | |
CPickingBuffer | |
CPositionsBufferBase | |
CRadiiBuffer | |
CScalarMetaBuffer | |
CTexCoordBuffer | |
CTypedMeshBufferBase | |
►Ncimgutil | |
CTIFFHeader | |
►Ncolorbrewer | |
CColorBrewerException | |
CUnsupportedNumberOfColorsException | |
►Ncommand | |
CAddConnection | |
CAddLink | |
CAddProcessor | |
CNop | |
CRemoveConnection | |
CRemoveLink | |
CRemoveProcessor | |
CStats | |
CUpdate | |
►Ncsvfilters | |
CFilters | |
CRowFilter | |
►Ndataframefilters | |
CFilters | |
►Ndeserializer | |
CIdentifierFunctions | |
CIndexFunctions | |
CMapFunctions | |
►Ndetail | |
CBuild | |
CColorConverter | |
CColorConverter< dvec3 > | |
CColorConverter< dvec4 > | |
CColorConverter< ivec3 > | |
CColorConverter< ivec4 > | |
CColorConverter< vec3 > | |
CColorConverter< vec4 > | |
CDynPort | |
CDynUniform | |
ChasProcessorInfo | |
Chelper | |
Chelper< F, 0 > | |
COutportIterableWrapper | |
COutportIterableWrapper< std::vector< std::shared_ptr< T >, Alloc > > | |
COutportIterableWrapper< std::vector< std::unique_ptr< T >, Alloc > > | |
COutportIterableWrapper< std::vector< T *, Alloc > > | |
COutportIterableWrapper< std::vector< T, Alloc > > | |
Cstatic_size_t | |
Cstatic_size_t< char[N]> | |
Cstatic_size_t< StaticString< N > > | |
►Ndispatching | |
►Ndetail | |
CCons | |
CCons< T, std::tuple< Args... > > | |
CFilter | |
CFilter< Predicate > | |
CFilter< Predicate, Head, Tail... > | |
CFilter< Predicate, std::tuple< Args... > > | |
►Nfilter | |
CAll | |
CFloat1s | |
CFloat2s | |
CFloat3s | |
CFloat4s | |
CFloats | |
CFloatScalars | |
CFloatVecs | |
CIntegers | |
CIntegerScalars | |
CIntegerVecs | |
CScalars | |
CSignedIntegerScalars | |
CSignedIntegerVecs | |
CUnsignedIntegerScalars | |
CUnsignedIntegerVecs | |
CVec2s | |
CVec3s | |
CVec4s | |
CVecs | |
CDispatchException | |
►Nffmpeg | |
CCodec | |
CCodecID | |
CError | |
CFormat | |
CFrame | |
CNoMoveCopy | |
COutputFormat | |
►COutputStream | |
COptions | |
CPacket | |
CRecorder | |
CSwScale | |
►Nfilters | |
CItemFilter | |
►Nglui | |
CAbstractButton | Glui::Element representing a generic button |
CBoolPropertyWidget | Glui property widget for a bool property using glui::CheckBox |
CBoxLayout | Layout for aligning Elements either horizontally or vertically |
CButton | Glui::Element representing a button with the label centered within |
CButtonPropertyWidget | GLUI property widget for a button property using a glui Button |
CCheckBox | Glui::Element representing a checkbox with the label positioned on the right side |
CDoubleMinMaxPropertyWidget | Glui property widget for a double minmax property using glui::RangeSlider |
CElement | Graphical UI element for use in combination with Layout |
CFloatMinMaxPropertyWidget | Glui property widget for a float minmax property using glui::RangeSlider |
CFloatPropertyWidget | Glui property widget for a float property using glui::Slider |
CGLUIProcessor | Simple user interface based on GLUI |
CHBoxLayout | Layout for aligning Elements horizontally (left to right) |
CIntMinMaxPropertyWidget | Glui property widget for an int minmax property using glui::RangeSlider |
CIntPropertyWidget | Glui property widget for an int property using glui::Slider |
CLayout | Base class for layouting glui::Elements |
CRangeSlider | Glui::element representing a range slider, the label is positioned to the right. If the flipped flag is set, the range slider uses the inverted range, i.e. the positions of the min/max values are swapped |
CRenderer | Basic rendering functionality required to render UI elements. Also provides a texture cache for different widgets. Each set of widget textures is represented by a 2D texture array consisting of six textures (widget state normal, pressed, checked plus corresponding halos) |
CSlider | Glui::element representing a slider, the label is positioned to the right |
CToolButton | Glui::Element representing a tool button with an image instead of a label |
CToolButtonPropertyWidget | GLUI property widget for a button property using a glui ToolButton |
CVBoxLayout | Layout for aligning Elements vertically (top to bottom) |
CWidgetFactory | |
CWidgetFactoryObject | |
CWidgetFactoryObjectTemplate | |
CWidgetSupplier | |
►Nhdf5 | |
CException | |
►CHandle | |
CSelection | |
CHDF5ToVolume | |
CMetaData | |
CPath | |
CPathSelection | |
CSource | |
CTypeMap | |
CTypeMap< char > | |
CTypeMap< double > | |
CTypeMap< float > | |
CTypeMap< int > | |
CTypeMap< long long > | |
CTypeMap< short > | |
CTypeMap< unsigned char > | |
CTypeMap< unsigned int > | |
CTypeMap< unsigned long long > | |
CTypeMap< unsigned short > | |
CVolumeInfo | |
►Nhelp | |
CHelpInport | |
CHelpOutport | |
CHelpProcessor | |
CHelpProperty | |
►Nkind | |
CBase | |
CDisk | |
CGL | |
CRAM | |
►Nlog | |
Cerror | |
Cinfo | |
Cmessage | |
Cwarn | |
►Nmarching | |
CConfig | |
►Nplot | |
►Ndetail | |
CAxisCaption | |
CAxisLabels | |
CAxisMeshes | |
CGuard | |
CGuardHelper | |
CGuardHelper< Cls, MP > | |
CMemPtr | |
CResetter | |
CAxis2DProcessorHelper | |
CAxis3DProcessorHelper | |
CAxisData | |
CAxisProperty | |
CAxisRenderer | Renderer for 2D axes in screen coordinates. The side to the right of the line from start to end position of the axis is defined as the "outside". As an example, consider the x axis at the bottom of a 2D plot, the outside is below the axis while the inside lies within the plot area. Mirroring the axis exchanges "outside" and "inside", that is labels and ticks will appear on the opposing side of the axis |
CAxisRenderer3D | Renderer for arbitrary axes in world coordinates |
CAxisRendererBase | Renders an axis based on AxisSettings |
CAxisRenderProcessor | Test processor for axis rendering |
CAxisSettings | |
CAxisStyleProperty | A convenience property for updating/overriding multiple axes properties. A property change will propagate to all the subproperties of the registered axes |
CBoxSelectionInteractionHandler | Handles interaction for 2D rectangle selection/filtering Selection/Filtering callbacks are called when filtering changes |
CBoxSelectionProperty | Settings for rectangle selection/filtering |
CBoxSelectionRenderer | Renders a 2D rectangle in screen space. Use in combination with BoxSelectionInteractionHandler |
CBoxSelectionSettingsInterface | |
CCategoricalAxisProperty | Axis for variables with a fixed number of possible values, e.g., categories. Will set the AxisProperty::range to match the number of categories and make it read-only. minorTicks will be made invisible |
CColorScaleLegend | |
CDataFrameColumnToColorVector | |
CImagePlotProcessor | Plot an image with an x and y axis Event handling based on ViewManager |
CLayerAxis | |
CMajorTickData | |
CMajorTickProperty | |
CMajorTickSettings | |
CMeshAxis | |
CMinorTickData | |
CMinorTickProperty | |
CMinorTickSettings | |
CParallelCoordinates | |
CPCPAxisSettings | |
CPCPCaptionSettings | |
CPCPLabelSettings | |
CPCPMajorTickSettings | |
CPCPMinorTickSettings | |
►CPersistenceDiagramPlotGL | Base class for plotting a persistence diagram using OpenGL |
CProperties | |
CPersistenceDiagramPlotProcessor | Plots a persistence diagram of extremum-saddle pairs with vertical lines |
CPlotTextData | |
CPlotTextProperty | |
CPlotTextSettings | |
►CScatterPlotGL | |
CPoints | |
CProperties | |
CScatterPlotMatrixProcessor | |
CScatterPlotProcessor | |
CVolumeAxis | Processor for rendering axis annotations next to a volume |
►Npool | |
►Ndetail | |
CJobTraits | |
CState | |
CStateTemplate | |
CProgress | |
CStop | |
►Npyutil | |
CModulePath | |
►Nresource | |
CGL | |
CPY | |
CRAM | |
►Nshuntingyard | |
CCalculator | |
CToken | |
CTokenBase | |
►Nstatsutil | |
CRegresionResult | |
►Ntransform | |
CCustomTransformProperty | |
CRotateProperty | |
CScaleProperty | |
CTransformProperty | |
CTranslateProperty | |
►Nunitgroups | |
CGroup | |
►Nutil | |
►Ndetail | |
CalmostEqual | |
Cdetector | |
Cdetector< Default, std::void_t< Op< Args... > >, Op, Args... > | |
Cepsilon | |
Cflat_extent_impl | |
Cflat_extent_impl< T, 0 > | |
Cgrow | |
CgrowImpl | |
CgrowImpl< T, true > | |
CgrowImpl< unsigned char, false > | |
CgrowImpl< unsigned int, false > | |
CgrowImpl< unsigned short, false > | |
CHideer | |
Cis_string | |
Cis_string< T, std::void_t< typename T::value_type, typename T::traits_type, typename T::allocator_type > > | |
Cmin | |
CPartialProcessorNetwork | |
CPrintEventHelper | |
CPrintEventHelper< 1 > | |
CPrintEventHelper< 2 > | |
CPrintEventHelper< 3 > | |
CRandomNumberRangeValues | |
Crequire | |
CShower | |
Cwrap | |
Cwrap< Wrapper, List< Ts... > > | |
►Ndetail_indirect | |
Cadd_const_to_reference | |
Cadd_const_to_reference< T & > | |
Cadd_const_to_reference< T && > | |
CasPointer | |
CasPointer< false > | |
CasPointer< true > | |
Cis_const_iterator | |
Crequire | |
►Ndetailzip | |
Cget_iterator | |
Citerator_tools | |
Citerator_tools< std::tuple< Ts... > > | |
Cproxy | |
Crequire | |
CzipIterator | |
Czipper | |
►Nhashtuple | |
CHashValueImpl | |
CHashValueImpl< Tuple, 0 > | |
CalwaysTrue | |
CBrickIterator | An iterator providing access to a subregion, or brick, within linearized 3D data |
CBufferDispatcher | |
CBuildInfo | Provides information on build time and date as well as git hashes |
Ccloneable_ptr | |
CCombinations | |
CDefaultColorRepresentation | |
CDefaultColorRepresentation< ivec3 > | |
CDefaultColorRepresentation< ivec4 > | |
CDefaultTraversalFilter | |
Cextent | |
Cextent< const T, N > | |
Cflat_extent | |
Cfor_each_type | |
Cfor_each_type< std::tuple< T > > | |
Cfor_each_type< std::tuple< T, Types... > > | |
Cfor_each_type_pair | |
Cfor_each_type_pair< std::tuple< ATypes... >, std::tuple< BTypes... > > | |
Cglmtype | |
Cglmtype< T, 1, 1, P > | |
Cglmtype< T, L, 1, P > | |
CGrid3DPointGeneration | |
CGridPos | |
Cidentifier | |
Cidentity | |
CIndexMapper | |
CIndexMapper< 2, IndexType > | |
CIndexMapper< 3, IndexType > | |
CIndexProduct | |
CIndirectIterator | |
Cis_constructible | |
Cis_container | |
Cis_dereferenceable | |
Cis_dereferenceable< T, std::void_t< decltype(*std::declval< T >())> > | |
Cis_floating_point | |
Cis_stream_insertable | |
Cis_string | |
Citer_range | |
CIterRangeGenerator | |
CKeepTrueWhileInScope | Sets the given bool variable to true and restores its state when leaving the scope |
CMemoryFileHandle | RAII class for providing a FILE stream handle to a buffer in memory. This class will open a file handle to /dev/null and use a dedicated buffer for buffering. As long as less bytes than getBufferSize() bytes are written/read, its status is well defined. However, after writing more than buffer size bytes, the buffer contents will be flushed, i.e. are no longer accessible |
CMetaDataToProperty | |
Cnonesuch | |
CNotificationBlocker | |
COnScopeExit | Calls the given function when leaving the current scope |
Costream_joiner | |
Coverloaded | |
CPermutations | |
CPMRDeleter | |
CPropertyDistanceSorter | |
CRandomCubicalPointGeneration | |
CRandomSphericalPointGeneration | |
Crank | |
Crank< const T > | |
Csame_extent | |
►Csequence | |
Citerator | |
CTempFileHandle | RAII interface for providing a file handle and file name to a temporary file |
CTextureAtlas | Texture atlas for a number of strings rendered with the TextRenderer |
CTransformIterator | |
Cvalue_type | |
►Nutildoc | |
►CTableBuilder | |
CArrributeWrapper | |
CHeader | |
CSpan_t | |
CWrapper | |
►Nutilgl | |
CActivate | |
CActivateFBO | A FrameBufferObject activation RAII utility, will store the current FBO and restore that in the destructor |
►CBlendModeEquationState | RAII object for OpenGL blend equation |
CEquation | |
►CBlendModeState | RAII object for OpenGL blending and blend mode, enables blending if source mode is different from GL_NONE |
CConfig | |
CMode | |
CClearColor | RAII object for OpenGL clear color used when calling glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) |
CClearDepth | RAII object for OpenGL clear depth used when calling glClear(GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) |
CColorMask | Representation of the OpenGL color write mask |
CColorMaski | Representation of the OpenGL color write mask of a specific buffer |
CColorMaskiState | RAII object for OpenGL color mask state, sets the color mask for a specific draw buffer |
CColorMaskState | RAII object for OpenGL color mask state, sets the color mask for all draw buffers |
CCullFaceState | RAII object for OpenGL cull face state, which enables GL_CULL_FACE if mode is different from GL_NONE |
CDataMinMaxGL | Utility class for computing min and max values using OpenGL |
CEnable | |
CGlBoolState | RAII object for OpenGL bool states |
CPolygonModeState | RAII object for OpenGL polygon mode as well as line width and point size Will set the polygon mode for GL_FRONT_AND_BACK since this is the only mode supported by the OpenGL core profile |
CScissorBox | Representation of an OpenGL viewport with setter and getter |
CScissorState | RAII object for OpenGL scissor state |
CSimpleState | |
CTexEnv | RAII object for texture environments of a texture bound to a given texture unit |
CTexParameter | RAII object for texture parameters of a texture bound to a given texture unit |
CViewport | Representation of an OpenGL viewport with setter and getter |
CViewportState | RAII object for OpenGL viewports |
►Nutilqt | |
►Ndetail | |
CQtProcessFrontHelper | |
CEditorFileObserver | |
CSave | |
CWidgetCloseEventFilter | |
►Nxml | |
►CElementMatcher | |
CAttribute | |
CIdentifierReplacement | |
CKind | |
CAbortException | |
CActivityIndicator | |
CActivityIndicatorObserver | |
CActivityIndicatorOwner | |
CAdvancedMaterialProperty | |
CAnglePropertyWidgetQt | |
CAngleRadiusWidget | |
CAnimationModule | |
CAnimationQtModule | |
CAnnotationsWidget | |
CAssimpModule | |
CAssimpReader | Inviwo Module Assimp |
CAtlasComponent | |
CAtlasVolumeRaycaster | |
CAutoLinker | Utility class to calculate and apply auto linking |
CAxis | |
CAxisAlignedCutPlane | |
CBackground | |
CBackgroundComponent | |
CBaseGLModule | |
CBaseImageInport | |
CBaseModule | |
CBaseModuleCallback | |
CBaseOptionProperty | |
CBaseOrdinalAnimationProperty | |
CBaseOrdinalEditorWidget | |
CBaseOrdinalSpinBoxWidget | |
CBaseRepresentationConverter | |
CBaseRepresentationConverterFactory | |
CBaseRepresentationFactory | |
CBaseRepresentationFactoryObject | |
CBaseSliderWidgetQt | |
CBasicWebBrowser | |
CBasisProperty | |
CBasisTransform | |
CBinarySTLWriter | Export Meshes in the binary STL format |
►CBitSet | Bitset based on roaring bitmaps provided by the CRoaring library |
CBitSetIterator | |
CBoolCompositeProperty | A CompositeProperty with an additional check box |
CBoolCompositePropertyWidgetQt | |
CBoolProperty | Property holding boolean values |
CBoolPropertyWidgetQt | |
CBrushingAndLinkingInport | |
CBrushingAndLinkingManager | |
CBrushingAndLinkingModule | |
CBrushingAndLinkingOutport | |
CBrushingAndLinkingProcessor | |
CBrushingTarget | |
CBrushingTargetsInvalidationLevel | |
CBuffer | |
CBufferBase | |
CBufferGL | |
CBufferGL2RAMConverter | |
CBufferGLObjectId | |
CBufferInformationProperty | A CompositeProperty holding properties to show a information about an Inviwo Buffer |
CBufferObject | |
CBufferObjectArray | Inviwo wrapper for OpengL Vertex Array Objects (VAO) |
CBufferObjectObserver | |
CBufferRAM | |
CBufferRAM2GLConverter | |
CBufferRAMPrecision | |
CBufferRepresentation | |
CBufferTexture | A texture backed by buffer storage |
CBufferToMeshProcessor | Put buffers into mesh without copying data. Supported buffer types are specified in BufferType |
►CButtonGroupProperty | The Button Group property class provides a group of button that you can bind functions to. The button group property has a widget which creates a row of buttons and register functions to them |
CButton | |
CButtonGroupPropertyWidgetQt | |
CButtonProperty | The Button property class provides buttons that you can bind functions to |
CButtonPropertyWidgetQt | |
CCalcNormalsProcessor | |
CCallBackList | |
CCallbackWithSingleArgument | |
CCamera | Base class for cameras. Override this class to set your own projection matrix |
CCameraComponent | |
CCameraFactory | |
CCameraFactoryObject | |
CCameraFactoryObjectTemplate | |
CCameraFrustum | |
CCameraProperty | |
CCameraTrackball | |
CCameraWidget | Mesh-based interaction widget for the camera rotation |
CCanvas | |
CCanvasContextHolder | |
CCanvasGL | |
CCanvasGLFW | |
CCanvasProcessor | |
CCanvasProcessorGL | Takes an Image Inport and renders it into a OpenGL window i.e. a canvas |
CCanvasProcessorWidget | A processor widget that has a canvas. CanvasProcessorWidget is the base class for all processor widgets with canvases |
CCanvasProcessorWidgetGLFW | |
CCanvasProcessorWidgetQt | |
CCanvasQOpenGLWidget | |
CCanvasWithPropertiesProcessor | |
CCanvasWithPropertiesProcessorWidgetQt | |
CCapabilities | |
CCaseInsensitiveEqual | Case insensitive equal comparison of two strings to be used for template arguments |
CCaseInsensitiveLess | Case insensitive less comparison of two strings to be used for template arguments |
CCaseInsensitiveStringHash | Transparent string case insensitive hashing for use in unordered containers with string keys |
CCategoricalColumn | Specialized data column representing categorical values, i.e. strings. Categorical values are internally mapped to a number representation |
CCefImageConverter | |
CCEFInteractionHandler | |
CCImgLayerReader | Reader for Images files |
CCImgLayerWriter | Writer for Images files |
CCImgModule | |
CCImgVolumeRAMLoader | |
CCImgVolumeReader | |
CClock | |
►CClockGL | |
CQuery | |
CCloningFactory | |
►CCodeEdit | |
CLineNumberArea | |
CCollapsibleGroupBoxWidgetQt | |
CColorLineEdit | |
CColormapProperty | Selection of pre-defined color maps based on data type |
CColorPropertyWidgetQt | |
CColorWheel | |
CColumn | Pure interface for representing a data column with a header, optional units, and data range |
CColumnLayout | |
CColumnMetaDataListProperty | |
CColumnMetaDataProperty | |
CColumnOptionProperty | |
CColumnOptionToOptionConverter | |
CCommandLineArgHolder | |
CCommandLineParser | Wrapper class to handle command line parsing |
CComparePointers | |
CcomparePtr | |
CCompositeProcessor | A processor containing a network of processors, i.e. it will act as a sub network within a processor network. A CompositeProcessor can be used to reduce cluttering in the network. Also makes it easy to reuse groups of processors inside of a network, and across network since they can be saved in the processor list. A CompositeProcessor is usually created by selecting a group of processors that are closely related in the network editor and then clicking "create
composite" in the context menu. Use InviwoModule::registerCompositeProcessor to register a saved composite in your module |
CCompositeProcessorFactoryObject | |
CCompositeProperty | |
CCompositePropertyObservable | |
CCompositePropertyObserver | |
CCompositePropertyWidgetQt | |
CCompositeSink | |
CCompositeSinkBase | |
CCompositeSource | |
CCompositeSourceBase | |
CCompositeTransform | A very simple SpatialEntity to handle a world and model transform Used by rasterizations for adding transforms before rendering, without copying the mesh data |
CConnectionGraphicsItem | |
CConnectionInDragHelper | |
CConnectionInportDragGraphicsItem | |
CConnectionOutDragHelper | |
CConnectionOutportDragGraphicsItem | |
CConsoleLogger | A Logger class that log to the console using cout |
CConsoleWidget | |
CContextHolder | |
Cconversion_tester | |
CConverterException | |
CConvertibleLink | |
CConvexHull2DProcessor | Processor computing the convex hull of a given 2D input geometry |
CCropWidget | |
CCSVReader | A reader for comma separated value (CSV) files with customizable delimiters and filters. The default delimiter is ',' and headers are included. Floating point values are stored as float32 unless double precision is enabled |
CCSVSource | |
CCSVWriter | DataFrame CSV Writer |
CCubeProxyGeometry | |
CCubeRenderer | Renders input geometry with 3D cube glyphs using OpenGL shaders |
CCurveGraphicsItem | |
CCustomDoubleSpinBoxQt | |
CData | The base class for all data objects |
CDataExport | |
CDataFormat | |
CDataFormatBase | Defines general useful formats and new data types Non-virtual, meaning no dynamic_cast as string comparison is as fast/faster |
CDataFormatException | |
CDataFrame | |
CDataFrameColormapProperty | Property for selecting which column to apply colormapping to. Allows the user to select a column and options for the color map. A ColormapProperty for each column will be added to this property, but only the one corresponding to the selected axis will be visible |
CDataFrameExporter | |
CDataFrameFilter | |
CDataFrameFloat32Converter | |
CDataFrameJoin | |
CDataFrameMetaData | |
CDataFrameModel | |
CDataFrameModule | |
CDataFramePythonModule | |
CDataFrameQtModule | |
CDataFrameSortFilterProxy | |
CDataFrameSource | |
CDataFrameTable | |
CDataFrameTableProcessorWidget | A processor widget showing a DataFrame in a table view |
CDataFrameTableView | Widget for showing a DataFrame in a QTableView |
CDataFrameTableVisualizer | |
CDataFrameToVector | |
CDataGroup | The base class for all DataGroup objects |
CDataGroupRepresentation | The base class for all DataGroupRepresentation objects |
CDataInport | |
CDataMapper | Map values into data or value ranges. Data range refers to the range of the data type, i.e. [0 4095] for 12-bit unsigned integer data. Value range refers to the physical meaning of the value, i.e. Hounsfield value range is from [-1000 3000]. It is important that the data range is specified for data types with a large range (for example 32/64-bit float and integer) since the data is often normalized to [0 1], when for example performing color mapping, i.e. applying a transfer function |
CDataOutport | |
CDataRangeProperty | |
CDataReader | A abstract base class for all file readers |
CDataReaderException | |
CDataReaderFactory | |
CDataReaderType | Template base class for file readers designating what type of data object the reader returns |
CDataRepresentation | Base class for all DataRepresentations |
CDataSequence | |
CDataSource | |
CDataTraits | A traits class for getting information about a data object. This provides a customization point if one wants to generate the information dynamically, by specializing the traits for your kind of Data: |
CDataTraits< DataFrame > | |
CDataTraits< DataSequence< Data > > | |
CDataTraits< Eigen::MatrixXf > | |
CDataTraits< IntegralLineSet > | |
CDataTraits< json > | |
CDataTraits< Layer > | |
CDataTraits< Rasterization > | |
CDataTraits< Spatial4DSampler< ReturnType > > | |
CDataTraits< SpatialSampler< ReturnType > > | |
CDataTraits< std::string > | |
CDataTraits< std::vector< const T *, A > > | |
CDataTraits< std::vector< const T, A > > | |
CDataTraits< std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const T >, A > > | |
CDataTraits< std::vector< std::shared_ptr< T >, A > > | |
CDataTraits< std::vector< std::unique_ptr< const T, D >, A > > | |
CDataTraits< std::vector< std::unique_ptr< T, D >, A > > | |
CDataTraits< std::vector< T *, A > > | |
CDataTraits< std::vector< T, A > > | |
CDataTraits< T, std::enable_if_t< DataFormatBase::typeToId< T >() !=DataFormatId::NotSpecialized > > | |
CDataTraits< TetraMesh > | |
CDataTraits< TransferFunction > | |
CDataTypeMismatch | |
CDataVisualizer | |
CDataVisualizerManager | |
CDataWriter | A abstract base class for all file writers |
CDataWriterException | |
CDataWriterFactory | |
CDataWriterType | Template base class for file writers designating what type of data object the writer writes |
CDatVolumeReader | |
CDatVolumeSequenceReader | Reader for *.dat files |
CDatVolumeWriter | |
CDefaultvalues | |
CDelay | |
CDepthDarkening | |
CDepthOfField | |
CDeserializationErrorHandle | |
CDeserializer | |
CDialog | |
CDialogConnectionGraphicsItem | |
CDialogCurveGraphicsItem | |
CDialogFactory | |
CDialogFactoryObject | |
CDialogFactoryObjectTemplate | |
CDiffuseLight | |
CDiffuseLightSourceProcessor | |
CDirectionalLight | |
CDirectionalLightSourceProcessor | |
CDirectoryProperty | |
CDirectoryToStringConverter | |
CDiscardShortLines | |
CDisjointSets | |
CDiskRepresentation | |
CDiskRepresentationLoader | |
CDispatcher | |
CDistanceTransformRAM | |
►CDocument | A class to represent a structured document, usually some html |
CDocumentHandle | |
CElement | |
CPathComponent | |
CDoubleValueDragSpinBox | |
CDrawLines | Interactive 2D line drawing |
CDrawPoints | Interactive 2D point drawing |
CEdge | |
CEditableLabelQt | |
CEditorGraphicsItem | |
CEditorSettings | |
CEigenMatrixToImage | |
CEigenMix | Creates a linear mix of matrix A and B such that Cij = Aij + w (Bij-Aij) |
CEigenNormalize | A processor to normalize an Eigen::MatrixXf A processor to normalize an Eigen::MatrixXf, supports following methods: |
CEigenUtilsModule | |
CEmbeddedVolumeSlice | |
CEntryExitComponent | |
CEntryExitPoints | |
CEnumTraits | |
CEnumTraits< filters::NumberComp > | |
CEnumTraits< filters::StringComp > | |
CequalPtr | |
CEvent | |
CEventHandler | |
CEventListener | |
CEventMatcher | A class to represent a event matcher for use in event properties |
CEventPropagator | Abstract base class for a event propagator |
CEventProperty | |
CEventPropertyWidgetQt | |
CException | |
CExporter | A base class for a Processor that might export a file. For example a CanvasProcessor |
CFactory | |
CFactory< T, std::string_view, Args... > | |
CFactoryBase | |
CFactoryKeyType | |
CFactoryKeyType< std::string_view > | |
CFactoryObservable | |
CFactoryObserver | |
CFactoryRegister | |
CFFmpegModule | |
CFFmpegRecorderFactory | |
CFileAssociationCommand | |
CFileAssociations | |
CFileBase | |
CFileCache | |
CFileDialog | |
CFileException | |
CFileExtension | |
CFileLogger | A logger class that logs to a file in html format |
CFileObserver | |
CFilePathLineEditQt | QLineEdit for file paths. When editing the path, i.e. the widget is focused, the full path is shown. When not in focus, it shows only the file name with extension. A small warning icon is shown to indicate non-existing files and paths |
CFilePatternProperty | |
CFileProperty | |
CFilePropertyWidgetQt | |
CFileRequestable | |
CFileShaderResource | |
CFileSystemObserver | |
CFileToStringConverter | |
CFileWatcher | |
CFilterListProperty | A list property with different sub-properties for defining row and item filters |
CFindEdges | |
CFirstIvwProcessor | |
CFlagFormatter | |
CFlagsFormatter | |
CFog | Fog post process. (Computed using depth-layer and applied to color-layer) |
CFontData | |
CFontFaceOptionProperty | |
CFontProperty | |
CFontRenderingModule | |
CFontSettings | |
CFontSizePropertyWidgetQt | |
►CFragmentListRenderer | Helper class for rendering perfect alpha-blended shapes using fragment lists. Inspiration taken from http://blog.icare3d.org/2010/07/opengl-40-abuffer-v20-linked-lists-of.html. It requires OpenGL 4.2 |
CIllustrationSettings | |
CFrameBufferObject | Inviwo framebuffer wrapper |
CFXAA | Anti-aliasing post process |
CGaussianProperty | |
CGeneralEventMatcher | |
CGeometryEntryExitPoints | |
CGestureEvent | |
CGestureEventMatcher | |
CGLFormat | |
CGLFormats | |
CGLFWException | |
CGLFWInitException | |
CGLFWModule | |
CGLFWUserData | |
CGLFWWindowEventManager | |
CGLFWWindowHandler | |
CGLSLEditorDockWidget | A text editor with GLSL syntax highlighting |
CGLSLFilePropertyWidgetQt | Widget for a FileProperty with ShaderEditor semantics |
CGLSLPropertyWidgetQt | Widget for a StringProperty with ShaderEditor semantics |
CGLSLSyntaxHighlight | |
CGLUITestProcessor | Simple user interface based on GLUI |
CGlyphClipping | |
CGraphicsItemData | |
CGridPlanes | |
►CHalfEdges | A half edge datastructure of the mesh topology. Note: only the topology is stored, no vertex data |
CEdgeIter | |
CHDF5Module | |
CHdrBloom | Bloom filter with threshold |
CHedgeHog2D | |
CHeightFieldMapper | Maps a 2D input texture to a single channel heightfield and scales the data values |
CHeightFieldProcessor | Maps a heightfield onto a geometry and renders it to an image |
CHelpWidget | |
CHiddenCanvasQt | |
CHistogram1D | |
►CHistogramCache | |
CResult | |
CHistogramToDataFrame | |
CHTMLPropertyWidgetQt | |
CIgnoreException | |
CImage | |
CImageBackgroundVisualizer | |
CImageBinary | Computes a binary image of the input image using a threshold |
CImageBrightnessContrast | Controls brightness and contrast of an image |
CImageCache | |
CImageChannelCombine | |
CImageChannelSelect | |
CImageColorMapping | Maps the input image to an output with the help of a transfer function |
CImageCompositeProcessorGL | |
CImageCompositor | |
CImageContourProcessor | |
CImageConvolution | |
CImageDistanceTransform | |
CImageEdgeDarken | Darken edges in an image |
CImageEditorProperty | |
CImageEditorWidgetQt | |
CImageExport | |
CImageExporter | |
CImageFilter | Applies a kernel to the input image |
CImageGamma | |
CImageGL | OpenGL representation of an Image as a framebuffer |
CImageGLProcessor | Base class for image processing on the GPU using OpenGL |
CImageGradient | Computes the gradient of one channel of the input image |
CImageGrayscale | Compute a gray-scale image from color input. Alpha channel is not touched |
CImageHighPass | Applies a high pass filter on the input image |
CImageHueSaturationLuminance | Controls hue, saturation and luminance of an image |
CImageInformation | |
CImageInformationProperty | A CompositeProperty holding properties to show a information about an image |
CImageInformationVisualizer | |
CImageInvert | Create the invert image of an input image. Alpha channel is not touched |
CImageLabel | |
CImageLabelWidget | |
CImageLayer | Extracts the selected layer from the source image and outputs it as color layer |
CImageLayoutGL | |
CImageLowPass | Applies a low pass filter on the input image using either constant weight or Gaussian weights |
CImageMixer | Mixes two input images according to the chosen blend mode |
CImageNormalizationProcessor | |
CImageOpacity | Controls an image's opacity |
CImageOutport | |
CImageOverlayGL | Places one or more input images on top of the source image |
CImagePortBase | |
CImageRAM | |
CImageRepresentation | |
CImageResample | Resamples the input image, which corresponds to upscaling or downscaling to the respective target resolution |
CImageReuseCache | |
CImageSampler | ImageSampler aids sampling of images using Bi-Linear Interpolation |
CImageScaling | Processor for up-scaling or down-scaling an image. Modifies the resize events by scaling them before they are propagated further |
CImageSequenceElementSelectorProcessor | |
CImageSnapshot | |
CImageSource | |
CImageSourceSeries | |
CImageStackVolumeSource | |
CImageSubsetGL | |
CImageToDataFrame | |
CImageToLayer | |
CImageToLayerVisualizer | |
CImageToSpatialSampler | |
CImageVisualizer | |
CImgRect | |
CIndexBufferInformationProperty | |
CIndexColumn | |
CIndexList | |
CIndicatorWidget | |
CInport | Abstract base class for all inports An Inport can be connected to an Outport. The approved connection can be determined by the canConnectTo function |
CInportFactory | |
CInportFactoryObject | |
CInportFactoryObjectTemplate | |
►CInportIterable | |
Cconst_iterator | |
Cconst_iterator_base | |
Cconst_iterator_changed | |
Cconst_iterator_port | |
CInputSelector | Processor for selecting one of n connected inputs |
CInstanceRenderer | |
CIntegralLine | |
CIntegralLineProperties | |
CIntegralLineSet | |
►CIntegralLineTracer | |
CResult | |
CIntegralLineTracerProcessor | |
►CIntegralLineVectorToMesh | |
CColorByProperty | |
CInteractionEvent | |
CInteractionEventMapperQt | Map Qt interaction events Mouse, Keyboard, Touch to the corresponing inviwo events |
CInteractionHandler | |
CInterpolation | |
CIntToOptionConverter | |
CInvalidColCount | |
CInvalidConversion | |
CInviwoAboutWindow | |
►CInviwoApplication | The main application which holds the instances of all modules |
CQueue | |
CInviwoCore | Module which registers all module related functionality available in the core |
CInviwoDefaultData | |
CInviwoDefaults | |
CInviwoDefaults< bool > | |
CInviwoDefaults< char > | |
CInviwoDefaults< double > | |
CInviwoDefaults< float > | |
CInviwoDefaults< int > | |
CInviwoDefaults< short > | |
CInviwoDefaults< size_t > | |
CInviwoDefaults< std::string > | |
CInviwoDefaults< unsigned char > | |
CInviwoDefaults< unsigned int > | |
CInviwoDefaults< unsigned short > | |
CInviwoDockWidget | Dock widget with a custom title bar and sticky status. Docking while dragging the widget is prevented if the sticky flag is false. In case the window title of the dock widget contains the string "[*]", this string will be replaced with either "*" or nothing based on the isWindowModified() state of the widget |
CInviwoDockWidgetTitleBar | Custom title bar widget for QDockWidget derived from QWidget |
CInviwoEditMenu | |
CInviwoFileDialog | |
CInviwoMainWindow | |
CInviwoModule | A module class contains registrations of functionality, such as processors, ports, properties etc |
CInviwoModuleFactoryObject | |
CInviwoModuleFactoryObjectTemplate | |
CInviwoModuleLibraryObserver | Serializes the network, reloads modules and de-serializes the network when observed module library changes |
►CInviwoSetupInfo | |
CModuleSetupInfo | |
CIsoComponent | |
CISORaycaster | |
CIsoTFComponent | |
CIsoTFProperty | Composite property combining transfer function and isovalue properties |
CIsoTFPropertyWidgetQt | |
CIsoTFToIsovalueConverter | |
CIsoTFToTransferfunctionConverter | |
CIsoValueCollection | Data structure representing isovalues |
CIsoValueCollectionIIVReader | |
CIsoValueCollectionIIVWriter | |
CIsoValueProperty | Property managing a collection of isovalues The InvalidationLevel is set to InvalidationLevel::InvalidResources when isovalues are added or removed. Otherwise InvalidationLevel::InvalidOutput is used |
CIsoValuePropertyWidgetQt | |
CIsovalueToIsoTFConverter | |
CIvfSequenceVolumeReader | Reader for *.ivfs sequnce files |
CIvfSequenceVolumeWriter | Writter for *.ivfs sequnce files |
CIvfVolumeReader | |
CIvfVolumeWriter | |
CIvwComboBox | |
CIvwLineEdit | |
CIvwPushButton | |
CJacobian2D | Computes the Jacobian of a two channel image |
CJavascriptPropertyWidgetQt | |
CJSONConversionException | This exception is thrown by the to_json(json& j, const DataFrame* df) in case the input is unsupported. This includes empty sources, unmatched quotes, missing headers |
CJSONConverter | |
CJSONConverterRegistry | |
CJSONDataFrameReader | |
CJSONDataFrameWriter | |
CJSONModule | |
CJSONReader | |
CJSONSupplier | |
CJSONWriter | |
CKDNode | |
CKDNodeDistWrapper | |
CKDTree | |
CKDTreeGlm | |
CKeyboardEvent | |
CKeyboardEventMatcher | |
CLabelGraphicsItem | |
CLabelGraphicsItemObservable | |
CLabelGraphicsItemObserver | |
CLambdaNetworkVisitor | A Helper class to construct a NetworkVisitor from a set of lambda functions |
CLayer | |
CLayerBinary | |
CLayerBoundingBox | |
CLayerColorMapping | |
CLayerCombiner | |
CLayerConfig | |
CLayerContour | |
CLayerDisk | |
CLayerDisk2RAMConverter | |
CLayerDistanceTransform | |
CLayerGL | |
CLayerGL2PyConverter | |
CLayerGL2RAMConverter | |
CLayerGLProcessor | Base class for layer processing on the GPU using OpenGL |
CLayerGradient | |
CLayerGrayscale | |
CLayerInformation | |
CLayerInformationProperty | A CompositeProperty holding properties to show a information about an image layer |
CLayerInformationVisualizer | |
CLayerInvert | |
CLayerNormalization | |
CLayerPy | |
CLayerPy2GLConverter | |
CLayerPy2RAMConverter | |
CLayerRAM | |
CLayerRAM2GLConverter | |
CLayerRAM2PyConverter | |
CLayerRAMPrecision | |
CLayerRamResizer | |
CLayerRenderer | |
CLayerReprConfig | |
CLayerRepresentation | |
CLayerResampling | |
CLayerSequenceElementSelector | |
CLayerSequenceSource | |
CLayerSeriesSource | |
CLayerShader | |
CLayerSource | |
CLayerToImage | |
CLayerToImageVisualizer | |
CLayerToSpatialSampler | |
CLayerVisualizer | |
CLayout | |
CLIC2D | |
CLIC3D | |
CLicenseInfo | |
CLightComponent | |
CLightingConfig | |
CLightingRaycaster | |
CLightingState | |
CLightPositionWidgetQt | |
CLightPropertyWidgetQt | |
CLightSource | |
CLightVolumeComponent | Raycaster component for considering a light volume Adds a volume inport for a light volume. The light volume is bound as texture and used for volumetric illumination |
►CLightVolumeGL | |
CPropagationParameters | |
CLightVolumeRaycaster | |
CLineEditEventFilter | Custom event filter for line edit widgets where the 'Esc' key clears the line edit and 'arrow down' switches focus to the given widget |
CLineEditQt | Customized line edit class based on QLineEdit. Pressing Escape will emit a cancel signal. This signal can be used to revert the changes and loose focus without changing the property |
CLineNumberResolver | |
CLineRasterizer | Renders input geometry with 2D lines |
CLineRendererProcessor | Renders input geometry with 2D lines |
CLineSettings | Basic implementation of the LineSettingsInterface |
CLineSettingsInterface | Settings for line rendering |
CLineSettingsProperty | |
CLinkConnectionDragGraphicsItem | |
CLinkConnectionGraphicsItem | |
CLinkDialog | |
CLinkDialogGraphicsScene | |
CLinkDialogGraphicsView | |
CLinkDialogProcessorGraphicsItem | |
CLinkDialogPropertyGraphicsItem | |
CLinkDialogTreeItem | |
CLinkDragHelper | |
CLinkEvaluator | |
CLinkGraphicsItem | |
CLinkSettings | |
CListProperty | A property that has specified sub-properties which can be added using the graphical user interface |
CListPropertyWidgetQt | PropertyWidget for a ListProperty |
CLiteral | |
CLogCentral | |
CLogErrorCounter | |
CLogFilter | Filters log messages based on the verbosity level. Messages below the selected verbosity will be ignored |
CLogger | |
CLogStream | |
CLogTableModel | |
CLogTableModelEntry | |
CLorenzSystem | |
CMarchingTetrahedron | |
CMarginProperty | Property for keeping track of margins |
CMenuItem | |
►CMesh | |
CBufferInfo | |
CMeshInfo | |
CMesh2DRenderProcessorGL | |
CMeshBnLGL | |
CMeshBufferInformationProperty | |
CMeshClipping | |
CMeshColorFromNormals | |
CMeshConverterProcessor | |
CMeshCreator | |
CMeshDrawer | |
CMeshDrawerFactory | |
►CMeshDrawerGL | |
CDrawObject | This class provides functionality for efficient, subsequent drawing of a mesh. The buffers of the mesh will be bound once this class is instantiated |
CMeshExport | |
CMeshGL | |
CMeshInformation | Information on the input mesh |
CMeshInformationProperty | A CompositeProperty holding properties to show information about a mesh and its buffers |
CMeshInformationVisualizer | |
CMeshMapping | Maps the contents of a buffer to colors of a mesh via a transfer function |
CMeshPicking | Composite image with geometry where geometry repositioned through picking |
CMeshPlaneClipping | |
CMeshRAM | |
►CMeshRasterizer | Mesh Renderer specialized for rendering highly layered and transparent surfaces |
CAlphaSettings | Settings to assemble the equation for the alpha values. All individual factors are clamped to [0,1] |
CEdgeSettings | Settings controlling how edges are highlighted |
CFaceSettings | The render settings per face. faceSettings_[0]=front face, faceSettings_[1]=back face |
CHatchingSettings | Hatching settings. These are exactly the parameters from the IRIS-paper |
CMeshRenderProcessorGL | |
CMeshRepresentation | |
CMeshSequenceElementSelectorProcessor | |
►CMeshShaderCache | Keeps a set of shaders for various mesh configs |
CRequirement | |
CMeshSource | |
CMeshTexturing | |
CMeshVisualizer | |
CMeshVolumeRenderer | |
CMetaData | |
CMetaDataFactory | |
CMetaDataMap | |
CMetaDataOwner | Holds metadata and access functionality for set/get MetaDataOwner is the base class for all the objects that want to own metadata |
CMetaDataType | |
CMinMaxProperty | |
CMinMaxPropertySettingsWidgetQt | |
CMinMaxPropertyWidgetCEF | |
CMissingRepresentation | |
CModuleCallback | |
CModuleCallbackAction | |
CModuleContainer | |
CModuleInitException | |
CModuleManager | |
CMouseEvent | |
CMouseEventMatcher | |
CMouseInteractionEvent | |
CMoveOnlyValue | Hold a "unique" value, the value will not be copied and when moving the moved from optional will be left empty |
CMovieExport | |
CMPVMVolumeReader | Reader for *.mpvm files |
CMultichannelRaycaster | |
CMultiChannelVolumeRaycaster | |
CMultiFileProperty | |
CMultiFilePropertyWidgetQt | Property widget for MultiFileProperty showing only the first file name |
CMultiFileStringPropertyWidgetQt | |
CMultilineTextEdit | Basic text editor based on QPlainTextEdit for showing strings in multiple lines. The height is automatically adjusted. The editingFinished signal is emitted when the widget looses focus or CTRL + Return or CTRL + Enter is pressed |
CMultiRaycastingComponent | |
►CNetworkAutomation | |
CAutoIn | |
CAutoLink | |
CAutoOut | |
CNetWorkCefSynchronizer | |
CNetworkDebugObserver | Observes the network and logs |
CNetworkEdge | |
CNetworkEditor | |
CNetworkEditorObserver | |
CNetworkEditorView | |
CNetworkLock | A RAII utility for locking and unlocking the network |
CNetworkSearch | |
CNetworkSyncClient | |
CNetworkSyncServer | |
CNetworkVisitor | Visitor pattern base for visiting an Inviwo ProcessorNetwork |
CNetworkVisitorEnter | |
CNetworkVisitorExit | |
CNiftiModule | |
CNiftiReader | Volume data reader for Nifti-1 files |
CNoColumns | |
CNoData | |
►CNodeDebugger | |
CNode | |
CNodeSwitch | |
CNodeVersionConverter | |
CNoiseGenerator2D | A processor to generate a noise image |
CNoiseGenerator3D | |
CNullPointerException | |
CNumberLineEdit | Widget for entering numbers with spinbox functionality. It uses less horizontal space than a QSpinBox and allows entering numbers in scientific notation |
CObservable | |
CObservableInterface | |
CObserver | |
COITModule | |
►COpenGLCapabilities | |
CGLSLShaderVersion | |
COpenGLException | |
COpenGLInitException | |
COpenGLModule | |
COpenGLQtCapabilities | |
COpenGLQtMenu | |
COpenGLQtModule | |
COpenGLSettings | |
COptionProperty | |
COptionPropertyOption | |
COptionPropertyState | |
COptionPropertyTraits | |
COptionPropertyTraits< FileExtension > | |
COptionPropertyTraits< inviwo::ffmpeg::CodecID > | |
COptionPropertyWidgetQt | |
COptionToColumnOptionConverter | |
COptionToIntConverter | |
COptionToStringConverter | |
COrdinalAnimationProperty | |
COrdinalBaseWidget | |
COrdinalEditorWidget | |
COrdinalLikePropertySettingsWidgetQt | |
COrdinalLikePropertyWidgetQt | |
COrdinalMinMaxPropertyWidgetQt | |
COrdinalMinMaxTextPropertyWidgetQt | |
COrdinalProperty | |
COrdinalPropertyAnimator | |
COrdinalPropertyConverter | |
COrdinalPropertyState | |
COrdinalPropertyWidgetCEF | |
COrdinalRefProperty | |
COrdinalRefPropertyState | |
COrdinalSpinBoxWidget | |
COrientationIndicator | |
COrthographicCamera | Camera with no perspective projection. Objects far away will appear as large as objects close |
COutport | Abstract base class for all outports The Outport can be connected to an arbitrary number of Inports |
COutportFactory | |
COutportFactoryObject | |
COutportFactoryObjectTemplate | |
►COutportIterable | |
Cconst_iterator | |
COutportIterableImpl | |
COutportIterableImpl< Derived, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< T >, Alloc > > | |
COutportIterableImpl< Derived, std::vector< std::unique_ptr< T >, Alloc > > | |
COutportIterableImpl< Derived, std::vector< T *, Alloc > > | |
COutportIterableImpl< Derived, std::vector< T, Alloc > > | |
COverlayProperty | CompositeProperty for overlay images. An overlay is defined by a position, a anchor position, and the blend mode used for compositing |
CPathHash | |
CPathLineProperties | |
CPathLinesDeprecated | |
CPCPDataFrameVisualizer | |
CPeriodicityGL | |
CPerspectiveCamera | |
CPickingAction | |
CPickingController | |
CPickingControllerMouseState | |
CPickingControllerTouchState | |
CPickingEvent | |
CPickingManager | |
CPickingMapper | RAII tool for PickingActions |
CPixelToBufferProcessor | |
CPixelValue | |
CPlane | |
CPlaneProperty | A Property that represents a plane |
CPlottingGLModule | |
CPlottingModule | |
CPNGLayerReader | |
CPNGLayerWriter | |
CpngModule | |
CPoint3DGenerationProcessor | |
CPointLight | |
CPointLightInteractionHandler | |
CPointLightSourceProcessor | |
CPointLightTrackball | |
CPointRenderer | Renders input geometry with 2D points |
CPolygon | Create a Polygon which consists of points |
CPoolProcessor | |
CPort | A abstract base class for all ports. A port can be connected to other ports and is owned by a processor |
CPortConnection | |
CPortInspector | |
CPortInspectorFactory | |
CPortInspectorFactoryObject | |
CPortInspectorManager | Keep track of which port has port inspectors on them |
CPortTraits | A traits class for getting the class identifier from a Port. This provides a customization point if one wants to generate the class identifier dynamically, by specializing the traits for your kind of Port: |
CPortTraits< BaseImageInport< 0 > > | |
CPortTraits< BaseImageInport< 1 > > | |
CPortTraits< BrushingAndLinkingInport > | |
CPortTraits< BrushingAndLinkingOutport > | |
CPortTraits< DataInport< T, N, Flat > > | |
CPortTraits< DataOutport< T > > | |
CPortTraits< ImageOutport > | |
CPortTraits< PythonInport > | |
CPortTraits< PythonOutport > | |
CPortTraits< RasterizationInport > | |
CPortTraits< RasterizationOutport > | |
CPositionIndicatorComponent | |
CPositionMetaData | |
CPositionProperty | Enables Edit a position in world or view space |
CPostProcessingModule | |
CPresentationProcessor | Processor for switching between slide images and another image inport |
CProcessor | A processor generally performs operation on input data and outputs the new result |
CProcessorDockWidgetQt | Base class for Qt processor widget using InviwoDockWidget |
CProcessorDragHelper | |
CProcessorDragObject | |
CProcessorErrorItem | |
CProcessorFactory | |
CProcessorFactoryObject | |
CProcessorFactoryObjectTemplate | |
CProcessorGraphicsItem | |
CProcessorInfo | Static information about a processor. Needed mostly for the processor list and factories |
CProcessorInportGraphicsItem | |
CProcessorLinkGraphicsItem | |
CProcessorMetaData | |
CProcessorMetaDataObserver | |
CProcessorMimeData | |
CProcessorNetwork | |
CProcessorNetworkConverter | A utility to handle conversion of ProcessorNetwork versions |
CProcessorNetworkEvaluationObservable | |
CProcessorNetworkEvaluationObserver | |
CProcessorNetworkEvaluator | |
CProcessorNetworkObservable | |
CProcessorNetworkObserver | |
CProcessorObservable | |
CProcessorObserver | |
CProcessorOutportGraphicsItem | |
CProcessorPair | |
CProcessorPortConnectionIndicator | |
CProcessorPortGraphicsItem | |
CProcessorProgressGraphicsItem | |
CProcessorStatus | |
CProcessorStatusGraphicsItem | |
CProcessorTraits | A traits class for getting the Processor info from a processor. This provides a customization point if one wants to generate the processor info dynamically, by specializing the traits for your kind of processor: |
CProcessorTraits< BasisTransform< Mesh > > | |
CProcessorTraits< BasisTransform< Volume > > | |
CProcessorTraits< CompositeSink< InportType, OutportType > > | |
CProcessorTraits< CompositeSource< InportType, OutportType > > | |
CProcessorTraits< FileCache< DataType, InportType, OutportType > > | |
CProcessorTraits< HistogramToDataFrame< Layer > > | |
CProcessorTraits< HistogramToDataFrame< Volume > > | |
CProcessorTraits< InputSelector< Inport, Outport > > | |
CProcessorTraits< PathLines3D > | |
CProcessorTraits< StreamLines2D > | |
CProcessorTraits< StreamLines3D > | |
CProcessorTraits< Transform< Layer > > | |
CProcessorTraits< Transform< Mesh > > | |
CProcessorTraits< Transform< TetraMesh > > | |
CProcessorTraits< Transform< Volume > > | |
CProcessorTraits< VectorToBuffer< T > > | |
CProcessorTraits< WorldTransformDeprecated< Mesh > > | |
CProcessorTraits< WorldTransformDeprecated< Volume > > | |
CProcessorTrampoline | |
CProcessorTree | |
CProcessorTreeItem | |
CProcessorTreeWidget | |
CProcessorWidget | |
CProcessorWidgetFactory | |
CProcessorWidgetFactoryObject | |
CProcessorWidgetFactoryObjectTemplate | |
CProcessorWidgetMetaData | |
CProcessorWidgetMetaDataObserver | |
CProcessorWidgetQt | |
CProgressBar | |
CProgressBarObservable | |
CProgressBarObserver | |
CProgressBarObserverCEF | Observes progress bar changes and notifies supplied javascript functions on change |
CProgressBarOwner | |
►CProperty | A Property represents a parameter to a processor |
COnChangeBlocker | |
CPropertyConverter | |
CPropertyConverterManager | |
CPropertyEditorWidget | |
CPropertyEditorWidgetQt | |
CPropertyFactory | |
CPropertyFactoryObject | |
CPropertyFactoryObjectTemplate | |
CPropertyLink | |
CPropertyListEvent | |
CPropertyListFrame | |
CPropertyListWidget | |
CPropertyObservable | |
CPropertyObserver | |
CPropertyObserverDelegate | |
CPropertyOwner | |
CPropertyOwnerObservable | |
CPropertyOwnerObserver | |
CPropertyPresetManager | Manage property presets. Has a set of global application presets, a set of workspace presets, and handles property specific presets |
CPropertySelectionTree | |
CPropertySelectionTreeDialog | |
CPropertySelectionTreeWidget | |
CPropertySemantics | |
CPropertyTraits | A traits class for getting the class identifier from a Property. This provides a customization point if one wants to generate the class identifier dynamically, by specializing the traits for your kind of Property: |
CPropertyTraits< Gaussian1DProperty > | |
CPropertyTraits< Gaussian2DProperty > | |
CPropertyTraits< Gaussian3DProperty > | |
CPropertyTraits< MinMaxProperty< T > > | |
CPropertyTraits< OptionProperty< T > > | |
CPropertyTraits< OrdinalAnimationProperty< T > > | |
CPropertyTraits< OrdinalProperty< T > > | |
CPropertyTraits< OrdinalRefProperty< T > > | |
CPropertyTraits< StringsProperty< N > > | |
CPropertyWidget | |
CPropertyWidgetCEF | Handler for setting, getting, onChange and PropertyObservable of a property from HTML. Handles "property.set", "property.get" commands sent from the Inviwo javascript API (see webbrowser/data/js/inviwoapi.js) and sets property values on the Inviwo-side |
CPropertyWidgetDelegate | |
CPropertyWidgetFactory | |
CPropertyWidgetFactoryObject | |
CPropertyWidgetFactoryObjectTemplate | |
CPropertyWidgetQt | |
CPtrEqual | |
CPtrHash | |
CPVMModule | |
CPVMVolumeReader | Reader for *.pvm files |
CPVMVolumeWriter | Writer for *.pvm files |
CPython3GLModule | |
CPython3Module | |
CPython3QtModule | |
CPythonAbortException | |
CPythonEditorDockWidget | A text editor with Python syntax highlighting |
CPythonEditorWidget | |
CPythonExecutionOutputObservable | |
CPythonExecutionOutputObserver | |
CPythonFilePropertyWidgetQt | Widget for a FileProperty with PythonEditor semantics |
CPythonInport | |
CPythonInterpreter | |
CPythonLogger | |
CPythonMenu | |
CPythonOutport | |
CPythonProcessorFactoryObject | |
CPythonProcessorFactoryObjectBase | |
CPythonProcessorFactoryObjectData | |
CPythonProcessorFolderObserver | |
CPythonPropertyWidgetQt | Widget for a StringProperty with PythonEditor semantics |
CPythonScript | |
CPythonSyntaxHighlight | Font and syntax highlight colors for python code |
CPythonWorkspaceScriptMenu | |
CPythonWorkspaceScripts | |
CPythonWorkspaceScriptsObserver | |
CQPtr | |
CQStringHelper | |
CQStringHelper< long int > | |
CQStringHelper< unsigned long int > | |
CQtWidgetsModule | |
CRandomMeshGenerator | |
CRandomSphereGenerator | |
CRangeException | |
CRangeSliderQt | |
CRasterization | A functor class for rendering geometry into a fragment list Will be applied by a renderer containing an A-buffer |
CRasterizationInport | |
CRasterizationOutport | |
►CRasterizationRenderer | |
CIllustrationSettings | |
CRasterizationRendererBase | |
CRasterizeEvent | |
CRasterizeHandle | |
CRasterizer | |
CRawDataReaderDialogQt | |
CRawVolumeRAMLoader | A loader of raw files. Used to create VolumeRAM representations. This class us used by the DatVolumeSequenceReader, IvfVolumeReader and RawVolumeReader |
CRawVolumeReader | |
CRaycastingComponent | |
CRaycastingProperty | Composite property holding parameters for volume raycasting |
CRaycastingState | |
CRBFVectorFieldGenerator2D | |
CRBFVectorFieldGenerator3D | |
CRedGreenProcessor | |
CRenderBufferObject | |
CRenderContext | Keeper of the default render context |
CRenderHandlerGL | |
Crepresentation_traits | A type trait to connect data classes to representation classes of different kinds |
Crepresentation_traits< Volume, kind::Base > | |
Crepresentation_traits< Volume, kind::Disk > | |
Crepresentation_traits< Volume, kind::GL > | |
Crepresentation_traits< Volume, kind::RAM > | |
CRepresentationConverter | |
CRepresentationConverterFactory | |
CRepresentationConverterMetaFactory | |
CRepresentationConverterPackage | |
CRepresentationConverterType | |
CRepresentationFactory | |
CRepresentationFactoryManager | |
CRepresentationFactoryObject | |
CRepresentationFactoryObjectTemplate | |
CRepresentationMetaFactory | |
CResizeEvent | |
CResource | |
CResourceException | |
CResourceManager | |
CResourceManagerDockWidget | Widget class for the Resource Manager |
CResourceManagerObservable | |
CResourceManagerObserver | |
CResourceMeta | |
CRowLayout | |
CRuntimeModuleLoading | |
CSafeCStr | Safe and efficient conversion of a string_view to a null terminated c-string Uses a internal char buffer of size N to store a null terminated copy of the string_view if string_view is larger than N a char[] will be heap allocated. Note: string_view.data() is not null terminated and can not be passed to functions that expect a c-string |
CSampleTransformComponent | |
CScalarToStringConverter | |
CScatterPlotDataFrameVisualizer | |
CScopedClock | |
►CSearchDSL | |
CItem | |
CSeed3Dto4D | |
CSeedPointGenerator | |
CSeedPointGenerator2D | |
CSeedPointsFromMask | |
CSeedsFromMaskSequence | |
CSelectionColorProperty | Composite property holding parameters for highlighted and selected data points |
CSelectionColorState | |
CSequenceTimerProperty | |
CSerializable | |
►CSerializationException | |
CSerializationExceptionData | |
CSerializeBase | |
CSerializeConstants | |
CSerializer | |
CSettings | |
CSettingsWidget | |
CSGCTCamera | |
CSGCTModule | |
CSGCTSettings | |
CShader | |
►CShaderComponent | |
CSegment | |
CShaderComponentProcessorBase | Base class for processor using ShaderComponents. Derived classes should register a set of ShaderComponents to customize behavior |
CShaderManager | |
►CShaderObject | |
CInDeclaration | |
COutDeclaration | |
CShaderResource | Abstraction for a shader source file |
►CShaderSegment | |
CPlaceholder | |
CShaderType | Encapsulate a GLenum shader type, and related information |
CShaderWidget | |
CSharedLibrary | Loader for dll/so/dylib. Get functions from loaded library using findSymbol(...) |
CSharedOpenGLResources | |
CSimpleGraphicsScene | |
CSimpleGraphicsView | |
CSimpleLightingProperty | |
CSimpleMesh | |
CSimpleMeshCreator | |
CSimpleRaycastingProperty | |
CSimpleWithRectangleLabel | |
CSingleFileObserver | SingleFileObserver observes a single file for changes on disk. SingleFileObserver observes a single file for changes on disk. When the application detects the file has been modified it will invoke all lambda functions registered with onChange(...) |
CSinglePropertySetting | |
CSingleton | |
CSingletonException | |
CSingleVoxel | |
CSkewedPerspectiveCamera | Camera with off axis perspective projection |
CSliderWidgetQt | |
CSourceContext | |
CSpatial4DSampler | |
CSpatial4DSamplerBase | |
CSpatialCameraCoordinateTransformer | |
CSpatialCameraCoordinateTransformerImpl | |
CSpatialCoordinateTransformer | |
CSpatialCoordinateTransformerImpl | |
CSpatialEntity | A convenience class to generate transformation matrices between the different coordinate systems in use |
CSpatialIdentity | |
CSpatialSampler | |
CSphereConfig | |
CSphereRasterizer | |
CSphereRenderer | Renders input geometry with 3D sphere glyphs using OpenGL shaders |
CSphericalComponent | |
CSphericalVolumeRaycaster | |
CSplitImage | Processor providing split screen functionality for two images |
CSplitterProperty | Composite property holding all settings of a splitter handle |
CSplitterRenderer | Utility class for rendering vertical or horizontal splitters and providing drag interactions. This class will invalidate the processor for hover and drag events in order to trigger a redraw |
CSplitterSettings | |
CSpotLight | |
CSpotLightSourceProcessor | |
CSSAO | Screen space ambient occlusion post process. (Computed using depth layer) |
CStandardEvaluationErrorHandler | |
CStandardExceptionHandler | |
CStandardFactory | |
CStandardVolumeRaycaster | |
CStateCoordinator | |
CStaticString | A compile time string implementation. Supports compile time string concatenation and conversion to std::string, std::string_view and null terminated const char*. The stored string is null terminated |
CStatistics | |
CStdUnorderedMapMetaData | |
CStdVectorMetaData | |
CStereoCameraSyncer | A processor linking a left and right camera |
CStipplingProperty | |
CStipplingSettings | Basic implementation of the StipplingSettingsInterface |
CStipplingSettingsInterface | |
CStlWriter | Export Meshes in the STL format |
CStrBuffer | A string formating buffer A utility for formatting strings. Uses a stack buffer of 500 chars that will grow on the heap if needed. The StrBuffer is implicitly convertible to a string_view |
CStreamLineProperties | |
CStreamLinesDeprecated | |
CStreamParticles | |
CStreamRibbonsDeprecated | |
CStringComparePMR | |
CStringHash | Transparent string hashing for use in unordered containers with string keys for example: std::unordered_map<std::string, V, StringHash, std::equal_to<>>; |
CStringLessPMR | |
CStringLogger | A logger class that logs to a string |
CStringMultilinePropertyWidgetQt | Property widget for string properties which shows the contents spread over multiple lines. The height of the text editor is adjusted based on the contents and given defaults (2 to 10 lines). Changes are committed when the focus changes or CTRL + Return or CTRL + Enter is pressed |
CStringProperty | The StringProperty holds a string as value |
CStringPropertyWidgetQt | |
CStringShaderResource | |
CStringsProperty | CompositeProperty for a fixed set of StringProperties |
CStringsPropertyWidgetQt | PropertyWidget for StringsProperties |
CStringToDirectoryConverter | |
CStringToFileConverter | |
CStructuredCameraCoordinateTransformer | |
CStructuredCameraCoordinateTransformerImpl | |
CStructuredCoordinateTransformer | |
CStructuredCoordinateTransformerImpl | |
CStructuredGridEntity | |
CSubPropertySelectionDialog | |
CSuperPropertyMimeData | |
CSurfaceExtraction | |
CSyncedListProperty | |
CSyntaxHighlighter | |
CSyntheticDataFrame | |
CSystemSettings | |
CTag | |
CTags | |
CTemplateColumn | Data column used for plotting which represents a named buffer of type T. The name is used as column header |
CTemplateImageSampler | TemplateImageSampler<T,P> aids sampling of images of a given type (T) using Bi-Linear Interpolation with precision (P) |
CTemplateJSONConverter | |
CTemplateProperty | |
CTemplatePropertyConverter | |
CTemplateVolumeSampler | |
CTestMatrix | |
CTetraMesh | Data required to render tetrahedral meshes |
CTetraMeshBoundaryExtractor | |
CTetraMeshBoundingBox | |
CTetraMeshBuffers | |
CTetraMeshModule | |
CTetraMeshVolumeRaycaster | |
CTexAtlasEntry | |
CTexAtlasRenderInfo | |
CTextBoundingBox | Struct for holding bounding box information for a specific text |
CTextEditorDockWidget | Text Editor for a FileProperty or a StringProperty |
CTextFileReader | |
CTextLabelOverlay | A text overlay widget |
CTextOverlayGL | |
CTextOverlayProperty | |
►CTextRenderer | Render text using the FreeType font library |
CFontCache | |
CGlyphEntry | |
CTextSelectionDelegate | |
CTextTextureObject | |
CTexture | |
CTexture2D | |
CTexture2DArray | |
CTexture3D | |
CTextureBase | |
CTexturedIsoSurfaceComponent | |
CTexturedIsosurfaceRenderer | |
CTextureObserver | |
CTextureQuadRenderer | This class provides functionality for rendering an image, a layer, or a texture onto the current render target |
CTextureUnit | |
CTextureUnitContainer | |
CTFColorEdit | Widget in TF dialog for entering six digit HTML hex color codes |
CTFComponent | |
CTFControlPointConnection | |
►CTFData | |
CBase | |
CImplementation | |
CTFEditor | |
CTFEditorControlPoint | |
CTFEditorIsovalue | |
CTFEditorMask | |
CTFEditorMaskMax | |
CTFEditorMaskMin | |
CTFEditorPrimitive | |
CTFEditorView | |
CTFHelpWindow | |
CTFLineEdit | Widget for entering double values within certain bounds and optional range mapping |
CTFLookupTable | |
CTFMenuHelper | |
CTFPrimitive | Base class for a variety of primitives as used by a transfer function |
CTFPrimitiveData | |
CTFPrimitiveObserver | |
CTFPrimitiveSet | Data structure managing multiple TFPrimitives |
CTFPrimitiveSetObservable | |
CTFPrimitiveSetObserver | |
CTFPrimitiveSetWidgetQt | Text-based widget for editing TF primitives |
CTFPropertyConcept | Property interface used by the TF dialog to support different TF properties |
CTFPropertyDialog | |
CTFPropertyModel | |
CTFPropertyObservable | |
CTFPropertyObserver | |
CTFPropertyWidgetQt | |
CTFPushButton | |
CTFSelectionWatcher | Observes a selection of primitives in a particular TF and sends signals to inform on position, alpha, and color changes |
CTFSelector | Processor for selecting a transfer function from a number of customizable presets |
CThreadPool | |
CTIFFLayerReader | |
CTIFFStackVolumeRAMLoader | |
CTIFFStackVolumeReader | |
CTimeComponent | |
CTimer | |
CTimerThread | |
CTonemapping | |
CToolsMenu | |
CTouchDevice | Touch device that generated a touch event. Touch screen device generate points that are physically located on screen. Touch pad device is similar to a mouse, which generate points that are off-screen |
CTouchEvent | Touch event contains all touch points associated with the event. Touch events are usually generated by touch screens or touch pads, see TouchDevice |
CTouchPoint | |
CTrackball | |
CTrackballAction | |
CTrackballObject | |
CTransferFunction | Data structure for holding 1D transfer function data |
CTransferFunctionITFReader | |
CTransferFunctionITFWriter | |
CTransferFunctionLayerReader | |
CTransferFunctionLayerReaderWrapper | |
CTransferFunctionLayerWriter | |
CTransferFunctionLayerWriterWrapper | |
CTransferFunctionProperty | |
CTransferfunctionToIsoTFConverter | |
CTransferFunctionXMLReader | |
CTransferFunctionXMLWriter | |
CTransform | |
CTransformationList | |
CTransformer | |
CTransformer< T, typename std::enable_if< util::is_floating_point< T >::value >::type > | |
CTransformListProperty | |
CTransformRasterization | Applies an additional transform on a given rasterization object |
CTraversingVersionConverter | |
CTrianglesToWireframe | |
CTubeRendering | |
CTypedMesh | |
CUndoManager | |
CUniformLabelAtlasGL | |
CUnitDesc | |
CUnitSettings | Application-wide Settings for axis units, e.g. the SI unit meter |
CUserInterfaceGLModule | |
CValueDragger | |
CValueDragSpinBox | |
CValueWrapper | |
CValueWrapper< TransferFunction > | |
CVector2DCurl | |
CVector2DDivergence | |
CVector2DMagnitude | |
CVector3DCurl | |
CVector3DDivergence | |
CVectorElementSelectorProcessor | |
CVectorFieldGenerator2D | |
CVectorFieldGenerator3D | |
CVectorFieldGenerator4D | |
CVectorFieldVisualizationGLModule | |
CVectorFieldVisualizationModule | |
CVectorMagnitudeProcessor | Takes and ImageInport and renders it into a OpenGL window i.e. a canvas |
CVectorToBuffer | |
CVectorToStringConverter | |
CVersion | Parses a version string "Major.Minor.Patch-PreRelease+Build" and allow versions to be compared. Try to follow semantic versioning: http://semver.org/ A nuanced picture, i.e. reasons why you do not necessarily need to follow semantic versioning: "Why Semantic Versioning Isn't": https://gist.github.com/jashkenas/cbd2b088e20279ae2c8e |
CVersionConverter | |
CVerticalLabel | |
►CViewEvent | |
CFitData | |
CFlipUp | |
►CViewManager | A viewport manager for layout processors like imagelayout. Viewports are added using the following coordinate system: |
CView | |
CVolume | |
CVolumeBinary | Computes a binary volume of the input volume using a threshold |
CVolumeBorders | |
CVolumeBoundaryPlanes | |
CVolumeBoundingBox | |
CVolumeChannelCombiner | |
CVolumeCombiner | Combines two volumes |
CVolumeComponent | |
CVolumeConfig | |
CVolumeConverter | |
CVolumeCreator | |
CVolumeCurlCPUProcessor | |
CVolumeDataReaderDialog | |
CVolumeDiff | |
CVolumeDisk | |
CVolumeDisk2RAMConverter | |
CVolumeDivergenceCPUProcessor | |
CVolumeDownsample | |
CVolumeExport | |
CVolumeFragmentListRenderer | |
CVolumeGL | |
CVolumeGL2PyConverter | |
CVolumeGL2RAMConverter | |
CVolumeGLProcessor | Base class for volume processing on the GPU using OpenGL |
CVolumeGradientCPUProcessor | |
CVolumeGradientMagnitude | Computes the gradient magnitude of a 3D scalar field and outputs it as float volume |
CVolumeGradientProcessor | Computes the gradient of a 3D scalar field |
CVolumeIndicatorProperty | A property for highlighting a plane, line of point in 3D |
CVolumeInformation | Information on input volume |
CVolumeInformationProperty | |
CVolumeInformationVisualizer | |
CVolumeLaplacianProcessor | |
CVolumeLowPass | |
CVolumeMapping | |
CVolumeMasker | |
CVolumeMerger | Merges up to four single-channel volumes into a single volume |
CVolumeModule | |
CVolumeNormalization | |
CVolumeNormalizationProcessor | |
CVolumePy | |
CVolumePy2GLConverter | |
CVolumePy2RAMConverter | |
CVolumeRAM | |
CVolumeRAM2GLConverter | |
CVolumeRAM2PyConverter | |
CVolumeRAMPrecision | |
CVolumeRAMSubSet | |
CVolumeRasterizer | |
CVolumeRaycaster | |
CVolumeRaycasterBase | Base class for volume raycasters. Derived classes should register a set of ShaderComponents to customize behavior This base class uses the "raycasting/raycaster-template.frag" shader template |
CVolumeRaycastVisualizer | |
CVolumeRegionMapper | |
CVolumeRegionShrink | |
CVolumeRegionStatistics | |
CVolumeReprConfig | |
CVolumeRepresentation | |
CVolumeSampler | |
CVolumeSequenceElementSelectorProcessor | |
CVolumeSequenceSampler | |
CVolumeSequenceSingleTimestepSamplerProcessor | |
CVolumeSequenceSource | Loads a vector of volumes |
CVolumeSequenceToDataFrame | |
CVolumeSequenceToSpatial4DSampler | |
CVolumeShader | |
CVolumeShifter | |
CVolumeSliceExtractor | |
CVolumeSliceGL | |
CVolumeSliceVisualizer | |
CVolumeSource | |
CVolumeSubset | |
CVolumeTetraMesh | Data required for rendering an Inviwo Volume as tetrahedral mesh |
CVolumeToDataFrame | |
CVolumeToSpatialSampler | |
CVolumeToTetraMesh | |
CVolumeVoronoiSegmentation | |
CWaveFrontWriter | Export Meshes in the Wavefront Obj format |
CWebBrowserApp | |
CWebBrowserBase | |
CWebBrowserClient | |
CWebBrowserModule | |
CWebBrowserProcessor | Render webpage into the color and picking layers (OpenGL) |
CWebBrowserSettings | |
CWelcomeWidget | |
CWheelEvent | |
CWheelEventMatcher | |
CWildCardArg | |
►CWorkspaceAnnotations | |
CBase64Image | |
►CWorkspaceAnnotationsQt | |
CProcessorShim | |
CWorkspaceGridView | |
CWorkspaceInfo | |
CWorkspaceInfoLoader | |
CWorkspaceManager | |
CWorkspaceTreeModel | |
CWorkspaceTreeView | |
CWorldTransformDeprecated | |
CXMLWriter | DataFrame XML Writer |
►Npybind11 | |
Cpolymorphic_type_hook< inviwo::Processor > | |
Cpolymorphic_type_hook< inviwo::Property > | |
►Nstd | STL namespace |
Chash< inviwo::FileExtension > | |
Chash< inviwo::PortConnection > | |
Chash< inviwo::ProcessorPair > | |
Chash< inviwo::PropertyLink > | |
Chash< inviwo::resource::GL > | |
Chash< inviwo::resource::PY > | |
Chash< inviwo::resource::RAM > | |
Chash< inviwo::ShaderType > | |
Chash< std::pair< T, U > > | |
Chash< std::tuple< TT... > > | |
Chash< typename inviwo::BrushingTarget > | |
Chash< typename inviwo::ShaderSegment::Placeholder > | |
Ctuple_element< N, ::inviwo::util::detailzip::proxy< Ts... > > | |
Ctuple_size<::inviwo::util::detailzip::proxy< Ts... > > | |